Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Chaperones Needed

There must be at least 5 parent chaperones for the dance to fly on Friday afternoon/evening. WE ONLY HAVE 3! The dance runs 3:30-7 pm.

Jean’s advisory group would welcome the help from parents from other advisories. Have you met your volunteer hours yet this year? This is a fun way to get in your hours. Steller kids are the BEST teens in Anchorage to hang out with. Chaperone the dance and find out for yourself!

PLEASE let me know if you can help. We’ll have to give cancellation notice, if we don’t meet the required number of parent chaperones.


FYI…For all those AG’s who help volunteer at the food bank (or those who were thinking about starting).  The food bank is in need of donations.



As you know, we just finished feeding more people at Thanksgiving Blessing and Neighborhood GIFT than ever before.

Compounding the fact that the need is greater is that food is becoming more valuable (i.e. more expensive) and FBA is having to purchase more food than ever before. You may not know that 50% of our food comes from local donations. Food drives account for less than 5% of the food we distribute, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a brutal winter.

As the holidays close, I am hoping you will visit our web site and make a contribution to help us fill our pantry for the hard months ahead. Thank you. And thank you for believing, as we do, that no one deserves to be hungry.

Susannah Morgan
Executive Director

Spread the word and help us fight hunger in Alaska! Please forward this request to those you think might also want to help

Food Bank of Alaska
2121 Spar Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501

Seniors Need your HELP!!!!

The Annual Winter Prom is just around the corner… Jan. 24, 2009 from 8-12 PM at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum.   The senior class is the host for the evening but we need some help.  Parents are needed to chaperone the dance and help to supply the food platters and drinks.  The section times for chaperones are from 8-10 and 10-12 and we need 6 adults per section time. (12 total for chaperones)  Also drinks and food platters that consist of finger food are needed.  We are planning on 150 students to attend and therefore need food/drinks for 150 students for the evening.   PLEASE we need your help… this event cannot occur without your help and support.  Call Jamie E at 227-0664 or me (Larry) at 742-4961 and leave a message to set up a time you can chaperone or what food or drinks you can bring.

Thank you so very much for supporting our senior class and Steller Secondary School.


Food Alergies?

AAFA AK’s Education & Support Group
for Parents of Food Allergic Children

The group will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month
9:30 to 11:00 am

Groups will begin Jan.17
Location: AK Regional Hospital
IVY 2 Room (lower level)

Jan. 17 Let’s Talk About Food Allergies

Guest Speaker: Dr. Melinda
Rathkopf will talk about Food
Allergy Facts and Fears

Feb. 21 Nutrition.

Let’s share recipe’s and talk
about creative ways to meet our
kids nutritional needs.

Mar. 21 Food Allergy & Eczema

Guest Speaker

April 18 Let’s Review: Auto Injectors,

emergency action plans, child care/

babysitter instruction cards.

What do we do with our teens?

May 23 Topic TBA

Let them know you are interested! or 696-4810/800-651-4914

Steller BOOK FAIR at Title Wave Books

November 21-23.

Students, parents, teachers and families come to Title Wave and shop.  At the end of the fair,
Title Wave donates 25% of the proceeds from the sale of the Book Fair to Steller’s Alternative Fund.

The Fund will help pay for next year’s Coalition of Essential School’s conference (to be held in the Fall).  Teachers, a parent, and a student will be attending the conference.  Vouchers were passed out during advisory group to be presented upon purchase.

Please print the voucher form

WANTED: Parent Help!

Jean and Natalie still need a parent in their Advisory Groups to serve as Parent Liaison.  Job Description—serve as contact between Advisor and other parents in the group.  Set up an email list/phone tree to forward announcements and recruit volunteers for group activities.  May occasionally attend Ad Group meetings and help to organize events.  May represent group at monthly Parent Group meetings.


Oct 10, Fri- Picture Retakes

Oct 14-16, Tue-Thurs- Exit Exam make-ups (11th & 12th grades), Lunch, MPR

Oct 16, Thurs-Picture Retakes

Oct 17, Fri-In-Service Day. No school for  students.

Oct 18, Sat- PSAT test, see Karen in Library

Oct 22, Weds- Parent Meeting, 5:30, Ken’s Room

Oct 23, Thurs-Ad Board Meeting, 5:30-7pm, Ken’s Room

Oct 24, Fri- OCTOBER DANCE, 7pm, MPR

Oct 27, Mon- Report cards handed out in CG

Oct 31, Fri-In-Service Day.  No school for students.

Scheduled College visits at Steller are Oct. 1,2,6,8,9, and 10th.  See the Calendar icon link for details.

Monthly Staff Luncheons

Whereas:  Teachers sacrifice portions of their own lunch hour and classroom space everyday so that students can have a safe comfortable place to enjoy lunch . . .
Parent Group proposes re-instituting Monthly Staff Luncheons.  Luncheons will be provided by pairs of Advisory Groups working together, according to a pre-arranged calendar, one Wednesday each month throughout the school year.  A parent, yet to be named, will handle the overall organization with help from the Parent Liaisons of the scheduled Advisory Groups.  This will be a cooperative effort between parents and students—teachers should not have to make a single phone call, or reminder email.

The above proposal was passed last month, first by Parent Group, and then by students in Op Group.  We are seeking that “yet-to-be-named” parent described above to handle the overall organization. A good deal of the preliminary work is already completed.  Please contact Rochelle Wilhelm at 562-2558, or if you are interested in this fulfilling opportunity for a Parent volunteer.