Food Alergies?

AAFA AK’s Education & Support Group
for Parents of Food Allergic Children

The group will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month
9:30 to 11:00 am

Groups will begin Jan.17
Location: AK Regional Hospital
IVY 2 Room (lower level)

Jan. 17 Let’s Talk About Food Allergies

Guest Speaker: Dr. Melinda
Rathkopf will talk about Food
Allergy Facts and Fears

Feb. 21 Nutrition.

Let’s share recipe’s and talk
about creative ways to meet our
kids nutritional needs.

Mar. 21 Food Allergy & Eczema

Guest Speaker

April 18 Let’s Review: Auto Injectors,

emergency action plans, child care/

babysitter instruction cards.

What do we do with our teens?

May 23 Topic TBA

Let them know you are interested! or 696-4810/800-651-4914