Category Archives: Parent Group Meetings

SPG meeting Tuesday, September 14

Join us for the first Steller Parent Group meeting of the year, and find out what’s happening at school, share your ideas, and get to know fellow parents & guardians and staff. 

We meet the second Tuesday of the month (via Zoom for now), and you can find the agenda by the Sunday before the meeting . This month we will be talking more about how students and adults can get involved in the school, and have two requests for funding to vote on.

The Three Pillars of the school are by default all members of SPG – Students, Staff, Parents & Guardians, and active participation in the running of the school is at the heart of the Steller Philosophy. 

Antoinette will send out the Zoom link by email, and we will post it here and on Facebook, once it has been created. 


Thank you to all the students and adults that have already signed up to volunteer for specific positions, or to be general helpers.  Many hands make light work, and helps develop a sense of community.  For more information about how you can get involved see here

Topic: Steller Parent Group Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Meeting ID: 958 9143 6576
Passcode: 975378
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 958 9143 6576
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A Welcome Message from Steller Parent Group

August 23, 2021

Dear Steller Families,

On behalf of the Steller Parent Group I want to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning Steller families. My name is Kirsten Tschofen and I am the Chair of Steller Parent Group. 

The Steller Parent Group is an integral part of the Steller Community.  We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in person and on Zoom.  Every member of the Steller Community – Staff, Students and Parents/Guardians are automatically part of SPG and welcome to attend, ask questions and share their ideas.  We would love to see you at our first meeting on Tuesday, September 14 at 6:00pm. We hope to have both an in person option and Zoom.

Steller Parent Group is one of the three Pillars of our school: Staff – Students –  Parents/Guardians. The purpose of the SPG is to enrich the lives of Steller students through the financial support and leadership of active parents and guardians. We strive to promote parent and guardian involvement in school activities. Traditionally we host events during the school year, raise funds to support school initiatives through the Steller Auction, and coordinate volunteers. Through all the uncertainty of the last year the central mission of SPG has remained the same, and I believe it must take on even more importance in the effort to create a strong learning community in light of this last year.

All of this takes the hard work and dedication of our community members and we want to invite you to get involved by taking on a formal position in the board, or simply actively attending our meetings. We are currently recruiting for a Co-Chair, and Treasurer and have a variety of other positions. 

Participating in the SPG has many benefits, including the opportunity to make connections with other parents and staff, and the opportunity to effectively make positive change. We all want the very best education and experiences for our children, and when we work together we can make it happen. 

If you are interested in learning more about SPG positions please let me know, and as always, we welcome your thoughts and ideas about how Steller Parent Group can serve you. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen

Chair, Steller Parent Group 

Save the Date:

  • First SPG meeting – Tuesday, September 14, 6:00 to 7:30
  • Back to School Night – Thursday, September 9
    • Meet the teachers 5:00 to 6:30
    • All Community Meeting 6:30 to 7:30pm – learn about the school philosophy and how you can get involved in the school via Steller Parent Group
  • Grade level Social Nights for parents & guardians – TBA

Meet our New Principal!

Join us for the last meeting of the year for Steller Parent Group.  Meet our new principal Maria Hernandez, vote on a request for funding from Seeds of Change to support the Steller Garden, and hear a review of all we have achieved this year. This will also be a chance to recognize Reed for all the work he has done for Steller during his years of service, and to wish him well on his new adventures. 

We would also like you to consider joining the SPG next year.  There are many ways to get involved with a range of time commitments.  We are looking forward to being in person next year and continuing to build a strong community. 

  • Co-chair (partnered with the current chair for easy handover)
  • Treasurer 
  • Advisory liasons
  • Communication
  • Fundraising 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER
One tap mobile



Steller Parent Group Meeting April 13


 Steller Parent Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 13 at 6:00pm via Zoom. All students, staff and parents are welcome to attend and vote on decisions. 

See here for Minutes from past Meetings.

Our Funding Requests include:

  • Wilderness First Aid and First Aid/CPR certification for Brian’s Outdoor Education Class.
  • iPads and pens to create a full class set to be used in art and intensives.
  • Treats and prizes for volunteers at the Steller Super Sweeper event (tentatively May 1st).

Up Coming Events & Activities Include:

  • Grade 7 Social Club (ongoing) 
  • Steller Reflection Committee – Monday, April 12, and Monday, April 19 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • Steller Super Sweeper Family Event – Saturday, May 1st 1:00 to 2:00pm (tentatively)

This is your chance to hear from Reed and staff about:

  • Transition to in person school
  • New Principal Hiring Process 
  • Ask your questions

We need a new Treasurer for next year. 

This position requires a few hours of work each month and attendance at the SPG meetings. In years when we run an Auction the work required increases for about 6 weeks. Brandon is happy to support anyone who steps into the position next year, and the books are well organized and ready for an easy handoff. 

Topic: Steller Parent Group
Time: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 6 to 7:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,97391496736#,,,,*7789210# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)



Steller Parent Group Meeting Tuesday at 6:00pm

Attending Steller Parent Group meetings is a great way to hear about what is happening at school directly from Reed and teachers, ask questions, and have your say in school decisions.  It is also a good way to meet other parents – especially when we aren’t seeing each other in person.  We are a friendly group and happy to see new faces! 

Now is also the time to start thinking about next year’s committee.  Our current treasurer Brandon Brooks will be stepping down, so we will need someone to fill his shoes. If you think you might be interested, or know someone who would be, please reach out.  The more time we have to hand things off the easier it is! 

We will also need a co-chair for next year. Co-chairs are usually two years, and the positions are staggered so that one person always has some experience. If you are interested in joining me for the rest of this year, or next year I’d be happy to talk.

You can always find Meeting Minutes and Agenda’s under the Parents Tab on the Website here. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER
One tap mobile

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 



Steller Parent Group Meeting February 9

All parents/guardians, students and staff are automatically part of the Steller Parent Group and welcome to attend meetings, share ideas and vote on decisions.  This month in addition to regular updates from Reed, staff, and OpGroup we will be discussing a Social Club for grade 7 students, the plan for student recruitment for 2021-22 school year, and a proposal for gifts for Senior students. We are still accepting funding requests as well. 

You can find the Agenda and previous Meeting Minutes on under the “Parents” tab of the website, here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: STELLER

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)


Welcome to a New Year from SPG

A Welcome Message from the Steller Parent Group

Dear Steller Families,

On behalf of the Steller Parent Group we want to wish you all a Happy New Year.

The Steller Parent Group is an integral part of the Steller Community, and all parents/guardians, staff and students are automatically part of SPG.  We meet via Zoom on the following dates:

  • January 12, 2021 06:00 PM
  • February 9, 2021 06:00 PM
  • March 16, 2021 06:00 PM
  • April 13, 2021 06:00 PM
  • May 11, 2021 06:00 PM

Every member of the Steller Community is welcome to attend, ask questions and share their ideas. You can find agendas and meeting minutes on the Website here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER

We are currently looking for help managing the Student Directory.  This would take less than an hour a month. 

It’s also time to start thinking about transitioning to the new board next year.  Becoming a co-chair, co-treasurer or co-secretary now would be an easy way to learn more about the position, without the responsibilities. 

If you are interested in learning more about SPG positions please let us know.

SPG wants to make sure that we are reaching as many members of our community with up to date and relevant information as possible.  We have four ways we communicate with you:

  1. Website/Steller Flash updates appear on the SPG website or parents, students and staff can SUBSCRIBE to receive updates directly in your inbox.  
  2. Steller Secondary Parent Group is a closed Facebook Group created to promote communication between current parents, teachers and staff for organising school activities, announcements, questions, and keeping up with everything that is going on. Feel free to jump in with questions or posts.
  3. Steller Secondary Page is an open page visible to the public. If you are a Steller Alumni and want to stay informed about special activities, fundraisers and student highlights we encourage you to follow our page. 
  4. Student Directory is a new online directory for parents, students and staff to be able to contact each other directly. You must create an account and add your information using the access code CGYJAU when prompted. Add the information for each student and then download the app to be able to access contact information from anywhere. 

We also encourage all community members to follow OpGroup’s Instagram account at  

Warm regards,

Chair, Steller Parent Group 

*Please note the SPG website/Flash is meant to complement the district website  For official communication from the school and district please visit Q to update your contact information and settings to receive their communications via email, text or call. 

Learn about Children’s Lunch Box at SPG Meeting

The Steller Nutrition Committee has been exploring ways to ensure all students have access to nutritious food.  Join us Tuesday January 12 at 6:00 pm to hear about some of the options we have explored.  Special guests from the Children’s Lunch Box will join us to tell more about the programs they offer.

You can find the Agenda and previous Meeting Minutes on under the “Parents” tab of the website, here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: STELLER

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,97391496736#,,,,*7789210# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,97391496736#,,,,*7789210# US (Tacoma)

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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: 7789210

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Steller Parent Group Meeting Tuesday 12 at 6:00

All parents/guardians, students and staff are automatically part of the Steller Parent Group and welcome to attend meetings, share ideas and vote on decisions.  This month in addition to regular updates from Reed, staff, and OpGroup we will be discussing the progress of the Student Nutrition Committee and a request for funding to support student recruitment for the 2021-2022 school year. We are still accepting funding requests as well. 

You can find the Agenda and previous Meeting Minutes on under the “Parents” tab of the website, here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: STELLER

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,97391496736#,,,,*7789210# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,97391496736#,,,,*7789210# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: 7789210

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