Fred Meyer COMMUNITY REWARDS – sign up now!

Fred Meyer COMMUNITY REWARDS – sign up now!
If you’re like most Alaskan’s you step into Fred Meyer for a thing or two often enough so that their rewards program is beneficial to you. Well, guess what, your rewards program can ALSO be beneficial to Steller Secondary! It’s like getting TWO for the price of ONE!! It only takes about 2 minutes to LINK your Fred Meyer rewards card to Steller Secondary and WA-LAH you become a hero 🙂
Please click on the following link to read about the program, On that page is another link that says “Re-enroll or link your Rewards Card now.” Please take a couple of minutes and help the school that your son or daughter attends everyday with this no-hassle, FREE Community Rewards Program. But WAIT, if you share this opportunity with friends, family and anyone else who you know shops at Fred Meyer on a regular basis they can become a hero, too! Please spread the word and let’s take a chunk of the $2.6 million that Fred Meyer donates each year as Community Rewards. THANK YOU!