Category Archives: Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers!  Steller Auction

We need your help to make the Steller Auction on January 24 a fabulous success.
If you are interested in volunteering during the day for set up, or at the event, please join me for a 15 minute meeting after the regular Parent Group Meeting on Tuesday, December 10.
We will need help with things like transporting Auction Items from school to 49th State Brewing Company during the day, set up, and helping out with check out at the end of the night. 
If you can’t make the meeting please email me at
Kirsten Tschofen
Steller Auction Committee


Coffee and Hot cocoa! – Monday Nov 18

Dear Steller parents,
The sophomore class would like to brighten up your Monday morning with Coffee and Hot cocoa. On Monday the 18th we’ll be giving out Coffee and Hot Cocoa for a suggested donation of $2. Coffee will be sold outside of Steller by the pull in lane. All proceeds will go toward Steller Op group. We would like to thank all Steller parents for participating. Also special thanks to Kaladi Brothers Coffee for donating supplies for this event!
The Sophomore Class

Teacher appreciation lunch – Tuesday Nov 19

Parents, please join us for a teacher appreciation lunch hosted my Steller Parent Group– this is a great opportunity to meet and thank teachers in an informal social setting. 
Tuesday November 19th 11:45-12:30 in the multipurpose room. Soup, bread and salad will be provided. Potluck contributions are welcome, but please come even if you aren’t able to bring food. RSVP here:

Parent Group meeting – Tuesday Nov 12

Steller Parent Group Tuesday November 12, 6 -7:30 pm in Ken’s room: join us to hear updates from students and teachers, learn about upcoming events, and volunteer to help with the Steller Auction (Jan 24th!), a lunch with teachers and parents, Souper Steller, and other opportunities to support all the great student-led work at Steller. If you’re interested in volunteering for one of these events or projects but are unable to come Tuesday, email PG co-chair Ann at:

Steller Halloween Dance – Thursday 10/24

Parents please bring spooky baked goods (leave a list of ingredients as well). We also need chips of any kind, and a vegetable platter. If your student has a conference on Thursday, feel free to drop it off at the Steller kitchen. Please contact Alana with any questions. These items are for the Steller halloween dance. It is this Thursday at 7 pm steller mpr! It will be spooky and full of fun. Tickets are $5 without a costume and $3 with one. Half of the proceeds will go to the aspca. We also need two more parent chaperones from 9-11 on thursday night please email Alana ( if you would like to sign up. 

Need Halloween dance chaperones – Thursday Oct 24

Hey Steller parents, yearbook needs parent chaperones for the Steller Halloween dance. The dance will fall on the night of the 24th of October (this is a half day) and will run from 7-11 pm. Chaperones will need to show up at 6:45 pm due to the fact that we can’t let kids in till all chaperones are here. We have no parent chaperones at this time. Please sign up! You can sign up by contacting Alana at: text or call (907)229-8694 or  mail

the following shifts are open
6:45-9 pm     
9-11 pm

Thank you from Yearbook secretary, Alana Rose. 

Need Parents to Host Grade Level Socials

Dear Steller Families,
The Steller Parent Group is looking for parents to host a grade level parent social in their homes (or coordinate one at some other location). The hope is to help build community by getting to know each other, and the idea is very simple: the host chooses a date and time, puts out an invitation to grade level parents, and everyone who comes brings something to share.

We have hosts for grades 7 & 9, and are looking for the following:
Grade 8
Grade 10
Grade 11 & 12 

If you are interested in hosting, or would like to learn more please contact me at
Kirsten Tschofen (Ezra grade 7, Eli grade 11)

Souper Steller – Friday, September 20th

Hello Steller Community!!

Put it on your calendar: the FIRST Souper Steller of the year is Friday, September 20th and we’re going to need all hands on deck!

Parents, Staff, and Students are ALL welcome to help prep Thursday after school from 2-4pm. We’ll also need some SOUPER helpers to help set up, serve, and clean up on Friday from 9am to 1pm (one does not have to be there the entire 4 hours). We’re going to need as much help as we can get on both days, remember the more the merrier!

Remember to BRING YOUR BOWLS- not only do you get to hop to the front of the line, you’d also be helping the planet!

-Souper Steller Team

Volunteers needed- students and parents- Steller BBQ!

Volunteers needed- students and parents- and please join us for the Steller BBQ!
Thursday August 15th 5:00-7:30pm at Steller.

Volunteers needed to help with setup, cooking, serving, and cleanup.
Please email, text, or call Ann Mayo-Kiely if you’re able to help, and include when you’re available and your preferences:, 907-223-8204.

Thank you!!!