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Please Support Students by Taking This Survey!

“Leigh Anne’s class would like you to complete a survey on Survey Monkey for our Social Issues class. You can find the survey at The survey’s name is “Snow On Sidewalks-LeighAnnes Social Issues Survey” and will only take a couple minutes to complete.  We want parents, students, and staff to complete the survey.

Thank you!”


HSGQE Testing

HSGQE Retest

Fall 2012

  1.  The Alaska HSGQE is a proficiency-based, criterion-referenced test developed specifically for Alaska. Test administration will occur October 2-4, 2012. Schools will administer Reading on October 2, Writing on October 3, and Mathematics on October 4. Juniors and seniors who need to take one or more sections of the HSGQE will participate in the fall Retest.
  2.  4 AAC 06.755 requires that all sophomores take the spring administration of the HSGQE. Each student who is a junior or senior, who has failed to pass the entire examination, shall be retested at least once each year on those portions of the examination that the student has not met proficiency requirements. Any student who reaches proficiency on any portion of the examination may not retake that portion of the examination.
  3.  The HSGQE is part of the Alaska Comprehensive System of Student Assessment (CSSA) mandated by the legislature under the Quality Schools Initiative. The test measures attainment of Alaska Standards adopted by school districts across Alaska.
  4.  When the legislature passed Senate Bill 133, the clear purpose of the HSGQE was to measure “minimum competencies of essential skills.”  In order for students to receive a diploma, they must meet the Anchorage School District’s graduation requirements and demonstrate proficiency on all three subtests of the HSGQE or be eligible for and granted a waiver.
  5.  HSGQE is not timed but is expected to take approx three hours each day to complete. Students making progress but have not completed the session within the estimated time will be given as much time as needed to finish within the same testing day. The HSGQE is proctored by certified teachers with one proctor for every 30 students.
  6.  There are no make-ups for the HSGQE.
  7.  Parents are asked to help by having their students rested and ready for testing on each test day. Eating a nutritious breakfast is important. Please have your student to school on time and avoid scheduling appointments on October 2, 3 and 4.
  8.  Parents/guardians are reminded to update addresses as testing approaches.  ASD has a large portion of test results returned to A&E and never claimed, accounting for a large amount of money and human resource time.  Thank you in advance for support with keeping current and correct addresses on file with ASD.

Results for the fall 2012 HSGQE Retest will be reported to ASD in late November.

Steller’s First of the Year All Community Meeting

Thursday, September 27th, 6:30-8:30

 Here’s why every student, parent, and staff member should come

 IT IS STELLER – Our Steller Community designed the program to include 3 gatherings of the whole Steller community because they knew that a community where everyone participates in the decision-making of a learning community breeds eager lifelong learners and confident, active citizens.  This is the first of only three of these all year long, and this is the only one where Ad Board reps for parent group are elected.

 Conversations with families, students and your advisory- There is nothing more powerful than a friendship.  When students, advisors and families get to know each other, it really helps get things done and shows there is a team ready to support students! Come and share your time to talk about what you and others can do at Steller to make it exceed your every expectation.

 You snooze, you lose and you can’t complain later – Things happen throughout the year that will affect YOU, as students, parents, and staff – because of what people decide in this meeting.  Bring your wisdom and your voice!

 What? A Free Lunch?  – That’s right, bring the family and your empty bowls from your kitchen! We can’t wait to share our first Souper Steller experience of the year with you. Last year, on Fridays, some parents and students cooked and served soup meals to more than 150 students and staff on Fridays. This year Souper Steller will be offered as long as the funds last (to be determined). You can contribute to the future of Souper Steller at the meeting as well, but your meal for this meeting is on us. (And the Garden Club is offering veggies for the feast!)

Need a ride? Want to help with cooking or set-up or clean up? Have great ideas and energy to help make them happen? Call or write to Alyse or Rebecca 884-2299 or


Ford to host FREE driving skills program for teens

Ford Fund, Ford Motor Company’s philanthropic arm, is bringing the Driving Skills for Life program to the Sullivan Arena parking lot on Sept 22-23. The program is aimed at addressing the number one killer of teens: vehicle crashes. Permitted and licensed teens will learn how difficult it is to drive safely while texting or while impaired and will learn how to handle a vehicle better when it starts to skid. The instructors are professional drivers and an instructor will be in each vehicle at all times.

Visit for more information or to register.

Gifted Mentorship Deadline Today

Students: If you are planning on doing a Gifted Mentorship this year, the application deadline is Friday September 21st!

The Gifted Mentorship program is for the exceptional 11th and 12th grade high school student who has the self-discipline and interest to pursue independent study under the direction of a professional/ expert in a field of great interest to the student. The mentor program is a part of the district’s Gifted Program. Must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher.

See Jean Tuesday at lunch or email her:  for more information!

Get more info here.