Category Archives: Students

Alaska Youth for Environmental Action Summit Applications due ASAP

2021 AYEA Youth Organizer Summit Application

Each year Alaska Youth for Environmental Action hosts a fall Youth Organizer Summit, bringing together young Alaskans from across the state to gather and discuss issues in their communities and gain skills to address those issues. During the YO Summit, we also decide upon and start planning our statewide campaign for the year. The summit is scheduled for November 11-15th over Zoom and applicants are expected to attend the summit in full. 

Please see our website for more information about the Youth Organizer Summit and our expectations for attendees. Applications are due by October 22nd.

Know a teen excited about climate and racial justice? >>> Nominate by Oct 22

Interested in becoming a YO as a teen yourself? >>> Apply by Oct 22

Thanks for sharing this cool opportunity Chandra (apologies it’s so late being posted).



Banned Book Week At Steller

Amelia, 8th grade, Anika, 12th grade

More than 40 students participated in the drawing. To participate, they completed a form reflecting on a banned book they had read and what impact it had on them. We had three drawings a day for the week of Banned Books (Title Wave gift card (donated by Title Wave), Banned Book (donated by Title Wave), TOB gift card (donated by SPG)) for a total of 15 winners. 

We had lots of great questions and discussions in the library about book banning and censorship when students saw the display. Students were most curious to explore why the books had been challenged/banned. Advisors also noted that the optional advisory activities elicited curiosity and discussion. Becky’s Advanced Composition class used the topic of banned books for their persuasive essays. Becky reported that students were very passionate about the topic and gave excellent presentations in class. Some students (5 completed the recommendation and permission slip, 10 completed the recommendation) followed up even more and created “Customer Recommendations” that were displayed at Title Wave Books and in the Steller library.

Thank you to Ashley for organizing this great event, and all the students who participated! 

Steller Parent Group


Steller Parent Group Meeting Notes

Thank you to everyone who attended our first Steller Parent Group meeting of the year. We had an excellent turn out and I hope we can keep up the good rate.

The DRAFT of the meeting minutes are available here 

We are happy to announce New Board Members:

Treasurer: Claudia Liesch

Secretary: Dee Dee Zobian 

We are still looking for a Co-Chair! 

We’d also like to thank the following people:

Finance Committee: Amy Johnson

Fundraising Committee: Claudia Liebsch and Kirsten Tschofen (need 3 more adults and students) 

Requests for Funding for the October meeting are due Wednesday, September 29th.

The agenda for the October meeting will be posted on Sunday, October 10th.  

As always, if you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Join an SPG Committee!


Thank you to everyone – students & adults –  who have used the Sign Up Genius to indicate their interest in volunteering this year. We are excited at how many people have already stepped up!

We are still looking to fill a few committees. Indicating interest in these three groups doesn’t mean you are committing to a leadership position, and you can chose to only help out for one event or activity. 

We especially need a few people – students and adults – with ideas for the Fundraising Committee so that we can create our budget this year.  If we don’t raise any funds we will be limited in how much support we can offer for things like intensives and events and activities. If you are interested please email 



Student Volunteers Needed

Steller Parent Group is committed to providing opportunities for Steller Students to have a voice in SPG, and to develop new skills and new experiences. In particular we are looking for students to join the Finance Committee, and help write content for the SPG website.  We are also looking for students who can help on an ad hoc basis (for example at events). Time commitment varies and can be flexible.  All students from grade 7 to 12 are invited to participate. 

If you are interested in either of these positions, or would just like to be added to the list when we are looking for general volunteers, please sign up using Sign Up Genius. 

Warm regards,


Chair, Steller Parent Group


Back to School and All Community Meeting Thursday, September 9


Hello Steller Families!

Time sure flies when you’re having fun! We have already finished up our third week of school! Thank you for your continued support of our school and compliance with the COVID-19 Mitigation plan.

However, due to the rise of COVID-19 cases within our community and the rising concern associated with that, we will be canceling the Back to School and All Community Meeting on September 9th and moving to a new Zoom format for the foreseeable future. This will ensure that we will be doing our part to limit the number of in-person meetings, as well as providing you with pertinent information for the school year. You will be able to find more information on our website.

Thank you for your continued patience and support during these times.

Have a great Labor Day and enjoy the long weekend!

Steller Office


During the first part of the night students and parents & guardians will have the chance to meet each of their teachers and advisor to learn about the classes they are taking and ask questions. 

The second half of the evening will be a renewal of the All Community Meeting Tradition and will be jointly hosted by the Steller Parent Group and Steller.

The three pillars of our community –

Student, Staff, Parents & Guardians 

– are all invited to join.

Here is a brief outline of the agenda:

  • Icebreaker Game and Snacks in the Lobby
  • Staff Introductions
  • Welcome from Steller Parent Group & How You Can Get Involved in the School
  • OpGroup Introductions
  • Draw for Steller Spirit Wear T-Shirt and Clean-Up

We look forward to reconnecting and making new friends and hope to see you there!

Kirsten Tschofen

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Join Steller Clubs Now!

Are you interested in joining T.P.C?

We are having tryouts/ Interviews Tuesday, September 7th at 12 pm, in Brian’s Room! No experience necessary to participate. We will have training for lights and sound/ music for new members. 

For new to Steller students, T.P.C. (Technical Productions Committee) is in charge of running music, sound, and lights for dances, theater projects, and the talent show for Steller Secondary! If this sounds like something you would enjoy participating in. Please feel free to come by for interviews. 

Are you interested in helping out with the 2021-2022 Yearbook? 

Come join us every Monday and Wednesday after school from 2:15 – 3:00 pm in Marla’s room! No experience necessary to join. We will provide needed materials in order for students to participate. Yearbook has a number of jobs such as photo taking, caption writing, page designing, and advertising. If this sounds like you please feel free to join the club!

Submitted by Alana P. 


Check Out the Resources and Job Opportunities at Power Center!

The Power Centre, located just around the corner from Steller Secondary, is an excellent resource centre for Steller Students. Hot lunches prepared by Children’s Lunchbox are available Monday to Friday starting at 2pm, students can access the food pantry, clothing closet and peer support as needed, and there is a even a games day Wednesdays at 2pm! 

We are also hiring more peer outreach workers for the Center; this would be an awesome job for a junior or senior, and can be compatible with school schedules. Peer Outreach Workers foster healthy youth involvement in the community as part of the Power Center Team.  Job duties include engaging with youth in our drop-in center, creating and facilitating educational presentations, and conducting street outreach as part of a group.  More info here:

Post submitted by Jessica Cochran