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Souper Steller is Back in Business!

Souper Steller is back in business and will begin soon.  Families from the All Community Meeting on Thursday chipped in and we are well on the way to making Souper Steller part of our Friday schedule!  Thank you to the Steller Community for being so enthusiastic!

Check back soon to see when your child’s advisory will be helping to make Souper Steller happen!

Last Week’s All Community Meeting: Great Turnout, Great Help, Great Ideas

On Thursday, at least 175  members of our Steller community gathered to share some soup, exchange stories and give input about directions at Steller.  We are so glad that every one of you were there.  Its going to be a super proactive year!  We will have some more notes from the meeting coming soon.

In the mean time, we want to give a special thanks to all the people who helped make it such a special evening.  Forgive us if we miss your name as there were so many of us involved.

Thanks ESPECIALLY go to Alyse Galvin and her planning team including Jennifer, Dorothy and Rebecca.

Thanks to all of those who planned,prepared , and served the food.  We had enough for a flash Souper Steller the next day!  Rick Zimmer, Michelle Brannon, Meg Eggleston, Seth E., Maya, Edie, Richard Drake, Molly, Sophia,Tatum,Aidan, Simon, Bianca, Riley, Liam, Annie, Seth, Camden, Tony, Ed, Gordon, Jennifer, Molly, Zoe, Bret, Anayansi, Kyrie and many more.

Greeters and Set Up:  Iris, Jonas, Oni, Rebecca, Dorothy, and Meg.

Rochelle Wilhelm supplied flowers for every room!

Our fabulous Advisory Group Parent Liaisons who made phone calls are facilitated our discussions: Victoria, Kari, Tina, Joel, Renae, Patti, Cheryl, Beth, Janine, Julie, Carla, Lori, Joe, Meg, Michelle, Cindy, Colleen, Jan, Diana, Rick, Rochelle, and Judy.

Students performing in the skit:  Lorryn, Seth, Eliza, Jordan, Aaron, Milo.

TPC for providing sound and lights.

Ashley for giving extra credit and bringing 50 of her students out to sing!

Jaybee and Fernie for setting up and helping us with the rooms.

Dale for always doing ANYTHING that we need done.

and many others, who helped unload supplies or pass out tickets, etc. but we missed your name – we also thank you!!! 


The Peace Garden Needs You

WHAT? We need to finish harvesting veggies for Souper Steller, plant more strawberries and raspberries and in our new raised bed, (thanks to Troy’s advisary), plant a whole bunch of donated perennials,(thanks to our friend Steve Gordon) and clean up the flower beds and put them to sleep.

WHEN? Sunday September 30. 1:00 pm until we’re done.
WHERE? Peace Garden at the south end of the Steller parking lot.
WHO? Anybody, bring a friend also. We like dogs, maybe they can help dig potatoes. WHY? Communal gardening is fun and many hands make light work.
HOW? Just show up at 1:00 with old warm clothes, good gloves, and enthusiasm.

For more info call Maya or Amy at 562-3966 or

All Community Meeting this Thursday

What: Steller All Community Meeting

When: TOMORROW, Thursday, September 27, 6:30-8:30pm

Who: YOU-Every student, parent, staff and interested community member

Why: Steller is one of the few schools in the district (and nation) to have a regularly scheduled time when the three governing bodies of the school are talking with each other about how to provide the best learning opportunities for every student. It is very rare, and reinforces that at Steller everyone has a stake in making a supportive learning environment for students. The agenda is designed to build community and identify actions to make Steller an even better school than it already is for students.

Bonus- The first Souper Steller of the year will take place at the start of the meeting, serving up all the favorites from last year- Don’t miss it!!

Bring your bowls, a dessert to share (if you can) or simply bring yourselves!

 Want to help?  We have 30-60 minute shifts and can use your help; If interested, please call or write to Alyse 884-2299 or Rebecca

Announcements in Advisory Group this Week

AG Announcements – 9/24/12

 There will be a mandatory 9th grade class meeting tomorrow at lunch in Danielle’s room. Pizza will be provided!

Make-up Picture Day, this Friday, September 28th.  During lunch time only (11:45am – 12:40pm) in the MPR.  Order forms are in the office.

Progress Grades for the 1st quarter are now on Zangle Student Connect.  If you have questions on how to login or need your password see the office.

A reminder that the All Community Meeting is this Thursday, at 6:30 this is a meeting for students, parents, and staff.  This meeting only happens 3 times a year and helps in deciding the direction of the school.  If you want to be part of the process you need to attend, otherwise others will make the decisions for you.  Also remember if you attend the meeting you can have a one-day extension on your homework (you must ask your teacher for this BEFORE the meeting).

Nurse Anne would like all the 7th and 11th graders to see her for height, weight, vision and hearing screenings. She would prefer that you come on your own, before school, during lunch or after school so she does nothave to pull you out of class. You can come during class time, especially Study Skills or P.E.classes if it is not a real busy day and your teacher excuses you.

There are also going to be free flu mist vaccinations for students Friday, October 5th. There is an announcement on the Flash with the consent form. Nurse Anne must have the completed consent form to

Administer the vaccination and she needs it the day before so she knows how many dosages to pick up.

Another request from Nurse Anne – please complete the drug information assessment form which will be distributed during AG. She would like to determine your information needs for Red Ribbon Week. She is in theprocess of inviting speakers who have a variety of expertise in drugs and shewants to make certain they address your biggest informational needs.

There is a place at the bottom of the form for specific questions and/or to request additional areas of information not listed. The speakers are tentatively scheduled to talk Wednesday, October 17 immediately after school.

Congratulations to Steller Senior Rachel Roelle who is this year’s Cook Inlet Conference female Cross Country Champion. She blew away her competition!  Please congratulate Rachel when you see her and come support her this Saturday at Bartlett High School where she will compete in the state championships.

There is a parent/student meeting for Bob’s Oregon Shakespeare Festival travel intensive Wednesday night at 6pm in Bob’s room

Scholarship Seach – everything you need to know: how to get started, where to look, when to start, etc;  John will be in the New Computer Lab at lunch on Wednesday to shed light on the information you need to help fund your future education.