Correction: On Tuesday August 23, 2016 Steller’s 8th grade class will be heading out for a team building hike from Glenn Alps towards Hidden Lake. We will be leaving Steller first thing in the morning at 8:30am and returning after lunch, at 12:30pm. We will need parent drivers and chaperones to drive all 55 students and hike with us. If you are able to drive, please email Leigh Anne Bonney at with the number of students you can drive, your name, your student’s name, and a contact phone number. Permission slips are attached here fieldtrip permission slip and can be dropped off at Steller or brought in the first day of school on Monday August 22, 2016. More information about what to bring will be sent out closer to hike day, but students will need to be prepared to be outside all morning and will need to bring a rain coat, water, and lunch. This is an easy hike that all students should be able to do unless they are injured or unable to participate in physical activities. Please feel free to email Leigh Anne with specific questions.