Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Help Needed!!



Parent Group is going to have to take our hard earned dollars and pay somebody big bucks–over $2000!!– unless some amazing parent steps forward to take on the task of treasurer.

The bulk of the year (no summer work) requires only a few hours per month, with extra time at the beginning of the year and during the Auction.

Please consider helping the Steller community in this manner.  We would much prefer to spend parent group money on projects directly benefiting our students.

Comfort with working with numbers is all that is required–the outgoing treasurer can train you!  Familiarity with Quickbooks is helpful.

Please contact Jennifer at ASAP.

Volunteer Opportunity

Looking for a way to give back to Steller?

Do you love numbers and budgets?

Have some accounting skills?

Familiar with QuickBooks?

Steller Parent Group Needs You!

We are in need of a treasurer for Parent Group.  It would likely require about 5 hours of your time per month including attendance at parent group meetings.  Training will be provided by current treasurer.


Contact Jennifer Hall Jones at for more information.

Activity Day

Dear Steller Parents, Activity day is in need of parent volunteers!  Op Group is asking for parents to help buy food, transport food, and help with the grilling!  If you are interested please contact Kyrie Speer at to let her know what you would like to help with.  Activity day is being held at Cuddy family Park in Midtown on Monday May 14, 2012.

Senior Breakfast

Hello parents!  The Steller Sophomore class is asking for parent volunteers to help with the second shift in the kitchen.  The second shift is from 7:30- 8:30 am.  We currently have no volunteers for that shift.  All we need is 1-3 parents supervising the 10th graders in the kitchen.  This would be greatly appreciated if you would like to help.  Please call the office as soon as possible because the Senior Breakfast is fast approaching.  The breakfast is the morning of Thursday May 3, 2012.

Activity Day

Dear Parents,

Steller’s All School Activity Day is Monday,  May 14th at Cuddy Family Park.  Permission slips were handed out to all students today in Advisory Group.  It is important that we receive all permission slips no later than Thursday, May 10th in order to calculate buses and BBQ amounts.

PLEASE return your signed slip to the office or your advisor asap.


Click Here for the Activity Day Permission Slip



Dear Steller Parents,

Activity day is in need of parent volunteers!  Op Group is asking for parents to help buy food, transport food, and help with the grilling!  If you are interested please contact Kyrie Speer at to let her know what you would like to help with.  Activity day is being held at Cuddy family Park in Midtown on Monday May 14, 2012.

Chaperones For Prom

CLUE the Prom, to be held on May 5 at the Anchorage Museum, is in need of chaperones.  Any parents willing to volunteer between the hours of 8pm and 12am on that day would be greatly appreciated!  Please call or e-mail Ashton Curry (529-9503/ or Seth Eggleston (717-3463/ if you are availiable, and let us know for how long and what times you would like to be there.
Thank You!
The Junior Class