Emergency Lunches

We are out of Cup of Noodles in the  nurse’s office. I appreciate the many generous donations from you parents who have been so gracious contributing food items. If other parents are so inclined, the kids could use another case of Cup of Noodles from Costco (or wherever) to tide them over until next year. I have reminded the “frequent fliers” who tell me that they do not have time to make lunch in the mornings that their lunch can be made the night before. Next year it looks like we’re going to have Souper Steller every Friday, so everyone will have a nutritional meal that day.  Steller is excited about that!

Thank you for the Cup of Noodles, other food contributions and the many great things you do for this wonderful school. There have been many hungry Steller students who made it through the remainder of the school day  thanks to your generosity.  Have a great summer and be safe!