Category Archives: Students

Future of Steller (Meeting 1 Video)

Major changes are coming to ASD and Steller in the 2024 school year:

  • All ASD high schools are going to become Academies starting with the 2024 Freshman year. 
  • All grade 6 students will be moved to middle school.
  • New schedule changes will be implemented.

These changes have a direct impact on Steller’s future, and our community is being given an opportunity to make a recommendation to the board about what Steller wants to do.

In November we will be asked if we want to:

  • Become a 6 to 12 school.
  • Become a 9 to 12 school.
  • Stay 7 to 12 school.
  • Join the ASD Academy or if we want to do something different. 

It is important to be informed about these issues in order to make the best recommendations we can, in the interest of our current and future students.

  1. Listen to the presentation from September 21st (see above). View the accompanying slide show.
  2. Visit the ASD website:
  3. Ask your questions to Maria using this form.
  4. Follow the Steller Website for updates.

How you can have your voice heard:

  1. Listen to the answers to community questions 
    • Steller Parent Group Meeting on Tuesday, October 10.
  2. Share questions, comments, concerns at the SPG parent forum:
    • Monday October 16, 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom OR
    • Thursday October 19, 6:00 to 7:30 pm at school.
  3. Make our final recommendation 
    • All Community Forum on November 2nd (we need a quorum of 75 people) 


BBQ Tomorrow!


 Great Steller BBQ of 2023 is today! Tuesday, August 15, 6:00 to 7:30

Meet other students, and families, staff, and Steller Parent Group. Mingle. Maybe you will find that last minute car share you are looking for! 

Steller Parent Group will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie options, and drinks. 

What can you bring?

  • Families with names A – L are invited to bring a side dish to share
  • Families with names M to Z bring a dessert to share 
    • Please make sure your dish is well labeled for allergens, pre-cut, preferably and ready to serve. Label your dishes and take them back at the end of the night.

A few final details:

  1. In case of light rain we will forge ahead with the Can-do Steller Spirit. If you have “Pop-Up Tents” you can bring that would be great. Dress appropriately! 
  2. Bring your own chairs, tables, blankets and whatever else you need to be comfortable! 
  3. Please remember to bring your own dishes – we are trying to minimize waste.
  4. We need a few more volunteers for the second shift so our first shift gets to mingle
    1. BBQ meisters (6:30 to 7:30)
    2. Food servers (6:45 to 7:30)

Sign up here: .

5. If everyone helps stack chairs, takes down tents and brings home their own dishes at the end of the night its a HUGE help to our volunteer crew! 

We are looking forward to seeing you all there! 

Donations for Prom

Steller Prom was this weekend and was a wonderful success. Thank you to the Prom Committee and Teacher Sponsor for all your work planning this event. 

SPG is committed to supporting equity at Steller school, and as such we have committed $1500 to help reduce the tickets cost from $50 to $25. 

This was not a planned donation in our budget, and so we are asking our very generous community to help us once again with donations that would go towards this specific event. 

To donate, click “Read in Browser” at the bottom of this message, and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “DONATE”! It’s that easy. 

As always, we thank you for your support! 



Steller Spirit Week February 6 to 10!

Poster showing spirt week events (in text)

In celebration of the dance next Friday, we have spirit days! There will be costume contests held after school!

  • Monday (2/6): Monochrome (Color Themed and/or Frog Themed)
  • Tuesday (2/7): Fun Hats and/or Wacky Hair
  • Wednesday (2/8): Characters and/or Costumes
  • Thursday (2/9): Formal and/or Royalty
  • Friday (2/10): Pajama Day (B.Y.O.B. Bring Your Own Blanket)

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to chaperone the Dance on Friday night. Please make sure you have completed the volunteer application with ASD.

We are still looking for people to help with Prom – chaperones, decorations and set up.