The Citywide Cleanup “Super Sweeper” Program on May 2 is a great way to teach kids the importance of not littering and it’s also a lot of fun. Jointly coordinated by the Anchorage School District and the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, the Super Sweeper Program challenges elementary, middle, private and high schools to get together to clean trash around their school and in their neighborhood.
Calling all Steller students! Families are welcome to join our student volunteers to clean up Anchorage neighborhoods. Pick up your orange bags at Steller Secondary on Saturday, May 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Steller students will be entered to win an IPOD Shuffle!
Important Rules to Follow:
* Be SAFE! Children must be with a buddy at all times. Younger children must be accompanied by an adult or guardian.
* Children should be instructed to remain in familiar areas.
* Children should never pick up sharp objects (broken glass, needles, etc).
* Stay away from busy streets and major highways. Children can cross streets only when an adult is with them.
* Orange trash bags may not be used for household trash, yard clippings or hazardous waste such as a car battery, or household cleaners.
* Return orange bags back to Steller for pick up after 2pm.
Dress appropriately. Rain gear, waterproof shoes and hats are recommended. Don’t forget gloves!!!
Contact Shannon or Wendy if you have any questions or concerns.