Category Archives: Students

Grade 7 Zoom Party April 23

The first Grade 7 Social Club Zoom Party was a great success! Thank you to everyone who joined – I hope you had a good time. We are going to host a second party on Friday, April 23 at 3pm.  We would love to get as many grade 7 students as possible and have even more fun.

The goal of the Social Club is to provide an opportunity for grade seven students to get to know each other and have some fun. Everyone in grade seven is invited to participate, but it is not mandatory.

How it works:

    1. We will post a new Creative Challenge and a Discussion Prompt every Monday on a platform called Padlet.
    2. You can post as much as you want, and respond to your friends, whenever you want. Padlet lets you post comments, photos, video and even links. The Challenges and Prompts are meant to be a bit silly, so get creative and have fun!
    3. We will also host Live Zoom sessions where we will play some games, have some breakout rooms, and get to know each other.

Participating is easy:

  1. Complete the Registration Form Here (both student and guardian).
  2. When you receive an email from Padlet scroll down and click on “Take Me to Padlet”. You don’t have to create an account! 
  3. Pick up a Steller Jay Mascot at the school office. We will use our Mascots in many of our Creative Challenges so please take care of it.  If you can’t pick up your Mascot please contact me at the email below to make arrangements.
  • Students can join any time.
  • Steller Parent Group will be moderating posts. 
  • If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Reminder: Steller Reflection Committee Monday, April 19.

Thank you to everyone who joined us Monday night for the Steller Reflection Committee Discussion. One thing that came through very clearly is how much we love our school and are willing to work to help it become even better. 

On Monday, April 19 from 6:30 to 7:30 we will meet again next week to talk about:

  •  What we can do to help “onboard” new students into the Steller way, and help students and their families feel part of the community (with a particular focus on grade 7, 8 and 9).

  • Identify topics of interest we want to take up in the fall.

If you have ideas and questions you would like our community to consider taking up next year to help Steller grow and  become even better, or you just want to be part of the discussion, join us on Monday and help us brainstorm. Students and their families from all grades, and who are new, or have been here forever, are encouraged to join. 

Topic: Steller Reflection Committee

Time: Monday, April 19, 6:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: STELLER

One tap mobile +16699009128

Find your local number:


Warm regards,


Principal Candidate Webinar – Save the Date!

As you know, after many years of service our principal Reed will be retiring at the end of this school year.  ASD is currently in the process of hiring someone to join our school. Because of the unique nature of Steller, students and parents are being given a voice in this process.

The final principal candidates will answer the same six questions during a candidate webinar on Monday, April 26 from 6 to 7pm. All community members are invited to listen to the webinar and then provide feedback.

This is your opportunity to find out more about each candidate’s leadership style, and their perspective on the unique community that is Steller. It would be really great if we had a strong turn out of students, staff and parents/guardians for this important event. 

Tami will send out the link to the event closer to the date, but be sure to mark your calendars! 








Community Statement from N.H.S.

Community Statement for Steller from The Steller N.H.S. :

Hello everyone, The Steller National Honors Society wanted to put out a statement about our purpose to encourage volunteer opportunities for all students.

For a long time the Steller N.H.S. has needed more volunteers for programs such as the Homework Club which is completely run by students and staff here at Steller. Another program we often need help with is the Mobile Food Bank located in Fairview.

Since the start of N.H.S. here at Steller Secondary we have put it upon ourselves to have a goal of making more great leaders in the Steller community.

The volunteer opportunities hosted by N.H.S. are available for both member and non-member students to participate in. We always welcome an extra helping hand.

If you feel like any of these volunteer opportunities are programs you would like to help with, please feel free to come to meetings no matter the grade (7-12) so you can help make the Anchorage community a better place. 

Meetings on Tuesdays at 2 pm. and the link can be found on the 7th hour page.

Alana P.






Reminder to Join the Grade 7 Social Club!


Thank you to all the students that have registered for the Grade Seven Social Club! We will start our first activity soon. If you haven’t already joined, there is still time! 

Dear Grade Seven Students and Families,

Steller Parent Group is excited to invite you to join the Grade Seven Social Club! The goal of the Social Club is to provide an opportunity for grade seven students to get to know each other and have some fun. Everyone in grade seven is invited to participate, but it is not mandatory.

How it works:

  1. We will post a new Creative Challenge and a Discussion Prompt every Monday on a platform called Padlet.
  2. You can post as much as you want, and respond to your friends, whenever you want. Padlet lets you post comments, photos, video and even links. The Challenges and Prompts are meant to be a bit silly, so get creative and have fun!
  3. We will also host Live Zoom sessions where we will play some games, have some breakout rooms, and get to know each other.  

Participating is easy:

  1. Complete the Registration Form Here (both student and guardian).
  2. When you receive an email from Padlet scroll down and click on “Take Me to Padlet”. You don’t have to create an account! 
  3. Pick up a Steller Jay Mascot at the school office. We will use our Mascots in many of our Creative Challenges so please take care of it.  If you can’t pick up your Mascot please contact me at the email below to make arrangements.
  • Only people with the link can access this page so please don’t share it. 
  • Students can join any time.
  • Steller Parent Group will be moderating posts. 
  • If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

If you would like to help run this club please let me know at

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Invitation to Grade Seven Social Club!


Dear Grade Seven Students and Families,

Steller Parent Group is excited to invite you to join the Grade Seven Social Club! The goal of the Social Club is to provide an opportunity for grade seven students to get to know each other and have some fun. Everyone in grade seven is invited to participate, but it is not mandatory.

How it works:

  1. We will post a new Creative Challenge and a Discussion Prompt every Monday on a platform called Padlet.
  2. You can post as much as you want, and respond to your friends, whenever you want. Padlet lets you post comments, photos, video and even links. The Challenges and Prompts are meant to be a bit silly, so get creative and have fun!
  3. We will also host Live Zoom sessions where we will play some games, have some breakout rooms, and get to know each other.  

Participating is easy:

  1. Complete the Registration Form Here (both student and guardian).
  2. When you receive an email from Padlet scroll down and click on “Take Me to Padlet”. You don’t have to create an account! 
  3. Pick up a Steller Jay Mascot at the school office. We will use our Mascots in many of our Creative Challenges so please take care of it.  If you can’t pick up your Mascot please contact me at the email below to make arrangements.
  • Only people with the link can access this page so please don’t share it. 
  • Students can join any time.
  • Steller Parent Group will be moderating posts. 
  • If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

If you would like to help run this club please let me know at

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Middle School Students Perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream

This quarter two middle school language arts drama classes performed plays from the Mechanicals and Fairies in Midsummer Night’s Dream. They developed a variety of techniques to make the work come to life on Zoom. They’re adorable, hard-working, and talented, and we’re proud of their successes! Becky





Well done to everyone involved! 


Opportunity for Students

Mental Health Advocacy Through Storytelling (or MHATS) is a group of Anchorage high-school-age students who tell stories of mental health triumphs in order to combat the stigma surrounding mental illness and open up conversations.

Over ten meetings, we learn to tell true and personal 5-7 minute stories in the style of Arctic Entries/Storyworks/the Moth. We also learn advocacy skills– how to stand up for yourself and others. In addition to storytelling, in this session, we will be learning about what mental health education looks like in schools and advocating for House Bill 60, which would put K-12 mental health education into Alaska State law.

To learn more visit their website here. 

To register here: 


Steller Band Sends Two Students to Prestigious Honor Groups

More great news for Steller Community came out last night!

Steller band students, Xavier Libbrecht on bassoon ,and Kamryn Lyons on flute, have been accepted to the 2021 All-Northwest Honor Ensembles.  Kamryn made the Wind Symphony, which is an honor band for small schools in the Pacific Northwest Region.  Xavier even earned a chair in two honor ensembles:  The Symphony Orchestra and Wind Symphony.  This is his second time being accepted. T

he Symphony Orchestra auditions are open to all schools in the Pacific Northwest Region.  The audition process for all of the All-Northwest Honor Ensembles is rigorous and competitive. “I am super duper delighted that Xavier and Kamryn made the All-Northwest”, said Mr. Toba, the band director, “attaining a spot is a pinnacle for high school students in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.  The hard work and dedication that Xavier and Kamryn have put paid a huge dividend. I just can not be more proud of these highly motivated students.”  Because of the COVID pandemic, there will be no rehearsals or concerts for the All-Northwest Honor Ensembles.  However, the students will still receive certificates.

Submitted by Mr Toba

Congratulations Kamryn and Xavier, the whole school is very proud of both of you!