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Steller Auction a HUGE Success!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to every single person who organized, asked for donations, brought in items, worked entering items, did set up and decorations, brought food, bought items and donated to Souper Steller.  Because of your GREAT GENEROSITY the auction brought in over $16,000!  $4000 of that was direct donation to Souper Steller so we can be sure that we will have soup and a few new pieces of equipment that the group has been needing.  We are going to attempt to name some of the many people who made all of this possible.  If we forget your name, our apologies and please know that everyone is greatly appreciated.

Wendy Woolf, our fearless leader.  Rochelle Wilhelm, Rebecca Johnson, and Rebecca Martin, steering Committee.  Danielle and Bob, 9th grade advisors and the whole 9th grade class.  Jennifer Hall Jones and Mary King, who organized the food.  Ty Nesheim, Morgan Vail, Elizabeth Hancock, Meagan Kwatch, Iveria Lorenz, Pamela Montgomery, Teresa and Rick Zimmer, Michelle and Aurora Murrills, Leah Camery, Tim Thorndike, Jocelyn, Heather Sawyer, Whitney Sutton, Jen Willette, Jillaine Heinrich, Dale Redding, Jodi Curry, James and Mary Elam, Christina Holgren, Mark Thorndike, Julie Shuttleworth, Sandy Camery, Mary Vittone, Becky Harrison and Richard Drake, Dan Miller, Hellen Sharratt, Charlie Tyrell, Kelli Reagan, Donna Bain, Deb Hawley, Heather Evans, Kathryn Grundhauser, Elizabeth Wood, Seth Eggleston, Takima’s breakdancing class, the Acrobalance group, TPC, Kenn Norris our fabulous auctioneer,  Joe and Janice Banta, Alyse and Pat Galvin, Michelle Brannon, and last, but certainly not least, our AMAZING Principal, Dale Evern, who was still pushing a mop at 10:30.  You are our hero!

Mid-Quarter Grades November 15

Mid-Quarter Grades

Due to a shortened quarter for Winter Intensives Steller Mid-Quarter grades will be up to date as of Thursday, November 15th.  The grade reflected on Zangle in the Assignments section is the grade your student has earned thus far in the quarter.  On Saturday, November 24th you will be able to look on Zangle under the Marks section, and see what your student will have earned up through November 21st.

Please Bring Food to the Auction! This Saturday!

Food, glorious food….where would be without eating well?

Please bring something tasty to the auction on Saturday night-it is going to be a great evening-and be even better with our tummies full of yummy things to eat!

We are trying to be kind to Mother Earth.

If you can, please remember to bring your own plates and cups—and a plastic bag to take the dirty dishes home in…label them too, so if you forget them we can get them back to you!

Auction Donations Still Needed!

It’s only a few short days until the fabulous Steller Auction!  The auction committee and 9th grade class are working hard to bring together an awesome evening of fun, food, entertainment and great live and silent auction items.   AND WE STILL NEED AUCTION ITEM DONATIONS!  If you have items waiting to be brought in or haven’t quite gotten around to picking something up, please bring it in now!  Items will be accepted in the office all the way through Friday, but the sooner the better.  This is THE fundraising event of the year and we are looking forward to a great Steller community turnout.  Thanks in advance for all you are doing to make this a great event!