Category Archives: Student Showcase

Middle School Students Perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream

This quarter two middle school language arts drama classes performed plays from the Mechanicals and Fairies in Midsummer Night’s Dream. They developed a variety of techniques to make the work come to life on Zoom. They’re adorable, hard-working, and talented, and we’re proud of their successes! Becky





Well done to everyone involved! 


Student Showcase – Jainy D.


In Senior Spanish we read the magical realism story Chac Mool by Carlos Fuentes. Jainy interpreted the transformation of Chac Mool from statue to human using detailed drawings as described in the story and direct quotations that set the scene for the transformation.

Submitted by Ashley 

English/Spanish teacher

Beautiful work Jainy!

Steller Artists featured at Youth Art Month

Steller would like to celebrate our students who have been selected to participate in the Anchorage School District’s Youth Art Month show. The following Artists and their pieces were selected to represent Steller:

This year because of the Covid 19 pandemic we are unable to display physical works in person, but we have created an online digital show through a partnership with the Anchorage Museum. The show will go live on March 5th for First Friday. The show link is not active yet, but it will be available March 5th at

The Fine Arts Department will be hosting Youth Art Month Drive-In events throughout the month of March to celebrate and showcase students’ artwork. 

The drive-in events will begin around sunset. The slideshow is approximately 1.5 hours. The slideshow will start with elementary, alphabetically by school with secondary following. The following rules are in place during the event:

  • Please remain in your car throughout the slideshow
  • Masks are required by all participants in the car if windows are open
  • There are no bathrooms at the event, please plan accordingly
  • Please follow guidance from the traffic directors

Thank you in all your support and enthusiasm for the visual arts. We hope to see you at one of our drive-in events. 

This year Anchorage School District is celebrating our 49th annual Youth Art Month show. Youth Art Month exists to: 

  • Recognize art education as a viable factor in the total education curriculum that develops citizens of a global society.
  • Recognize art is a necessity for the full development of better quality of life for all.
  • Direct attention to the value of art education for divergent and critical thinking.
  • Expand art programs in schools and stimulate new art programs.
  • Encourage commitment to the arts by students, community organizations, and individuals everywhere.
  • Provide additional opportunities for individuals of all ages to participate in creative art learning.
  • Increase community, business, and governmental support for art education.
  • Increase community understanding and interest in art and art education through involvement in art exhibits, workshops, and other creative ventures.
  • Reflect and demonstrate the goals of the National Art Education Association that work toward the improvement of art education at all levels.

Submitted by Philip 

Fine Arts Teacher

Follow Steller Facebook Page and Help Promote our School

Did you know that Steller has a Facebook Page? We use this page to promote Steller to the public, and prospective students, and to share information that may be relevant to our extended community like alumni. If you are on Facebook we encourage you to:

  • Like  and Follow our Page
  • Like and comment on our posts
  • Share our Page with your friends

We share content highlighting student accomplishments, select information from ASD, and other community events.  When you interact with our page it helps the Facebook algorithm find us more easily. 

Thanks for your support! 

REMINDER: To join our Information Night on Zoom use this link  



Steller Band Sends Two Students to Prestigious Honor Groups

More great news for Steller Community came out last night!

Steller band students, Xavier Libbrecht on bassoon ,and Kamryn Lyons on flute, have been accepted to the 2021 All-Northwest Honor Ensembles.  Kamryn made the Wind Symphony, which is an honor band for small schools in the Pacific Northwest Region.  Xavier even earned a chair in two honor ensembles:  The Symphony Orchestra and Wind Symphony.  This is his second time being accepted. T

he Symphony Orchestra auditions are open to all schools in the Pacific Northwest Region.  The audition process for all of the All-Northwest Honor Ensembles is rigorous and competitive. “I am super duper delighted that Xavier and Kamryn made the All-Northwest”, said Mr. Toba, the band director, “attaining a spot is a pinnacle for high school students in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.  The hard work and dedication that Xavier and Kamryn have put paid a huge dividend. I just can not be more proud of these highly motivated students.”  Because of the COVID pandemic, there will be no rehearsals or concerts for the All-Northwest Honor Ensembles.  However, the students will still receive certificates.

Submitted by Mr Toba

Congratulations Kamryn and Xavier, the whole school is very proud of both of you!

Congratulations to Senior Lucca D for Your Passage Project!

Last January, Lucca Duke began a community service passage that incorporated her artistic abilities and interest in working with children. Lucca’s original passage goals were to paint a mural at Rogers Park Elementary with a map of the Iditarod trail that teachers could use to teach about the Iditarod, and to assist the art teacher in an after-school art program. Lucca was designing and painting her mural and coordinating with the art teacher for a spring after-school program when the pandemic hit and she lost all access to the school and her passage. Luckily, Lucca was eager to finish her passage this semester and created a beautiful mural for the Rogers Park Elementary community. Lucca had to work through many challenges from coordinating with different teachers at Rogers Park, finding a safe time to work at the school, and figuring out how to incorporate her artistic vision with the needs of the teachers, beyond the regular challenges of the pandemic. 

Lucca’s persistence paid off in the form of a beautiful mural and an appreciative staff at Rogers Park. Among many other compliments, Lucca received this praise from a Rogers Park teacher: “Just as wonderful is the fact that you, “one of our own” (ex-Rogers Park Elementary student), has given back to your neighborhood school/community! In addition to your excellent artistic talents, you have demonstrated responsibility, perseverance, and commitment to a real-life project.”

Thank you, Lucca, for representing Steller so well! Congratulations on a wonderful Passage.

Ashley Van Hemert

Students are welcome to share their Passage projects with the community.  You can submit images, text and short videos via email.  We encourage everyone to check the “Student Showcase” tab on the website regularly.