Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers needed


Chaperone the Unhalloween Dance
Friday, January 19 – choose your shift (6:15-8:15 or 8-10, or both)

Help recruit new students to Steller
-Are you familiar with an elementary school PTA? See the sign-up and spread the word about Steller’s amazing program.

Visit elementary school PTA meetings in Jan and Feb. (You will be given helpful talking-points and flyers.)

  • Do you have a connection at an elementary school? 
  • Visit your student’s past school.

Help at an Alternative Fair 

Help at the Ice Cream Social, SPG Welcome Table on Thursday, 2/15 6-7:30pm

Well Done Steller Community!

So far, Cups for Kids has raised $8389! Thank you for your generosity. 

We are at 56% of our annual goal of $15000!

If you haven’t had a chance to donate, there’s still time!

  • Click DONATE NOW.
  • Drop cheque (made out to Steller Parent Group) off at the Office.
  • Many workplaces offer donation matches, so please check yours and make the most of it! 
  • Help raise money for SPG while you shop – Link your Fred Myers Reward Card here. 

Want to know more about where your money goes? See what we were able to fund in the 2022-2023 school year. With your help we can fund even more things! 

Thanks for helping

On behalf of Steller Parent Group we would like to thank all our volunteers for helping with our fundraiser Cups for Kids! 

  • Our lead Monica started working on this event in August and has spent hours planning the logistics. 
  • 16+ adult volunteers put in 40 hours over the last three days.
  • Over a dozen students helped out each day! 

This is the beauty of the Steller Spirit! 

Zoom link for Tuesday Meeting


Steller Parent Group will have our first meeting Tuesday, September 12, 6:00pm to 7:30pm in person and via zoom.

Topic: SPG Meeting

Time: Sep 12, 2023 06:00 PM Alaska

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 811 0084 7163

Passcode: 477461

Dates to Remember:

  • September 13 to September 20 Vote for SPG budget online
  • September 12 register for 14 PSAT for grade 10 and 11
  • September 13 6:30 to 8:00 College Prep Family Night
  • September 21 6:00 to 7:30 Grade 6 community forum – this is an opportunity to learn more about adding grade 6 students to our school and share feedback. 
  • October 10 6:00 to 7:30 Next SPG meeting



BBQ Tomorrow!


 Great Steller BBQ of 2023 is today! Tuesday, August 15, 6:00 to 7:30

Meet other students, and families, staff, and Steller Parent Group. Mingle. Maybe you will find that last minute car share you are looking for! 

Steller Parent Group will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie options, and drinks. 

What can you bring?

  • Families with names A – L are invited to bring a side dish to share
  • Families with names M to Z bring a dessert to share 
    • Please make sure your dish is well labeled for allergens, pre-cut, preferably and ready to serve. Label your dishes and take them back at the end of the night.

A few final details:

  1. In case of light rain we will forge ahead with the Can-do Steller Spirit. If you have “Pop-Up Tents” you can bring that would be great. Dress appropriately! 
  2. Bring your own chairs, tables, blankets and whatever else you need to be comfortable! 
  3. Please remember to bring your own dishes – we are trying to minimize waste.
  4. We need a few more volunteers for the second shift so our first shift gets to mingle
    1. BBQ meisters (6:30 to 7:30)
    2. Food servers (6:45 to 7:30)

Sign up here: .

5. If everyone helps stack chairs, takes down tents and brings home their own dishes at the end of the night its a HUGE help to our volunteer crew! 

We are looking forward to seeing you all there! 

Got Grill Skill?

The Steller BBQ is just a few weeks away and we are excited to see Steller students, families and guardians, and staff! 

If you have grill skills we need you! We have rented a commercial grill and are looking for one person to be the BBQ lead, and a few more to staff the BBQ.  You can sign up for the Grill, help serve food, and other jobs here

And don’t forget to REGISTER here to help us plan how much food to buy:

Dates to remember:

Steller Orientation

Schedule for Thursday, August 17th

8:30 – 11:45AM – Students meet in Advisory Groups

11:45AM – 12:40PM – LUNCH

12:40 – 2:05PM – Students meet in their Grade Groups

Schedule for Friday, August 18th

8:30 – 11:45AM – Students meet in Grade Groups

11:45AM – 12:40PM – LUNCH

12:40 – 2:05PM Students meet in Advisory Groups

Wednesday, August 30 – Back to School Night (Meet the Teachers) & All Community Meeting (meet families, students, and Steller Parent Group)

Tuesday, September 12 – Steller Parent Group General Meeting

Principal and Staff Report, Budget Presentation, Open SPG positions, 50th Anniversary Celebrations. Every member of the community is automatically a member of SPG and is encouraged to attend meetings and share their voice.  

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to Steller Flash to receive updates directly to your inbox! 





Save the Date for the Annual Great Steller BBQ

Steller Parent Group and Steller Staff are happy to invite all Steller Students, Families and Staff to the Great Steller BBQ of 2023 on Tuesday, August 15 6:00 to 7:30 pm.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to come together as a community, meet new friends, and catch up with old friends.  SPG will provide burgers & hot dogs (with veggie and gluten free options) and drinks.

Families with last name A-K are invited to bring a side dish to share, and families with L to Z are invited to bring a dessert.

We look forward to seeing you!

REGISTER to attend and VOLUNTEER to help at this event.


Steller Parent Group wants to make sure that we are reaching as many members of our community with up to date and relevant information as possible. We have four ways we communicate with you:

  1. Website/Steller Flash updates will appear on the SPG website. Students, staff, and parents/guardians can SUBSCRIBE to receive updates directly in your inbox. All requests for volunteers will be posted on the website/sent out through Flash, so it is important for families to subscribe!
  2. Steller Secondary Parent Group is a closed Facebook Group created to promote communication between current parents/guardians, teachers, and staff for organizing school activities, announcements, questions, and keeping up with everything that is going on. Feel free to jump in with questions or posts.  Join the Steller Secondary Parent Group Facebook Group
  3. Steller Secondary Page is an open Facebook page visible to the public. If you are a Steller Alumni and want to stay informed about special activities, fundraisers, and student highlights. Follow the Facebook Page
  4. Steller Directory SPG has created a simple directory using Google Questionnaire. 

    Once Advisories have been finalized we will send out the link for parents & guardians, students and staff, to opt in to the Steller Directory.

Save the Date:

Wednesday, August 30 – Back to School & All Community Meeting

Tuesday, September 12  (6:00 to 7:30) – Steller Parent Group Meeting – Committee Sign Up, Budget Presentation