Category Archives: Uncategorized

TP or Kleenex Drive

Attention parents and students!

There is going to be a toilet paper drive at Steller, each advisory group will be asked to bring in TP or tissue and the proceeds will be donated to Bean’s Cafe.  So please bring in a 4 pack, a roll (individually wrapped), or just a box of tissue.  Anything or everything helps 🙂  If everyone brings 1 roll that would be 280 rolls.

Thank you,


10th grade


2012 Winter Intensives

Click here to download a complete list of the Winter Intensives

Intensive Scholarships Now Available!

Interested in one of the upcoming intensives, but the class fee is too high?  Steller is offering scholarships, based on financial need, that could pay for part or all of the intensive fee.  If you would like to apply for an intensive scholarship

Scholarship deadline is: November 12, 2012

Click here to download the Intensive Fee Waiver