Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Souper Steller this week–help needed please!

souper stellerhelp pleaseSouper Steller is ON this week and we really would love help from a couple parents for the following times:

3/24 2-4pm (Thursday after school)
3/25 9-12:45 Friday day time-please come ANY hour, no experience necessary:)

Jean’s advisory will be choosing menu and helping out.

Please email if you can make it or have questions.

Thanks Much!!

Kids Don’t Float Seminar Weds 9/17 from 12-12:30

Kids Don’t Float will be at Steller on Wednesday, September 17, 12-12:30pm in the Seminar Room. This is an opportunity for Steller students to develop leadership skills while teaching life-saving information to elementary school students. Students will learn about opportunities to teach within the local elementary school classrooms as well as pool sessions. Interested students should attend the session on Wednesday to get more detailed information and training on how they can make a difference!

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We Still Need Parent Volunteers to help with Sophomore Day lunch

I still have not gotten volunteers to bring lunch to the BP Energy Center on Sophomore Day. I have the okay from Parent Group for reimbursement for pizza and salad, etc., but need someone to pick up the food and get it there. You are welcome to stay, have lunch and hear the presenters. It should be a very interesting day.  Attached is the schedule.

If I do not receive volunteers, I’m going to have to go down the list of sophomore and call parents. If you have that day off or if you can take even a couple of hours off to pick up the food from Costco and bring it to us, it sure would help me out. If you can help in anyway just let me know and we can work something out. I appreciate your help. Please make certain too that your sophomore has returned his/her consent form.
Nurse Anne

2013 Sophomore Day Schedule

Lunchtime Library Help Needed!

Volunteering in the library is relaxed and fun. Our volunteers help our students by keeping the library open during the lunch hour.  To volunteer for either Tuesdays or Thursdays (or both!) from 11:30am-1 pm, please call the office at 742-4950 ASAP and ask for Becky (Steller’s library aide). You can also reach us via email at (Becky, Library Aide) or (Svetlana, Librarian).


Parent support needed at Steller Library during Lunchtime

The Steller Library is a great place to spend your lunch – and a lot of students think so too!  Let us know if you would like to help out from 11:30-1:00 on either Tuesdays or Thursdays in the library. Students love to use it for studying and research over lunch, but we can only offer that if we can keep it open – and we need parents to help us accomplish that!  Email Steller’s library aide, Becky, at or call me at 244-8829.  You can choose to volunteer either once a week or once every two weeks.

Thanks for your support!