College & Career Planning Resources

Important links:  what to do to go to college in Alaska, and application due dates.

AKCISAKCIS (Alaska Career Information System)     

  •  Explore  •  Organize   •  Set college / career plans                 

Directions for logging in to AKCIS

1.   Click the above link AKCIS

2.   Username: steller     Passw0rd:   4akcis

3.   Once you’re in, create and save your own portfolio



•  Find Colleges  •  Pay for College  •  Make a Plan

Other Important Links to Keep Handy:

GOING TO COLLEGE IN ALASKA?  The Going to College in Alaska website has useful guidance on:

  •   Applying to College / Training
  •   After High School
  •   Your Choice

Key topics available on this website include:

Dates to Remember: Testing and Alaska State and UA Foundation Scholarships Scholarship apps are due on February 15, 2014 at UAA, UAF, UAS, APY, and UA FoundationÂ