Category Archives: Students
HadesTown – extended dates!
Cast includes Steller students Hunter Menck and Blue Smith!
Get your tickets now!
Help students with the Steller Market
Please help SPG congratulate some of Steller’s artistic students!
Steller student achievements in Theatre
SPG news
Steller parents, students, & staff,
Please join SPG for the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Student Technology Committee as we discuss cell phone use in school and social media. Your perspective and ideas are needed.
Monday, December 2nd, at 6pm
Email for the address
Middle School Winter Formal
Friday, December 6th
Parents, please sign up HERE to chaperone!
Several more shifts need to be filled.
Chaperones needed for the Middle School Winter Formal
Please volunteer so this event can take place.
Click HERE To sign up
Friday, December 6th
Two shifts available: 6:30-8:30 and 8:30-10:30 (or sign up for both!)
Donations needed – Exercise Equipment
Contact to donate
Register for Career Conversations session now!
Dear Steller Alumni & Parents/Guardians,
Please consider sharing your experiences in the workplace with current Steller students Celebrate Steller Open House, on Friday September 13th, 2-5pm.
To participate . . .
First – Fill out Business/Career Survey We will e-mail you in July/August to register with Anchorage School District as a volunteer for next school year.
Then, on Friday, September 13th simply come to the Career Connections classroom to meet students and share about what you do and how you got there with students.
Can’t make it to the Anniversary? – we still want to hear from you on the survey. We’re using the 50th Anniversary to learn about Steller Alumni in order to create possible mentorships along with more connections within our wider community.
- Science
- Medical/Dental
- Technology
- Graphic Design
- Social Services/Mental Health
- Engineering
- Law
- Business
- Hospitality
- Government
- Fine Arts
- Education
- Journalism
- Communications
- Electrician
- Plumbing
- Farming/Fishing
- Forestry
* If you don’t find your field listed, please pick a session time that works for you.
Business/Career Survey
Answer the questions on this form that you’d like to share. This information will be shared with Steller’s Principal. We are excited to hear from you!!
FYI – We will email a volunteer sign up form to you to be completed no later than 3 weeks before the Anniversary in order to participate in the Career Connections Room. The volunteer form gives ASD a chance track the number of volunteers helping our students districtwide and to conduct a background check for adults who want to interact with ASD students.
Many Thanks Alumni!
Questions? Dee Dee
Register for Career Connections session now!
Dear Steller Alumni & Parents/Guardians,
Please consider sharing your experiences in the workplace with current Steller students Celebrate Steller Open House, on Friday September 13th, 2-5pm.
To participate . . .
First – Fill out Business/Career Survey We will e-mail you in July/August to register with Anchorage School District as a volunteer for next school year.
Then, on Friday, September 13th simply come to the Career Connections classroom to meet students on Friday according to the general schedule below. . .
Can’t make it to the Anniversary? – we still want to hear from you on the survey. We’re using the 50th Anniversary to learn about Steller Alumni in order to create possible mentorships along with more connections within our wider community.
- Science
- Medical/Dental
- Technology
- Graphic Design
- Social Services/Mental Health
- Engineering
- Law
- Business
- Hospitality
- Government
- Fine Arts
- Education
- Journalism
- Communications
- Electrician
- Plumbing
- Farming/Fishing
- Forestry
* If you don’t find your field listed, please pick a session time that works for you.
Business/Career Survey
Answer the questions on this form that you’d like to share. This information will be shared with Steller’s Principal. We are excited to hear from you!!
FYI – We will email a volunteer sign up form to you to be completed no later than 3 weeks before the Anniversary in order to participate in the Career Connections Room. The volunteer form gives ASD a chance track the number of volunteers helping our students districtwide and to conduct a background check for adults who want to interact with ASD students.
Many Thanks Alumni!
Questions? Dee Dee
Great School Clean Up! Friday May 3

What: Make our community cleaner by collecting trash in the Steller yard and wider community. Bring your old books, CDs and DVDs to exchange as well. Any left overs will be donated to Tidal Wave.
Who: Steller students and families (younger students must be with a parent or guardian)
Why: Live the Steller Philosophy!
Community, within our school and beyond
Our school community sustains us as learners and as human beings; Steller and its members, likewise, participate in the broader community of our neighborhood and world.
When: Friday, May 3rd 2:15 to 4:15
More: Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Please feel free to bring trash pickers and your own visibility vests.
Questions? Contact Amelia or Ashley