Christa Brelsford Update

Yesterday, Christa kept a very busy schedule!  We arrived during her physical therapy in the morning.  She is already up and using the walker to get around her room and the hallway nearby.  She is also instructed to eat, eat, eat to help her body heal – “a cheeseburger, but not from McDonalds”
was her first request.  We then helped her wash her hair, which was still full of concrete dust.  She had been looking forward to that for days!  In the afternoon, Christa had a string of visitors, starting with Alex Sink, who is currently the chief financial officer of Florida and will be running for governor.  She was in Miami to look at what else the state could do to help with the situation in Haiti.  With her were two Haitian American state representatives, i.e. elected to office in Florida. They were particularly interested in trying to get aid to the more outlying areas, so Julian and Christa were able to give them more information about Dabonn and Leogane.  In particular, Christa said that members of the Sri Lankan peacekeeping battalion who helped her have advanced medical training, but no supplies to speak of.  Getting supplies to that area would really help many of the wounded people who arrived and spent the night with her at the Sri Lankan outpost.

As soon as the politicians left, a young man whose leg was amputated below the knee arrived.  He had seen Christa on the news, and wanted to offer her some advice that he wished someone had offered him when he was in the same situation.  He was a very active kite boarder, and he gave her some advice about prosthetics, but he also said that she shouldn’t have to slow down much.  She remains really optimistic and resilient.  Julian is starting to walk on his wounded foot, and also seems to be doing well.

We remain profoundly grateful for the calls and notes expressing support. We are not as quick in replying to all, but please understand.  Jess is helping us to try to get update notes out more regularly.

Taylor, Alan, and Jess