Category Archives: Uncategorized

Important Deadline for Gifted Mentorships

Students: If you are planning on doing a Gifted Mentorship this year, the application deadline is Friday September 21st!

The Gifted Mentorship program is for the exceptional 11th and 12th grade high school student who has the self-discipline and interest to pursue independent study under the direction of a professional/ expert in a field of great interest to the student. The mentor program is a part of the district’s Gifted Program. Must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher.

See Jean Tuesday at lunch or email her:  for more information!

Get more info here.

Spring California Service and Adventure Intensive

An intensive where Students will earn 30 hours of community service?

Jen’s California Service Intensive, in May will do that and more!  In just 2 weeks students will:

  • Serve Meals to San Francisco’s Homeless in Partnership with Bay Area Non-Profits
  • Paddle Cache Creek in Whitewater Kayaks
  • Backpack through the Stunning Point Reyes National Seashore
  • Learn to Surf and Ride the Epic Waves of the Golden State’s Coastline
  • Experience Life as a Scientist at the Marine Mammal Center
  • Earn 30 Hours of Community Service

Find out more about this exciting trip by attending an informational meeting on September 18 (this Tuesday) at 7pm in Jen’s room.  You can also email Jen with questions:<>

Click here to download the trip’s itinerary.

Cost of Trip:  $2000 + airfare

School Dance, Friday, September 21, 7-11pm

WANT TO BE ELVIS OR Marilyn Monroe?


Friday, Sept. 21st  will be

The 1st dance of the year

7pm – 11pm

Sign up guests in the office

Closes at NOONon Tues. Sept.18th  (NO EXCEPTIONS

 Please remember the following rules:

Only TWO guests per Steller student.

ALL Guests MUST have a picture ID!

Guests MUST be 7th grade through 12th within the ASD District



Thank you, thank you very much!

Middle Schoolers: What’s Your Story?

Each year the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education seeks out students from around the state to include in the statewide middle school newspaper, What’s Your Story?  This paper includes photos and career dreams of middle school students from all around Alaska. Students need only fill out a quick form here identifying their career goals and basic contact and school information! Then parents need to sign for approval and they can send in a cool, non-professional photo of themselves.

Service Opportunity

I am looking for support and assistance from this community to present The Anchorage Fire Department Stations with posters of gratitude. I have undertaken this as a volunteer project to thank our fire men/women for their service. I plan to create posters, which will be signed by students and faculty today (sorry for the short notice). I am asking, basically for volunteers that could help me deliver posters to one or more of the fire stations.


  • You must have transportation to get to the Fire stations
  • Must be done by Tuesday evening, 9/11 (which is national day of service)
  • Please sign these posters on Monday during advisory group

If you are interested please contact Riley Bickford at or contact me on (907) 231-9174.

Thank You!

Carpools Needed

Some of our Steller families are looking for help getting their kids to and from school.  If anyone can help out please see the contact info below.  Also, if you are a family who is looking for a carpool as well and would like your info posted to the Flash, please email the webmaster with your information.

Dylan Pullman, who lives near Turnagain, needs car pool assistance for both a ride to school and a ride home.  If you can help, please contact his mother, Gwen, at 317-2669.

Caleigh Norris, who lives off Sand Lake near Kincaid Elementary, needs a ride to school.  Her mother, Jolene, can drop kids off in the afternoon near Kincaid Elementary or at Mears Middle School, in the afternoon.  If you can help, please call Jolene at 306-1030.


After School Folk Club

Folk Club (Formerly called choir)

Description:  This is an opportunity to learn the art of arranging a song, learn new songs from different eras, sing, learn the art of developing your own harmonies; bring your instrument and learn how to improvise.   Basic beginning guitar will be incorporated, and skill building in whatever instrument you play will be part of the class.

Instructor:  Mary Schallert, Director of Alaska Folk Arts

When:  Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:15-3:00

Where:  Multipurpose Room

Note:    The direction of this class will depend upon attendance and the interests of the participants.   We can host Open Mics, songwriting circles and community performances such as a school time visit to Pioneer Home, Perform at the Anchorage Folk Festival, and whatever the participants can imagine, we can at least start with imagining it and then see if we can make it happen.

First class is:   Tuesday, August 28th