Category Archives: Uncategorized

Want to say THANKS or share feedback on a teacher?

Did you know that you can give recognition to an awesome teacher or district employee, or provide other feedback about teachers here at Steller or elsewhere in the Anchorage School District? Yes you can, and it’s super easy! The links below take you to simple forms on the ASD website that you can easily complete from most any computer or smart phone, and it doesn’t take up a lot of your time. Give a shout out through the quyana form using the first link, or a teacher evaluation through the second link. Take a minute today and say something nice about someone

Our Apologies!

Please excuse us for any problems that may have occurred due to the error of the day (Wednesday) listed as the last day to sign up for this month’s dance.  This date was listed incorrectly by the webmaster, not the office staff.  The staff unfortunately are not able to give students that much time, as all schools that students request their guests from, have to be contacted and students approved before the actual dance on that Friday.  Our school dance policy has ALWAYS been that the guest sign up book goes out the Monday the week before the dance and then it is removed on Tuesday.  Traditionally it was removed at 12 noon but we have decided to extend that time to 3:00 pm which has been in  use since our November dance.  We are very, very sorry for the confusion or inconvenience.


Parent Group Meeting Wednesday, 6PM. Please join us!

Everyone is invited and encouraged to come to the

parent group meeting this

Wednesday, December 5, 6:00 pm

in Ken’s room.

We will be hearing updates from Dale, Staff and Ad Board,

discussing how to move forward with all of the fabulous ideas we gathered at the Fall All Community Meeting,

and gearing up with plans for school recruitment season beginning in February.

Come and get involved and have a voice in the happenings at Steller.

See you there!

Upcoming Events this Week

Upcoming Events this Week

  • Tuesday, December 4, College and Career Info from John.  6:30-8:00 at Steller.  Location TBA.
  • Parent Group Meeting:  Wednesday, December 5, 6:00-7:30 pm in Ken’s room.  Everyone is encouraged to attend.
  • December Dance, Friday, December  7, 7:00-11:00pm.  Guests must be signed up by 3:00 pm on Wednesday.  No exceptions!  More info here.
  • Intensives begin Monday, 12/10.  Last day of regular quarter classes is this Friday, 12/7.
  • The art show at Kaladi Brother’s scheduled for Friday is being postponed.  More info to follow soon.