Category Archives: Student Accomplishments

Banned Books 2010

As was reported in last month’s Ole Steller Yeller, Steller Secondary School and Barnes and Noble hosted its fourth annual “Banned Books Read-Out-Loud” at Barnes and Noble on Saturday, October 2, 2010. In conjunction with this year’s Banned Books Read-Out, Barnes and Noble also hosted a Book Fair for Steller at their flagship Northern Lights store on the same day. Many Steller students and staff helped encourage shoppers to mention “Steller,” at the check out through sharing their particular talents.  In fact, Steller raised over $750.00 thanks to all the support and hard work from our community.   Thanks to everyone for supporting this successful event!  The money will be used to expand our English department library,  and some memorable photos from both events that day follow.  (Click image to enlarge.)


Linda Samorajski, MSCP
School Counselor and
School Business Partnership Coordinator

Great Job!

Steller’s Battle of the Books team,  Lauren W., Maya H. and Arthur B., took 4th place in the ASD Battle of the Books on Thursday, Feb 4.  The winner, Polaris, will go on to Statewide Battle later in the month. Way to go Steller.  Good Job.

Two of Steller’s Own

In case you didn’t know, our choir teacher Mary Schallert is the aunt of two very brave young people that attended Steller.  Her niece and nephew, both of whom were Steller students, were in Haiti when the earthquake hit. Julian Brelsford was in a small village south of Port Au Prince doing relief work, and he brought Christa Brelsford who is currently working on her PhD in engineering to have a look at the infrastructure.  The village and the country gets pummeled every time a hurricane blows through.   Christa left Steller at the age of 16 to go straight in to college, and Julian did the same.  She sort of jokes about being a high school drop out with a PhD. Julian is still in Haiti right now with broken toes.  Christa’s leg was crushed under one of those buildings she was looking at, she will lose her foot but she is alive and was medi-vaced to Miami.  T’is handy to be American.  These are kids to be proud of, and they are connected to the our school.

There is a big story on Christa in A.D.N and a video link to an interview Christa did on  CBS. The story begins at the link below.

The story continues on the link below and you can view the video on this link as well.


Former Student Honored

Former Steller student Bryan Arnold submitted an essay to VSA arts in Washington, DC that was published on their online journal (one of nine out of 147 entries worldwide).  Two weeks ago they notified Bryan that they wanted to pay to bring him (and his parents) to Washington, DC to read his writing at their “Playwright Discovery Evening” at the Kennedy Center on September 29. He’s the only one of the nine they are bringing.

Here is the link to  his piece! Click on 2009 and then “My Ocean’s Sweet Song” by Bryan Arnold.
Bryan was also featured on Channel 2 News on August 31.  Go to: and to to see his award winning video mentioned by Channel 2.