Eugene’s Safety Reminders

Welcome back to another Steller year! Since we, as a community, share the Steller facility, here are some rules and safety tips that we can use to help us live and work together safely and considerately.

 All visitors must check in at the office so the staff knows who is in the building both for security and fire purposes. When you sign in, we know that your car (the one without a permit) is in the parking lot. You alleviate confusion and avoid a parking ticket. Speaking of permits,…

 School Board Policy states that all students who park in school district parking lots must have a parking permit. Permits cost $50 per semester. Students may pick up a Vehicle Registration and Parking form from me or from the office. The permit requires a parent or guardian’s signature. Please pay for the permit in the office and bring the completed form and receipt to me and I will issue you a permit.
Cars will be checked randomly for current car permits. Your car will receive a warning the first time. The second time you’ll receive a fine, and the third time you’ll be towed at your expense. Ooch.
Happily, permits from our school are ok in other school parking lots. So if you were planning on driving your car to another school for classes or activities, you’ll be covered.

 Vehicle safety is important. Please don’t speed in the driveway or parking lot. Don’t overload your car with passengers, that is, each passenger must have a seat belt. This is part of responsible driving. Our school is about responsible freedom, which means just that, freedom to be responsible in all things you do and making proper choices. If proper choices are not made, those freedoms that we al cherish could and can be taken away.

 The front access drive is a Fire Lane. Dropping off and picking up students is fine but no one is allowed to park there. Any car parked in the Fire Lane (without a driver in the auto) can and will be towed at the owner’s expense. There are no warnings given out for this offense.

 If you are parked in the front access drive when we are having a drill, PLEASE move your car to the parking area of the school immediately. Be aware of students streaming out of the doors. If the alarms go off and you are sitting in your car in the access drive, it might not be a drill! It could be an emergency and you could be blocking an emergency vehicle trying to get to the school.
The staff does not have time to locate the owner of a car in an event of an emergency or a drill. Our first concern must be the safety of the students.
Don’t try to pick up your student during an emergency or drill. It causes confusion and increases the risks for our students. Students will be released at the proper time after the event.

 Many Steller students walk to one of the fast-food places during lunch, or walk to a bus stop. If at all possible, stay in a group. Do not walk or wander down back alleys just because it is a shortcut. These areas are danger zones and should be avoided at all costs. If anyone approaches you that you do not know, don’t talk to them! Run to the nearest safe place and report it at once.

 Several students ride bikes to and from school. Remember to wear a helmet at all times when riding your bike – especially on school property. Please do not ride bikes on the school sidewalks or parking lots. WALK THEM. Bikes are often an unexpected obstacle for both cars and pedestrians. Accidents can easily happen.

 Skateboards are not allowed on school property.

 If you notice an adult or a student you don’t think belongs to the school, please tell any staff member right away. Do NOT confront them. Let the staff member ask who they are and their business at Steller.

 Regarding Steller’s “Couch Policy”…
We currently have one opening for a couch in the lounge. Please keep reading if you are interested in donating one. Our policy is below, and please, wait until the second week of the school year to donate a couch.
We can have a maximum of two couches in the front lounge at any one time. When they get to the point of being a safety problem or are just plain worn out, we get rid of it and replace it with a “new” donated couch. At that time, and only at that time, will we accept a couch for the school. Even if you’ve received an OK for donating your couch, DO NOT just drop it off at the front door. I or someone else on staff must check in the couch. We would prefer to preview your donation before you move it to Steller. We cannot accept a donation that isn’t in good condition, and we don’t have room to store a couch.
In the past, couches have been left without notice and the cost of hauling away a couch has soared.
This rule also applies to the classroom couch donations. No approval, no acceptance.

Thanks for paying attention to Safety at Steller. Enjoy the rest of your summer.