Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunity

Looking for a way to volunteer on the Martin Luther King Day of Service?
Join us in the Art Room at Mountain View Community Center Boys & Girls Club next Monday, January 16, between 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM to help youth create artworks for the “Justice for All” Art Contest!   The art contest, a joint educational outreach effort of the bench and bar, invites students to address “fairness, diversity, & equality” and the role they play in our justice system.
No artistic talent or experience is necessary to help out-just a willingness to spend some time with some great young people. You won’t want to miss it!
Justice Dana Fabe, Chair of the Alaska Supreme Court’s Fairness, Diversity and Equality Committee, will help us kick off the Art Room activities at 1:00 PM.  If you are willing to volunteer, please let me know as soon as possible.  You can stay for one hour or six hours-whatever fits your schedule and your interest.   The event is presented in conjunction with the MLK Day Free Legal Clinic co-sponsored by the Alaska Bar Association and the Alaska Court System, and your volunteer hours will be acknowledged.
Barbara Hood
Communications Counsel
Alaska Court System
303 K Street, 5th Floor
Anchorage, AK   99501
FAX 907-264-0640

Community Involvement

Grade level 9–12.

Prerequisite: Parental permission, advisor recommendation, and instructor’s approval.

This course is designed to promote social and emotional learning

for students involved in school-based community service

while further developing their leadership and facilitation skills.

Participating students will be expected to serve 60 hours of community

service, attend 20 hours of facilitation training, complete

reading response assignments, participate in a collaborative journaling

and design and implement a service learning project. May be repeated 4 times.

At this time, this course will involve a tutoring partnership with North Star Elementary. If you have any questions, please see Deanna.

Halloween Dance

Dear Steller Parents,

The Yearbook is setting up the Halloween Dance (10/21/11) and is in need of donations for certain items:

Otter Pops
Halloween Decorations

Also, Yearbook needs  10 chaperones total for the dance: 5 chaperones for each shift. First shift is 6:45 pm – 9 pm. Second shift is 8:45 pm – 11 pm.
Please, sign up in front office, or call 907 742-4950.
Please, bring donations to Svetlana’s room.

Thank you,
Yearbook staff.

Parent Volunteers Needed

Hello all! Temple of the Bean, the student-run cafe within Steller, needs parent volunteers! It is ASD policy to have an adult in the kitchen during the cafe’s shifts, and the teachers are not always free! Parent volunteers would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to volunteer, please email Abigail Wright at, specifying what day(s) and shift(s) you would prefer.

Here are the shifts:
Morning= 7:30-8:20
Lunch= 11:50-12:30
After school= 2:10-3:30
Thank you! (: