Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Dear Parents,

Please consider satisfying your “10 Hours Annual Per Family” volunteer obligation by way of the September 15 Activity Night!  We could use your expertise in may ways, from chaperoning to offering a workshop!  You are welcome to stay the entire night from 9:30pm – 6:00am or any portion thereof.  Please see the enclosed volunteer form, complete, and return to the office.  Activity Night is not possible without your support and we appreciate you!!

Click here for the volunteer form.

Attention Sophomore Parents…

The Sophomore Class is in need of parent volunteers to bring in lunch for Sophomore Day, which will be on Friday, 4/15/2011 this year (we only have 1 volunteer as of yet).

In years past we have asked students to “brown bag” a cold lunch for this event; however, last year 8-10 parents provided pizza and this seemed to work very well.

Pizza will need to be dropped off around 12:15 as our lunch this day is from 12:30 to 12:50 (just enough time to eat).
If you are unable to pick-up and drop off a pizza but would still like to assist by purchasing a pizza or two, please let me know.  I will make arrangements for another parent to pick up/deliver.

Nurse Wendy

Help Wanted!!

Philip and Leigh Anne are looking for help for our survival Intensive.
Please contact us if you have expertise or know someone who does and can get us in touch with a contact in any of the following areas:
·    Edible Plants

·    Animal tracking

·    Bush craft (shelter building, etc.)

·    Survival stories-We are looking for someone willing to come in and share his or her own story of survival, so if you or someone you know would be willing to come in and talk about a survival experience, please let us know.

Shoppers Wanted:

I  am looking for some help in lightening up my weekly shopping load for art classes.  If you enjoy going to Michael’s, Fred Meyer, Joanne Fabric, Blaine’s, etc…. And would like to help out the school, please contact me.

Dear Steller Parents,

During spring intensives this year I will be offering “Introduction to Calligraphy” and I am looking for 1 or 2 parents, full or part time, to assist in this class.

No prior experience necessary. Only strong dependability and a desire to learn and play required. All students, 7th-12th will be welcome.

This will be an exceptionally playful, informative, hands-on two weeks of letterform and a strong technique-based class.

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

Thank You,
Karen Jarrett, TA
Steller Secondary