Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Activity Night Chaperones – A few more needed!

We are still in need of a few more chaperones for the 9:30-2am and the 2-7am for Friday, April 13th’s Activity Night.  This is a wonderful night for students to hang out with their peers to bond and celebrate the uniqueness of Steller. If you can help us out we would really appreciate it.  We will make sure to have fresh coffee all night!

Dance Chaperones needed – Friday 3/23

Leigh Anne’s and Ashley’s advisory groups are hosting the Classic Cartoons Dance this Friday, March 23rd from 7-11pm.  We are in need of chaperones!  We are looking for 4  chaperones from 7-9pm and 6  chaperones from 9-11pm.  If you can help us out, please email or   We thank you in advance for your support!

Free Vision Screening


The Lions Club has agreed to come to Steller and perform a very sophisticated vision screening for students, faculty and any parent who is interested. ASD has purchased two of the machines that are to be used it is expected that this will become part of the routine ASD screening in the future. I have arranged for the Lions Club volunteers to show up Thursday, March 29th. They will be start screenings soon after 8:30. Please make certain your adolescent has his/her glasses on or contacts in that day. They will not be screened without them.

I would also like a few parent volunteers to go to the classrooms and bring students down to the MPR. I want this to go as rapidly as possible so that students are not out of class longer than necessary.

This screening checks for a multitude of visual problems. It is not quite as advanced as the screening an optometrist does, but very close. It does not screen for distance screening, therefore I will check for distance vision on those students I have not already screened. These are the potential visual problems that Plusoptix looks for:

Anisometropia – difference of the spherical equivalents of both eyes (unequal refractory power)

Astigmatism – blurred vision from irregular or toric curvature of the cornea or the lens

Hyperopia – farsightedness; greater difficulty seeing near objects than distant

Myopia – nearsightedness; greater difficulty seeing distant objects than near objects

Corneal reflexes – problems with asymmetry of the corneal reflexes of both eyes

Anisocoria –difference of the pupil diameters of both eyes

Since a similar screening is going to be routine with ASD and this is not an invasive procedure, no consent form required. A form will be sent home with the results. If a referral is necessary, the problem will be addressed on the form. You are highly encouraged to follow up with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.  Recently a student in ASD was found to have a detached retina. If it had not been caught, the child likely would have lost vision in that eye. Please call me at 742-4963 if you have any questions.


Thank you,


Steller School Nurse

Parent Volunteers needed for Steller Activity Night, April 13th

The senior class is looking for Parent volunteers to help as this year activity night.  We are looking for parent who can supervise doorways, supervise classroom activities, help serve breakfast, and/or can bring and share a craft/activity of their own.  The timeslots we are in need of filling are:  All night (9:30pm-8:00am), 9:30pm-2:00am, 2:00am-7:00am, or 5:00am-8am.  Please email if you can help out or if you have more questions about his event.  Thanks so much!

Chaperone Need

This Ski/Snowboard Intensive is short a parent chaperone for this Friday, March 2nd.  A parent chaperone is needed to drive to Alyeska and possibly transport a student and teacher back to Anchorage if there is an emergency.  The parent would be able to spend the day ski/snowboarding on the wonderful spring slopes for only $15 (if they were then needed as a transport back to Anchorage the $15 would be reimbursed).  We are also looking for parents with flexible schedules who can be listed as alternates in case we have any more cancelations.  If you are able to help with either option please email me at:   Thanks so much!

Parent Drivers Needed

Parents, the Winter Outdoor Intensive is still looking for drivers.  If you are able to help out, we would greatly appreciate it.  We will be leaving Steller by 9 AM and returning by 1:30 PM.  You are also welcome to join us in our adventure.


Monday, February 27th: At Service/Hillside (skate skiing and maybe ice skating if skating area is cleared)
Tuesday, February 28th: ice-skating at Westchester Lagoon (students are welcome to bring hockey sticks/pucks) – drivers aren’t needed as we can walk, but if anyone wants to join us, you are welcome
Wednesday, February 29th: skate skiing at Russian Jack
Thursday, March 1st: ice-skating at Goose Lake (students are welcome to bring hockey sticks/pucks)
Friday, March 2nd: skate skiing at Kincaid (note we will be staging out of the chalet)
Monday, March 5th: classic skiing at Eagle Glen (note we will be staging out of the golf club)
Tuesday, March 6th: snowshoeing at Steller – playing soccer, kickball, etc. – drivers aren’t needed, but if anyone wants to join us, you are welcome
Wednesday, March 7th: classic skiing at Service/Hillside
Thursday: March 8th: snowshoeing at Bicentennial


Thank you.

High Schooler Volunteer Opportunities at the Campbell Creek Science Center

Are you a high school student interested in working with children outside in a natural environment? The Bureau of Land Management’s Campbell Creek Science Center is looking for interested, enthusiastic, and committed high school students to assist us with these active and outdoor-based programs coming up in the next month. If you are interested in any of these, contact us ASAP. You will need to bring a Volunteer Agreement form with you that is already signed by a parent, so we need time to get that form to you beforehand. Working some of these programs may also require a brief orientation. (We are sorry! We are only able to have you help out if you are in high school.)

If interested (or for more information, of course), contact Brian Lax at or call me at 267-1236.

All programs take place at the Campbell Creek Science Center, 5600 Science Center Drive. All times listed include arriving one hour before the actual program to help set up and leaving a half hour afterward to help clean up. 

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 3-7:30 pm (program begins at 4, so okay to arrive from 3-4), After School Outdoor Program with elementary school students

Thursday, Feb. 23, 3-7:30 pm (program begins at 4, so okay to arrive from 3-4), After School Outdoor Program with elementary school students

Friday, Feb 24, 3-7:30 pm (program begins at 4, so okay to arrive from 3-4), After School Outdoor Program with elementary school students

Saturday, Feb 25, 8:30 am-2:15 pm, Super Saturday, Middle Schoolers, snowshoeing/tracking and firebuilding/survival kits

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 3-7:30 pm (program begins at 4, so okay to arrive from 3-4), After School Outdoor Program with elementary school students

Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2-6:30pm (program begins at 3, so okay to arrive then), After School Outdoor Program with middle school students

Thursday, March 1, 3-7:30 pm (program begins at 4, so okay to arrive from 3-4), After School Outdoor Program with elementary school students

Saturday, Feb. 3, 8:30 am-4 pm, Iditarod Ceremonial Start—Be a part of the excitement! Details still to be worked out.