Category Archives: Student Accomplishments

Student Spotlight – Allison O’Leary

Here’s What our Steller Students are up to:

Allison O’Leary to Uganda, Africa!  WHAT?

Congrats to Allison for her interest and involvement in One World Today and Bery’s Place, both of which benefit young disadvantaged orphan girls in Uganda. One World Today pays for the education of girls through sponsors, of which Allison is one of them, and Bery’s Place provides refuge for these girls when they are not in school. Allison (11th grader) traveled to Uganda as part of her Passage project and winter Intensive to meet Immaculate, the girl she sponsors and to experience the people and culture of Uganda. Allison was truly inspired by the success of the programs. She is planning to return in the summer to do a month long teaching project in schools attended by Immaculate and other girls at Bery’s Place.

We wish Allison and the girls at One World Today and Bery’s Place the best of success! 

Steller Sends Two Students to the All-Northwest Honor Band

bellasebastien-nov-2016-1Steller Students, Isabelle “Bella” Libbrecht on flute and Sebastien Libbrecht on trumpet, have been accepted to the 2017 National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Northwest Division Honor Band.

It is an honor group for the high school students in the Pacific Northwest Region. “The auditions were very selective. Bella and Sebastien competed against the most talented students not only from Alaska but also from the states like Washington and Oregon,” said Mr. Toba, the band director. “The audition results for Bella and Sebastien are the true reflection of their commitment to excel in instrumental music. Bella and Sebastien will proudly represent the entire Steller Community. I am so proud of Bella and Sebastien.” The All-Northwest Band will rehearse in Bellevue, WA, from February 17 through 19, 2017. All-Northwest Instrumental Concert will be in Benaroya Hall, Seattle, WA, on February 19, 2017.

Also, don’t forget the All State Band and Orchestra will have a gala concert on Saturday, November 18 in the West High School Auditorium, at 6 p.m. Admission will be 10 dollars for adults, 5 dollars for students. Public is invited.

Tatumn Willis, Bret Congdon and Ned Murphy are headed to Juneau for the state swim meet

Steller Students Tatumn Willis and Ned Murphy, who swim for Dimond High School, and Bret Congdon, who swims for West High School, are heading to Juneau for the high school state swim meet.  They will each compete in several events. Congratulations to these talented Steller athletes and good luck at State!

Bret Congdon a junior at Steller who swims for the West High Eagles will be competing in Juneau in 2 events and in one relay team event. Her relay team set a new West High record for the 200 medley relay at the Conference Championships last weekend.

Congratulations, Bella and Sebastien!

Steller students, Bella L and Sebastien L, have been accepted to the 2016 ASAA All-State Band and Orchestra.  Bella, a senior flautist, and Sebastien, a freshman trumpeter, competed, through audition process, among the most talented high school musicians in state, to earn the spots in the prestigious student ensembles.  “For Bella, she has made the All-State Band and Orchestra for four straight years, and that is an accomplishment that only a few high school students may achieve,” said, Mr. Toba, the band director.  “I can not find a word to describe how proud I am of Bella.”  “Sebastien is only a 9th grader, and he has already made BOTH the All-State and Orchestra, which is quite an accomplishment.  He has three more years to even get better with his playing,”  Mr. Toba added.  The All State Band and Orchestra will have a gala concert on Saturday, November 18 in the West High School Auditorium, at 6 p.m.  Admission will be 10 dollars for adults, 5 dollars for students.  Public is invited.


Mother Bear Update

10th grader Megan M knitted bears for the Mother Bear Project charity as part of her 9th grade passages class this Spring.  She raised cash for their transportation to their new owners (“their bear fares”) by holding bake sales at Steller.

A huge Thank You! to all students and staff who bought goodies at these sales as they raised $172 Dollars for the Charity!

The bears take a while to travel from Alaska to the Charities headquarters in the Lower 48 and then carry on their journey to the continent of Africa.
Not all bears are photographed with their new owners but Megan promised to post as many  pictures as she could find of bears sent with the money raised at Steller.

Pupil + Paper Design Contest on Saturday

Three Steller students are involved in the Pupil+Paper Design Contest taking place on Saturday, November 9th at the Anchorage Museum Rasmuson Center. It is an exciting, family friendly phenomenon! Happening at this event:

For more info:  or go on your own account and look up Pupil+Paper Facebook.
Support the Steller students and your community as you enjoy a great evening event! This fundraiser is for THE CHILDREN LUNCHBOX (an affiliate of Bean’s Café). Tickets are $40 for adults and $15 for students. Tickets can be purchased through brown paper tickets website, search for Pupil + Paper or browse Anchorage listings at:

Sponsored by kpb architects and many others.

Molly’s Award

Molly R Vision of PeaceRecently Molly R won an award from the Anchorage Lion’s Club for her International Peace Poster.  She was presented with a $500 check at Monday’s ASD Board meeting.  The Anchorage Lions’ president mentioned that her poster was in the top 24 out of over 400,000 entries worldwide. She read her statement about Peace before the attendees. The Anchorage Daily News did a nice write-up about the event:

Kudos to Molly!

Molly R with Chris S

Steller Art and Writing Students are WINNERS!!!

Smithsonian Portrait Gallery Teen Portrait Competition

Mickey Mann attends the opening reception for the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery Teen Portrait Competition.  Last Spring, Mickey won the national contest with her entry.  This year, she and her mother were able to fly to Washington D.C. to celebrate her accomplishment.
















Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, hosted by “F Magazine”,

Two Stellar students were awarded prizes; Sawyer Smith-Vail for Poetry (1st) and for Writing (3rd) and, Maya Huebner for Art (3rd).  This is a prestigious competition, hosted by Scholastic for several decades, and this part is state-wide.  (Andy Warhol, Sylvia Plath and Truman Capote were former winners.)

Novel Excerpt

Third Place

Sawyer S-V, 7th grade, Steller Secondary  School  “The Weapon Called Fear”


First Place

Sawyer S-V, 7th grade, Steller Secondary  School – “Doing”


Honorable Mention

Maya H, 12th grade, Steller Secondary  School –  “Wood Frog” Cottonwood Bark Carving

Third Place

Maya H, 12th grade, Steller Secondary  School – “Boulevard of Broken Shoes”


ASD Student Art Work at the Museum

If you haven’t seen the student art work currently at the Anchorage Museum, you still can!  It will continue through Sunday April 7.