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Blood Drive and Red Ribbon Week: Notes from Nurse Anne

Parents and Students,

Since Red Ribbon week is a short week, I  has scheduled speakers for this Wednesday, right after school in the MPR. Speakers will include one of the security resource officers assigned to Steller, either Officer Yoon or Officer Winborg, and an active duty National Guardsman named Derrick Green. Derrick is an experienced community speaker on drug issues. The speakers will answer your questions and address your comments from the drug survey the Steller students completed. These questions and comments were forwarded to the presenters last week  They will be happy to answer any other question you might have.  Derrick is excited about the question answer format and is eager do some research to give you the most up-to-date information. The SRO will give you information on the implications of “being under the influence at school.” The speakers are open minded and intent on sharing the truth with you. They appreciate your forthright comments and challenging questions. Snacks will be provided for those students who get there early.

Don’t forget that the blood drive is October 24th from 11:45 to 5 pm. Time slots for the draws are every 15 minutes and most of the slots are still open.  I only have four people signed up so far and three of them are students. Students,  if you are 16 and have parental consent (Parental Consent Form) you can donate, if you are not old enough, please encourage your parents to donate. Parents, as soon as you schedule your parent conference time (if you have not already), schedule a time with me for a blood donation (742-4963). The following is just a little information about giving blood:

Annually approximately, 12.6 million units of blood are given. Under normal circumstances, every two seconds someone in America will need a blood transfusion. Transfusions are used for trauma victims – due to accidents and burns – heart surgery, organ transplants, women with complications during childbirth, newborns and premature babies, and patients receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer, or other diseases, such as sickle cell disease. People with O negative blood are particularly in demand because they are the “universal donor.” That means that people of all blood types can receive O negative blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. Donating is not painful. There are only two very fast feelings of a pinching sensation when the needle pricks the arm to insert the needle and to collect the blood. From that point on there is not be any pain in the process. The entire procedure usually takes less than 45 minutes. Make certain you are well hydrated and have eaten a little before you come. Donating saves lives and donors are heroes.


Thanks for your attention.


Steller Secondary School Nurse

Opportunity to Give Feedback about Steller Staff to ASD

We all received the following info in our email from the ASD.  Parent Group wants to encourage all students and parents to use this opportunity to give your  kudos and feedback about our teachers and staff at Steller.  Let the district know about teachers that are doing a great job or areas that need improvement.  The evaluation form is only 5 questions long.  Easy!

Parents,The Anchorage School District’s evaluation system is a reflection of our mission to “educate all students for success in life.” Students, parents, community members and school staff are given the opportunity to provide information about teacher and administrator performance.

The two forms currently available are the Evaluation Input Form on Teachers and the Evaluation Input Form on Administrators (whether they are site administrators or central office administrators). If you would like to complete an evaluation input form you have three options:

  1. Members of the public and employees not wishing to remain anonymous can complete the Web-based Evaluation Input Form by going to either the Parents or Community portal pages on the district’s website: or Links to both Evaluation Input Forms are available under the “Feedback & Questions” heading.
  2. Employees can complete the web-based Evaluation Input Forms anonymously by going to the District Connection at You will find links to either Evaluation Input Form (teacher or administrator) under the Announcements section.
  3. For those who wish to print a hard copy of the form, PDF versions can be found in the Forms & Publications Library on either of the district’s websites by searching for “Performance Evaluation Input.”

Web-based Evaluation Input Forms will be transmitted electronically by the Human Resources Department (Ginger Moser, HR Specialist) to the appropriate supervisor.

School sites will also have ‘hard copies’ of the forms for parents and employees who do not have access to a computer. Each school will determine a location for the form (most likely the main office). Hard copies will be kept confidential and routed by the school to the immediate supervisor.

The Evaluation Input Forms are now available on the website and will remain posted in their Web locations through May 1, 2013.

Thank you,
ASD Human Resources

Requests for Library

Dear parents,

If you have board games that you don’t’ use, please donate them to our Steller library for students to play at lunch and after school.

Also, we would like to have an area rug for our “quiet reading zone.” If you have a nice one you don’t need, we will find a good new home for it.  Please drop items off in the library.

Thank you!

Sign Up for Fall Student Led Conferences


Fall Conferences will take place on Wednesday, October 24th and Thursday, October 25th from 12:30-7:00pm.  These will be half days for classes.  These will be student led conferences that include the student, parent/guardian(s), and the advisor, but will be led by your child.  Our goal is the have 100% attendance so all Steller students have the opportunity to show off their strengths and talk about areas they need to improve.  Students will have a portfolio of their work and a brief presentation to share with us during their 25-minute conference.

Conference can be scheduled a number of ways and this quarter we have access to the ASD online scheduler, which is the easiest way for you to register.  Do so by following the steps below:

1.     Go to

2.     Choose Steller as the school

3.     Choose 7th grade! (In order to work the system, all conferences are scheduled as 7th graders.)

4.     For team name, choose your student’s ADVISOR (if you want to meet with classroom teachers, you will need to schedule a meeting outside of the conference dates).

5.     Choose the date you wish to come in.

6.     Choose your time and continue through the process.  You can sign up to receive a reminder email.  If you need to cancel your appointment time, you will need to email your advisor or contact the main office 742-4950.

If you cannot use the online scheduler, please email your student’s advisor with times and the day that would work best for you and they will schedule you into an open slot.  If you do not have internet or email access please contact the Main Office for assistance 742-4950.


Goodies and Chaperones Needed for Halloween Dance!

The Halloween Dance is on Friday (10/12) and we are in NEED of donations for certain items:

Cupcakes,Cakes, Cookies

Soda, Otter Pops, Halloween Decorations

Flavored Syrups, Dry Ice

We have only 2 chaperones for first shift 6:45 p.m. – 9 p.m. (we need 4 more) and none for second shift 8:45 p.m. – 11 p.m. (we need six)

Please, sign up in front office, or call 907 742-4950.

Please, bring donations to Svetlana’s room.

Thank you,

Yearbook staff.