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Conference Schedule Reminder

Wednesday the 24th and Thursday the 25th are early dismissal days.  With school starting at 8:30am and ending at 11:45am

Students who are not here with a parent for their scheduled conference will need to be off the school grounds by 12:30pm.  Please make arrangements to pick up your students by this time.

Friday, October 26, 2012 is an in-service day and there is NO SCHOOL for students.


Tables will be set up in the hallway with students’ lost and found items.  Please stop by during conferences and check for any lost items.

Blood Drive on Wednesday; Donors Needed!


This Wednesday, October 24th from 12 to 5 pm is the annual Steller blood drive. So far, we only have eight people signed up and there are 26 time lots still available!  If you are so inclined, please call me at 742-4963 with a  time in mind and I will put your name on my roster. The Blood Mobile will be parked outside and you can conveniently donate there. It is  a great way to give to your community.

Thank you for you help with this.

Nurse Anne


Closing reception at Blaine’s this Friday

If you were able to make it, Philip and I want to express our appreciation for attending our first show.  We hope you liked the work and enjoyed the evening.

We’d also like to invite you to the closing reception at Blaine’s Art this Friday @ 5pm.  This will be the final night of the auction for Alaska Cares.

Hope to see you there 🙂

Ad Board Meeting, Tonight, Thursday, October 18

Ad Board Meeting

Thursday, 6:30-8:00 in Ken’s Room (Begin in the MPR)

Please join us for our October Ad Board meeting, and add your voice to Steller’s government. We will be electing officers, receiving updates from the students, staff, parents, Dale, and the Grant Committee.

We will also be continuing our discussion on making sure that Steller retains the character that attracted our students.

And…a special treat! We will begin at 6:30 in the MPR with a short concert by the Steller band!

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening!

Class Schedule for Week of 10/22-10/26


Class Schedules for the week of October 22-26


Monday          Tuesday         Wednesday    Thursday       Friday

1                      1                      1                      1                      NO SCHOOL

2                      2                      2                      2

4                      3                      4                      3

5                      6

Lunch             Lunch             Dismiss           Dismiss

5                      6                      Conferences   Conferences


On Wednesday and Thursday, the classes will run in this order:  50 minutes, 50 minutes, 40 minutes, 40 minutes

Classes will dismiss at 11:45, and students must leave the building by 12:30 PM.