Draft Parent Meeting Agenda

Steller Parent Group Meeting

Wednesday December14th, 2011


What is happening at Steller (Events, Issues from Steller Groups)

  • Principal Report
  • Staff Report
  • Ad Group Report
  • Op Group

What is happening in Parent Group – Parent Group Committee Reports

  • Budget
  • Co/replacement Parent Group Secretary
  • Report on Community Café for New Parents
  • ASD Facility Committee Update

How can we support Steller? (select one or two for small group conversation):

  • Recruitment retention work session schedule
  • Community service-how can parents support, how can we organize our base
  • Dance night parent sessions-what would be of interest to parents
  • Other


  • Budget approval

Ideas for small group topics for next parent group meeting

• Suggestions?

Upcoming Events

Next Parent Group Meeting Wed. Jan. 11 @ 6 PM.

Next All Community Meeting Th. Jan. 12 @ 6:30 PM