Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Steller High School Prom, “Secret Garden,” – Saturday, May 4, 2019

During an All Steller High School meeting after school, it was decided by the vast majority of the students in attendance, that the Steller High School Prom 2019, “Secret Garden,” will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019, at the Senior Center on 19th St. from 8:00pm -12:00am.

It was also determined that in order to ensure that the prom could take place, parents would need to sign up to chaperone and students would need to volunteer to help decorate the venue.  

We would like to thank all students who attended the impromptu meeting.  Thank you for sharing your ideas and opinions and for participating in true Steller form by respecting the opinions and ideas of others even though they may not be your own. 

We hope to see you all at the, “Secret Garden.”

Please note, if you are planning on bringing a guest who does not attend Steller Secondary, sign ups close at 4:00pm, Wednesday, May 1, 2019. 

Volunteer Driver Form

Each year we need a new volunteer driver form filled out and copies of the necessary documentation for the actual vehicle you will be driving. If you will be driving multiple vehicles, you will need to provide the documentation for EACH vehicle.

-current and valid driver license

-insurance in the minimum amount of $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury and $25,000 property damage and will maintain such coverage throughout the school year

-current vehicle registration



Steller Auction – Sat Nov 4th 6-9pm

Where: Steller Secondary School

Why: The Parent Group Auction pays for things like… travel, intensive fees, Souper Steller, classroom supplies, community events, grants for BIG ideas, field trips and so much more! The upcoming November 4th auction is the one event each year where we are able to generate the necessary funds to ensure every student has great opportunities here at Steller. Can’t make it? Please consider donating from the homepage of the website. THANK YOU!


If you have questions or would like to help to make this year a great success,

please call or text Karen Gillis (907 887-1148)


Souper Steller – need 4 parent volunteers

Remember to bring your bowls this Friday, because we will be serving our chicken noodle and tomato basil soup! 

There will be a 2pm to 4pm prep on Thursday, and a 9am to 12:45pm set-up, serve, and cleanup. We need at least 2 parent volunteers for each of these times!

If you can help at either of these times, please contact Emma Kramer at 

Dance through the Decades - Thursday, Nov.9

Dear Parents,
Steller is going to be hosting a “Dance through the Decades” on Thursday November 9th from 7 to 11pm. We would like to remind you that the 10th is an in-service day for students as well as Veterans Day. We are in need of chaperones to supervise this dance from 7 to 9pm or 9 to 11pm. We would be very appreciative of any volunteers. Please email Ashley at if you are available to help out. We hope to see you at the dance.

Thanks in advance,
Dance Committee

Souper Steller Food Drive!

October 30th to November 13th

Souper Steller is a club that works to make soup for the Steller community every other Friday. Souper Steller Club wants to have a larger effect on the community by donating food and soup to homeless shelters around Anchorage. This drive is part of that effort.

Preferred Donations

  • Canned Vegetables

  • Oatmeal

  • Canned Tuna

  • Powdered Drinks

  • Granola or Energy Bars

  • Canned Fruit

  • Butter

  • Canned Tomato Products

  • Dry Cereal

  • Olive Oil


  • Homemade food

  • Opened food

  • Leftovers

  • Perishables

  • Frozen Foods

  • Anything that may attract mice

Souper Steller is looking for members, talk to Emma Kramer if you are interested!
If you have questions about the drive, talk to Emma Kramer or Rachel Curtiss.

Auction Reminder & Volunteers Needed

Going once, going twice, SOLD! Please join us for the annual Steller Parent Group Auction this Saturday, November 4, and be ready for the fun!

If you haven’t already donated items for the auction please consider this awesome opportunity to get rid of stuff that might be cluttering up your space but could be worth something to someone else 🙂

Since this is the only fundraising activity on the calendar for Steller at the moment this is a really important event. Steller parent group is the primary source of funding for classroom needs, travel intensive‘s, community events, and lots of other school funding requirements. 

We also need volunteers to help make this a great Auction. Please consider signing up for an hour or two on Saturday as a helper! Please contact Judith Davis ( 



The Steller Parent Group Auction is this Saturday, November 4th. 
Parent Group previously shared information about the need to increase student donations by way of services to the auction. The student donation form is in the office and needs to be filled out and turned in to Janet or Haley by November 1. 
Parent group is strongly encouraging students to work together to generate teams within their advisory group to donate services. Please be sure there is parent approval and/or support for your donation. We are also upping the ante to a requirement that an advisory MUST have at least six donations in order to win the prize. Please contact Karen Gillis with any questions (email or text/call 907-887-1148). 

ANSEP Middle School Academy

ASD and the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) are offering the opportunity for students to attend the Middle School Academy at UAA this January.

WHO:   Students currently in grade 6, 7 or 8, who:

  *   Are interested in science and mathematics
  *   Are on track (or have the ability to get on-track) to complete Algebra 1 before entering high school
  *   Have passing scores on the state’s standardized science and mathematics tests
  *   Have at least a B average in science and mathematics courses
WHEN:  January 16-27, 2018

WHERE:  The Academy will be held on the UAA campus and hosted by the ANSEP. Students will be housed on the UAA campus; it is mandatory for all participants to stay in the provided housing for the duration of the Academy.

HOW:  Students must complete an application and return it to the Title VI Indian Education office by 5:00 p.m. on November 17, 2017. The application can be found HERE.