Category Archives: Student Accomplishments

Steller Boys do the Tour of Anchorage Ski Race

A group of Steller students got out and participated in the Tour of Anchorage cross country ski marathon last weekend. They all did the Classic 25K and stayed together for most of the way.

Tour of Anchorage DSC0402

Pictured: Ian R., Vince R., (young lady, non-Steller participant), Riley J. (former Steller Student), Liam J., and Riley B. It was Ian’s first Tour.

Nice job, guys!

Steller Student Advances in International Art Competition



MollyRGreat news about Molly’s Peace Poster!  Molly’s poster is one of 24 finalists in the Lion’s Club 25th annual Peace Poster Contest.  With a field of over 400,000 entries world-wide, this is a great achievement!  Her poster will be advanced to the final competition to determine the International Grand Prize winner. Here is a piece taken from the “press release”.

Peace Poster Contest Judging

Molly R’s poster advanced through regional competitions, and will be judged in the international competition to be held in January in Chicago, IL.  The grand prize winner will be announced at the “Lions Day at the United Nations” event on February 1st in New York City.

One international grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of $5,000, and 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of $500.

Stay tuned to see what happens next!!





Steller Student Art from Literature as Art Intensive to be Shown at First Friday Opening

“Stephan Fine Arts, in coordination with artist and Steller instructor, Lee Weiland, bring you the winning entries of large format paintings by Steller Secondary’s “Literature as Painting” Intensive.  Local artists, Lynn Brautigam Boots and Kurt Jacobson, served as judges.  Top works in young adult literature were the inspiration for the paintings, and the books that inspired them will be available for sale at the show.  A portion of the show’s proceeds will benefit Alaska CARES, a shelter for abused children.  Opening Reception Friday, Jan. 4th, 5:30-8 pm.  All works are for sale.  Exhibit will continue through Sunday, Jan.”

Photos of students preparing their canvases



Steller Students Thank Firefighters on 9/11

Steller 10th grader, Riley B., planned and coordinated anappreciation for Anchorage Firefighters on September 11th.  Riley drew and stenciled large “poster” cards for each fire station and had all Steller students sign the cards during advisory to show thanks for the firefighters’ dedication and hard work.  He and other Steller students then delivered the cards to each fire station on September 11th.  The following students were instrumental in making this project a success: Eli M., T.J. J., Mackenzie C., Lindsay L.,  Liam J.,Emily G., Lauren H., Lorryn W., and Madeline M.

Riley said, “To all the students who signed my posters I would like to let you know that all the firemen really appreciated the thank you posters. So, my thanks goes to the Steller Community.”