Category Archives: #StellerGives

NHS Food Drive

Hello everyone, 

The Steller community has done a steller job collecting food. As a school we have collect about four big tubs of food ( for reference these tubs are about the size of a large trash can). Listed down below are the updated numbers of points  by 1st hour class as of 4/28/21.

  • Troy: 6350
  • Rosa & Ashley: 1750
  • Ken: 0
  • Simone: 5,916
  • Leigh Anne: 5,350
  • Marla: 8,900
  • Bob: 400
  • Jason: 0
  • Brian: 62,250
  • Becky: 22,750
  • Mike: 0 
  • Philip: 18,350

As of 4/28/21 Brians first hour class is taking the lead. There is still plenty of time to catch up. We will continue collecting food till 5/7/21. 

Alana P


Super Sweeper Family Event May 8!

The Grade Seven Social Club and Steller Parent Group is pleased to invite all Steller students, staff and families to the Steller Super Sweeper Clean Up Event!

Saturday, May 8 from 11:00am to 2:00pm at Steller School and surrounding area.

The Citywide Cleanup “Super Sweeper” Program  is a great way to teach kids the importance of keeping our community clean, and it’s also a lot of fun. Jointly coordinated by the Anchorage School District and the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, the Super Sweeper Program challenges elementary, middle, and high schools to get together to clean trash around their school and in their neighbourhood.

  • Pick up your orange bags and map at Steller Secondary parking lot. 
  • Win door prizes – a $50.00 gift certificate to Fred Meyer, and Steller Spirit Wear.
  • Light refreshments will be served (while supplies last). 
  • Register here. It helps us plan how many people to expect if you register, but please feel free to drop by even if you haven’t registered. 

We will be collecting the following to support Covenant House:

  • Gently used books, CDs etc to sell to Title Wave for credit.
  • NEW travel sized toiletries like shampoo and conditioner, toothbrushes and toothpaste, mouthwash, chapstick and deodorant. 

Super Sweeper Family Event Flyer

National Honor Society Will be Selling Masks to support Bean’s Cafe.

Important Rules to Follow: Be Safe! 

SPG will supply orange trash-bags, an area map, and juice boxes and cookies. 

  • Wear a mask and practice social distancing to keep everyone safe. 
  • Wear gloves (we will have a limited amount)  and an orange safety vest or bright coloured clothing.
  • Children must be under adult supervision at all times, everyone should use a buddy system.
  • Make good decisions to keep yourself safe. Be aware of the following risks:
    • The area may have needles, and other biohazards* (only adults should consider picking these up).
    • Sharp objects like glass and wire.
    • Steller is surrounded by busy streets, cross safely. 
    • Keep in mind other risks associated with the midtown location.
  • Orange trash bags may not be used for household trash, yard clippings or hazardous waste such as a car battery, or household cleaners.
  • Dress appropriately. Sunscreen, rain gear, waterproof shoes and hats are recommended. Please be aware of private property boundaries and ask permission to clean in these areas.
  • Return orange bags back to Steller for pick up after no later than 1:30 pm.

*Adults may consider bringing a medical sharps container designed for needle collection, available at some pharmacies, or thick plastic jugs for detergent, kitty litter or shampoo (water bottles are too thin and can be punctured.) 

If you have questions or want to volunteer to help organize please contact Kirsten at




Update on NHS Food Drive!

Hello Steller,

So far as a school we have one food-bank bin (about the size of an average trash can) full of food! This is fantastic since the drive has only been happening for 3 days. The for drive will continue till may 7th! Here is the breakdown for points by first hour classes


Philip: 3,000
Mike: 0
Becky: 13,100
Brian: 0
Svetlana: 0 
Marla : 0
Leigh Anne: 0 
Jason: 0
Simone: 3,000
Ken: 0 
Rosa+ Ashley : 1750
Troy: 0

This means Becky is in the lead with Simone and Philip tied for second with Rosa & Ashley coming in at 3rd. We encourage families to donate whatever they can if possible. 

Here is the breakdown of how points are assigned:

Food Drive by National Honor Society

Hello Steller families,

The Steller National Honor Society will be hosting a food drive from 4/19-5/7 2021.

It is a competitive event. Students attending in person school will drop food off in their first hour/ first class of the day at Steller. For students attending virtually there will be drop off days on Wednesday afternoons! 

This will be on a point system.  You can download a PDF of the preferred foods here. We choose a point system to promote donations of items the food-bank is in great need of right now. This point system is not to discourage families from donating whatever they can. All items donated will be worth some points. 

Thanks for supporting the Steller NHS and the Anchorage Food Bank. 


Alana P NHS President

New Food Distribution Site for Steller Students

Good Morning Everyone!

Bean’s Cafe/ the Community Luchbox has teamed up with the POWER Center at Alaska Behavioral Health. The flyer attached is to let you know there is a New Food Distribution Site with prepared lunch @ 1:45 pm and Pantry boxes designed to feed a family of four, no questions asked. Steller students and their families are welcome to drop by. 

Steller Nutrition Committee

Community Statement from N.H.S.

Community Statement for Steller from The Steller N.H.S. :

Hello everyone, The Steller National Honors Society wanted to put out a statement about our purpose to encourage volunteer opportunities for all students.

For a long time the Steller N.H.S. has needed more volunteers for programs such as the Homework Club which is completely run by students and staff here at Steller. Another program we often need help with is the Mobile Food Bank located in Fairview.

Since the start of N.H.S. here at Steller Secondary we have put it upon ourselves to have a goal of making more great leaders in the Steller community.

The volunteer opportunities hosted by N.H.S. are available for both member and non-member students to participate in. We always welcome an extra helping hand.

If you feel like any of these volunteer opportunities are programs you would like to help with, please feel free to come to meetings no matter the grade (7-12) so you can help make the Anchorage community a better place. 

Meetings on Tuesdays at 2 pm. and the link can be found on the 7th hour page.

Alana P.






Opportunity for Students

Mental Health Advocacy Through Storytelling (or MHATS) is a group of Anchorage high-school-age students who tell stories of mental health triumphs in order to combat the stigma surrounding mental illness and open up conversations.

Over ten meetings, we learn to tell true and personal 5-7 minute stories in the style of Arctic Entries/Storyworks/the Moth. We also learn advocacy skills– how to stand up for yourself and others. In addition to storytelling, in this session, we will be learning about what mental health education looks like in schools and advocating for House Bill 60, which would put K-12 mental health education into Alaska State law.

To learn more visit their website here. 

To register here: 

#StellerGives: Carly F

My name is Carly F, I’m a senior, and I have volunteered in Mrs. Caldarera’s kindergarten classroom for the last 8 years. I have gone in almost every school day for 1-2 hours a day and this has resulted in over 900 volunteer hours in the classroom! I absolutely love volunteering there because I can see the direct impact I have on the children’s lives. It is very rewarding being able to see how I have helped over 140 children learn to read, write, and do math. Every year I learn more about the classroom so I am able to take more burdens off of Mrs. Caldarera which greatly benefits the class. I love playing with the kids and building a unique relationship with each of them. I know that a lot of the time as the kindergarteners grow older they no longer remember me, but I know they will remember the things I taught them and the fun things we did together. 

I have done two separate passages in the kindergarten classroom. In the spring of my 9th-grade year, I did a passage based on providing upper-level kids with challenging math. I worked with 6 different kids and met with all of them in small groups twice a week. In the spring of my 11th-grade year, I did a passage helping the lower level kids get caught up with their reading and writing. I worked with 6 kids individually and met with them once a week. I worked with 3 children where English was not spoken at home, which was a learning experience for me. I even met with this one boy 3+ times a week because he needed extra help. Once I started working one-on-one with him there were many improvements in his behavior and his academics. From winter break to spring break, he went from knowing 13 letters and 12 sounds to knowing 22 letters and 20 sounds. I absolutely love volunteering with Mrs. Caldarera and I am grateful that I’ve been given this opportunity every year. 

Carly F


You should be proud of what a difference you have made in the lives of all the children you work with Carly! Well done.



#StellerGives: Naomi H

Naomi H. is a 7th grader at Steller.  This past month, she has helped out at the mobile food bank and regularly walked Maya, the service dog, to help out an ill friend.  She has also been working on assembling care packages to donate to the Pet Stop for dogs and cats with cancer.  This summer, she raised over $600 by selling items at the downtown weekend market and will use the funds to complete the baskets for her homegrown charity, Sincerely, Little Su.

It is great to see all the creative ways you are contributing to your community Naomi!

Kirsten Tschofen

Chair, Steller Parent Group

#StellerGives: Michael H.

Michael with Bill Ross, chairman of the 4th of July parade council, celebrating a successful broadcast of the special presentation.

Michael at the Food Bank.

Michael H. is a junior at Steller.  He has been involved in OP Group, TPC, NHS this year at Steller.  He has been volunteering monthly at the mobile good bank in Fairview and helped out with the Thanksgiving Blessing, as well.  This summer, Michael worked for many hours as the  video production and media specialist to create “The Special Presentation of the Veterans 4th of July Parade” which was broadcast on PBS on July 4th at 11am in lieu of the annual in person parade.  He is also serving as a current committee member of the Veterans 4th of July Parade Council. 

Michael H.

Steller Senior

Michael, it is good to see you developing you skills for so many good causes. Well done!