Category Archives: Yearbook

Join Steller Clubs Now!

Are you interested in joining T.P.C?

We are having tryouts/ Interviews Tuesday, September 7th at 12 pm, in Brian’s Room! No experience necessary to participate. We will have training for lights and sound/ music for new members. 

For new to Steller students, T.P.C. (Technical Productions Committee) is in charge of running music, sound, and lights for dances, theater projects, and the talent show for Steller Secondary! If this sounds like something you would enjoy participating in. Please feel free to come by for interviews. 

Are you interested in helping out with the 2021-2022 Yearbook? 

Come join us every Monday and Wednesday after school from 2:15 – 3:00 pm in Marla’s room! No experience necessary to join. We will provide needed materials in order for students to participate. Yearbook has a number of jobs such as photo taking, caption writing, page designing, and advertising. If this sounds like you please feel free to join the club!

Submitted by Alana P. 


Yearbook Club Meets Monday’s

Also, don’t forget to purchase your yearbook. They won’t be around much longer!!
Reminder for the following deadlines:
All students – February 10th
  • Home study area photos
  • Student art
  • Passages

Email to and include your first and last name, grade, and a description of your photo.

For Seniors – February 20

  • Senior pages
  • Baby and 7th grade photos for the “guess that senior and glow up page”


Personalised Yearbook

Dear Steller,

For personalized  orders the 2020-2021 school yearbook needs to be ordered by January 29th 2021 to ensure the personalizations can happen.
Normal yearbooks will be up for sale till April. 
We still need photos of students with art work, your home study area and passages! Please send them to yearbook at


Yearbook Deadlines

All students – February 10th

  • home study area photos
  • student art

 Email to and include your first and last name, grade, and a description of your photo. 

For SENIORS – February 20th

We at yearbook understand making senior pages are difficult, so we have extended the deadlines for:

  • Senior pages
  • Baby and 7th grade photos for the guess that senior and the glow up page.

Remember this is the last day since the yearbook needs to be submitted 9 days later so it is crucial we have everything either before the 20th or on the 20th.

Avoid disappointment and order Yearbook now!

Secondly, if you haven’t purchased one already yearbooks won’t be for sale much longer. We at yearbook recommend purchasing earlier rather then later. We have sold about 68% of our goal. 

Voting for Senior Superlatives!

This year’s Yearbook will include a page for Senior Superlatives and Steller students grade 9 to 12 are invited to vote!

Please vote for who you think is “Most Likely to Kickstart a Multimillion-Dollar Company” or “Most likely to survive the Hunger Games” and more!

Steller high schoolers are welcome to participate. All the superlatives are optional in case you can’t think of someone for that category. Even if you only know one senior that could be “Best Gamer,” you should cast your vote!

The final results will end up in this year’s yearbook. Click this link to access the form:

Thank you so much!
Isabel MarshallSenior

Wanted: Yearbook Photos!

Hello steller families! 

As finals week is coming close to an end so is the upcoming deadlines for Yearbook.

We are close to the 45% mark for portraits turned in! We would love to have 100% participation if possible from the Steller community. This means in the next 4 days we need 55% of the portraits turned in to reach our goals. Currently yearbook needs 170 portraits.  At the bottom of an email a guideline has been given to help take the portrait photos at home. 

Yearbook is also in dire need of out-of-school activities photos, homemade mask photos, siblings, best friends (with stuffed animals), and transportation photos.

Please submit your photos before December 20th!

 If you have any questions about submissions please let us know. 

The price of yearbooks will be going up soon as well, make sure to get those ordered here.

The price will go up January 1st to $50 a book. 

After the break, we will be looking for student art photos, home study area photos,  and many more. If you already have photos that fit these categories feel free to send them in early! 

We wish all Steller community members a healthy and happy winter break. 

Yearbook committee

A note from SPG : The yearbook committee consists of a handful of staff and students  (who are volunteering their time).  Many ASD schools aren’t going to have a yearbook at all, so we at Steller are so lucky that people have stepped up to do this for us!  The volunteers still have many steps to do to properly record each photo into the yearbook software after they receive them. So waiting until the last minute means more work for them during the holidays. Let’s help them out!

Please email your photos to or with your name, grade, advisory and theme your photo is for.


Winner of Free Yearbook!

Hey Steller, just a reminder that Yearbook still needs photo submissions!

Congratulations to Ravyn C. in 9th grade for submitting a portrait by December 9th.  You won the draw, and will receive a FREE YEARBOOK. Contact to make sure you receive your book. 

We have about 1/3rd of the staff and student portraits needed for this year’s yearbook. Please submit ASAP to

Yearbook also still needs
* Portraits!¡!
* Sibling photos
* Out of school activities
* Best friends with your favorite stuffed animal friends
* Transportation photos

Yearbook greatly appreciates all the hard work that Steller’s community has already put into the yearbook, but please help us make it complete by including every student possible.

Thanks, Alana P Yearbook Director