Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Digital Photography intensives field trip! Volunteers needed!

A field trip to Anchorage Museum is scheduled on 12/08/2010. We are planning to observe Alaska Art and History galleries, as well as new offerings such as science galleries, and Smithsonian gallery. Our focus is an amazing temporary exhibition featuring Andy Warhol art. Filmmaker, photographer, and commercial illustrator, he is one of the most influential American artists of our time.

I need parents who will provide transportation. We are planning to leave school at 9.15 a.m. and come back at 11.45 a.m. Please email

Admission fee for each student is $7, plus there is a $15 charge for a guided tour. I will collect $8 per person to cover the tour fee.

Best regards,

Volunteers needed!

Russian classes are taking a field trip to St. Innocent Cathedral on Thursday Oct. 21, 2010 from 8.30 a.m. -10.00 a.m.  It is a cultural, not religious event; no services will be performed. Father John will provide a lecture about the history of Christianity in Alaska. We need help with transportation.

Please join us.  The cathedral was built in 1967. The architecture of the building is beautiful (very traditional), and the lecture promises to be very interesting.

Please contact to Svetlana<> or sign-up in the office.

Dance Chaperones Needed

Chaperones wanted for the September 24 “Roll Out The Red Carpet” Dance.  Shifts are from 7 – 9 and 9 – 11!  Email Nina [] at Steller if you would like to volunteer.  Remember, its a fun way to get in those 10 hours/family volunteer time!

Orientation BBQ Help Needed

Parent volunteers are needed for the Orientation BBQ this Thursday, August 19th. All you grillmeisters out there can really help us out by using your skills to help serve up a hot meal in the parking lot this Thursday from 10:45 am to around 1:00 pm. We also need folks to help set up tables, set out food, and paper supplies and help with the cleanup. Teachers will also be helping out, but this is a big undertaking and the more hands we get the smoother the whole process will go. If you can help us, please email Ken, Jennifer, or Svetlana (addresses are on the Steller website) or call us at 742-4950. Thanks for all that you do.

Ken, Jennifer, and Svetlana

Planned Parenthood Seeking Summer Volunteers

My name is Kime and I am the new field organizer at Planned Parenthood.  I am working on recruiting volunteers for the summer. This opportunity might appeal to any students interested in non-profits, politics, community outreach, women’s health, or reproductive justice.

I would be happy to help facilitate an independent study with a student or a few students, if they are interested .

Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Have a great day,

Kime McClintock
Public Affairs Field Organizer-Anchorage
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest
907.770.9707 (Office)

Summer Volunteers Needed

The Anchorage Museum/Imaginarium is looking for teen volunteer science guides for the summer.
Please contact Karen Mouton at 929-9277 or look on the Museum’s website at

Students may attend one sign-up date April 12, 16 or 17. These are the only times they may sign up for this volunteer summer job.

Posters are up in the school with Karen’s card and more information.

17 Days

1. We need 3 parent volunteers at the “check-in” tables. Hours 5-8 pm, March 26th. This job involves recording bidder names and assigning bid numbers.
2. We need 5-6 parent volunteers to assist the 9th grade students set up the tables with Auction items. Hours 4-6 pm March 26th.  Please contact Jean Poulsen (9th Grade class teacher sponsor) if you would be willing to donate your time for this important event.