Constitution Day 2010

A number of exciting opportunities in law-related education (LRE) are available to Alaska’s youth over the coming year.  In honor of Constitution Day—this Friday, September 17—we’ve compiled them into the attached flyer and are providing them to you in the links below.

Alaska High School Mock Trial Championships

Statewide mock trial competition sponsored by the Anchorage Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section
Anchorage–December 3-4, 2010

Color of Justice

Workshops to promote diversity in the legal profession and judiciary for Alaskan students.
Sitka–February 2011; Anchorage–June 2011

Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s Online Interactive Civic Education Program
Play the “Supreme Decision” game to learn how appellate courts work!

“Justice for All” Student Art Contest

Interpret the importance of Fairness, Diversity & Equality to Our Justice System
$500 1st Prize; $300 2nd Prize; $200 3rd Prize
Deadline for Entries: Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, February 16, 2011

Law Day

Annual celebration of America’s Legal System–May 1st
Contact the Alaska Bar Association (907-272-7469) or Alaska Court System (907-264-0879) for details.

Supreme Court LIVE

Alaska Supreme Court oral arguments before high school audiences.
Juneau–September 17, 2010; Anchorage–February 2011; Fairbanks–September 2011

We the People: The Citizen & The Constitution

Mock congressional hearing competion testing knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
State Competition: Anchorage–December 8-9, 2010;  Regional competitions in November. (Select “In Your State”)

For more information: Maida Buckley, UAF,

Alaska Bar Association LRE Grant Program

Have an idea for advancing law-related education?  Apply for an LRE Grant!
Application deadline: January 2011