Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Steller Parent Group Meeting April 13


 Steller Parent Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 13 at 6:00pm via Zoom. All students, staff and parents are welcome to attend and vote on decisions. 

See here for Minutes from past Meetings.

Our Funding Requests include:

  • Wilderness First Aid and First Aid/CPR certification for Brian’s Outdoor Education Class.
  • iPads and pens to create a full class set to be used in art and intensives.
  • Treats and prizes for volunteers at the Steller Super Sweeper event (tentatively May 1st).

Up Coming Events & Activities Include:

  • Grade 7 Social Club (ongoing) 
  • Steller Reflection Committee – Monday, April 12, and Monday, April 19 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • Steller Super Sweeper Family Event – Saturday, May 1st 1:00 to 2:00pm (tentatively)

This is your chance to hear from Reed and staff about:

  • Transition to in person school
  • New Principal Hiring Process 
  • Ask your questions

We need a new Treasurer for next year. 

This position requires a few hours of work each month and attendance at the SPG meetings. In years when we run an Auction the work required increases for about 6 weeks. Brandon is happy to support anyone who steps into the position next year, and the books are well organized and ready for an easy handoff. 

Topic: Steller Parent Group
Time: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 6 to 7:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER
One tap mobile
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)



Community Statement from N.H.S.

Community Statement for Steller from The Steller N.H.S. :

Hello everyone, The Steller National Honors Society wanted to put out a statement about our purpose to encourage volunteer opportunities for all students.

For a long time the Steller N.H.S. has needed more volunteers for programs such as the Homework Club which is completely run by students and staff here at Steller. Another program we often need help with is the Mobile Food Bank located in Fairview.

Since the start of N.H.S. here at Steller Secondary we have put it upon ourselves to have a goal of making more great leaders in the Steller community.

The volunteer opportunities hosted by N.H.S. are available for both member and non-member students to participate in. We always welcome an extra helping hand.

If you feel like any of these volunteer opportunities are programs you would like to help with, please feel free to come to meetings no matter the grade (7-12) so you can help make the Anchorage community a better place. 

Meetings on Tuesdays at 2 pm. and the link can be found on the 7th hour page.

Alana P.






What Lessons Have We Learned?

At tonights Parent Group meeting a parent brought up a very good question.

As we start the final quarter of this unique and challenging year, and start looking forward to next year, now is a good time for our community to consider what we have learned, what might we want to continue doing next year, and what changes might we want to work on. 

One idea that has been mentioned was to continue with having Wednesday as an asynchronous day, with the possibility of allowing passage time, or perhaps modifying our intensives to be spread out over the term. I am sure there are many great ideas out there that merit consideration. 

It was proposed that a committee of staff, students and parents might want to convene and identify ways to get input from our community.  This moment presents a powerful opportunity for our community to come together, and provide direction for our school, and to me is at the heart of the Steller Philosophy. 

If you or your student would be interested in joining this committee please let me know at


Opportunity for Students

Mental Health Advocacy Through Storytelling (or MHATS) is a group of Anchorage high-school-age students who tell stories of mental health triumphs in order to combat the stigma surrounding mental illness and open up conversations.

Over ten meetings, we learn to tell true and personal 5-7 minute stories in the style of Arctic Entries/Storyworks/the Moth. We also learn advocacy skills– how to stand up for yourself and others. In addition to storytelling, in this session, we will be learning about what mental health education looks like in schools and advocating for House Bill 60, which would put K-12 mental health education into Alaska State law.

To learn more visit their website here. 

To register here: 

Steller Parent Group Meeting Tuesday at 6:00pm

Attending Steller Parent Group meetings is a great way to hear about what is happening at school directly from Reed and teachers, ask questions, and have your say in school decisions.  It is also a good way to meet other parents – especially when we aren’t seeing each other in person.  We are a friendly group and happy to see new faces! 

Now is also the time to start thinking about next year’s committee.  Our current treasurer Brandon Brooks will be stepping down, so we will need someone to fill his shoes. If you think you might be interested, or know someone who would be, please reach out.  The more time we have to hand things off the easier it is! 

We will also need a co-chair for next year. Co-chairs are usually two years, and the positions are staggered so that one person always has some experience. If you are interested in joining me for the rest of this year, or next year I’d be happy to talk.

You can always find Meeting Minutes and Agenda’s under the Parents Tab on the Website here. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER
One tap mobile

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 



Update from Steller Parent Group

  1. Join the grade 7 Committee to talk about how we can help build community for our 7th grade students.  Email if you are interested in learning more and we can choose a date and time that works for everyone. 
  2. Check out the Student Showcase page to see the great work our students have been doing this year. 
  3. Here are the Minutes from the January meeting.  
  4. We are looking for a volunteer to help manage the Steller Directory (less than an hour a month commitment). 

We are here to serve the Steller community, please feel free to reach out if you have ideas or see areas of need. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten (Chair)

Quyanas to our Staff!

ASD is currently running a unique way to recognize staff for their efforts to support our children in their learning.  The website describes it this way:

Quyana (ku-‘ya-na) a Central Yup’ ik word for thank you, is also the name of our site-based award of appreciation. You can give this award to any employee or volunteer in recognition of achievement, service or dedication.

Thank you to the students and parents that have taken the time to write a few words for our staff.  To see what others have written visit the site here. 

If you would like to say your own thank you please go to this link and write your Quyana. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Student Nutrition Committee Meets Tuesday, December 8 at noon

Steller Parent Group would like to invite parents, staff and students to join the Student Nutrition Committee.  The purpose of this group is to ensure that all Steller students have access to healthy and balanced meals – especially during this pandemic. 

Starting in October 19, all ASD students enrolled in the National School Lunch Program are eligible to pick up free breakfast and lunch through a special emergency program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Steller Secondary does not have a school lunch program and is not registered as part of the NSLP and so our students are not eligible for this program. 

We would like our Steller students to be eligible to participate in this program.  Our committee plans to explore ways to address this issue.

If you are interested in helping please join us for a planning meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 12:00 to 1:00pm.  Email Kirsten at for the Zoom link.

Sincerely, Kirsten Tschofen Chair SPG

Holly Rinehart, Chair Student Nutrition Committee