Category Archives: Parent Group

Steller Parent Group Meeting

Come one, come all!

Please come to SPG’s monthly meeting

3 pillars of Steller:

  1. Students
  2. Staff
  3. Parents & Guardians

Active participation by all three in the running of the school is at the heart of the Steller Philosophy. 

Join us for the November Steller Parent Group meeting, and find out what’s happening at school, share your ideas, and get to know fellow families and staff. 

We meet the second Tuesday of the month, and you can find the agenda by the Sunday before the meeting . This month we will be voting on funding requests and discussing our biggest fundraiser of the year (Cups for Kids).

Thank you to all the students and adults that have already signed up to volunteer for specific positions, or to be general helpers.  

Click here to volunteer for Cups for Kids!

Thank you!


SPG news: All State Band and SPG Meeting

Steller Band Sends Two Students to All-State 

Steller Band students, Sarah Duot-Kelley on flute and Bjorn van der Goore on bass clarinet, have been selected to participate with the 2022 Alaska All-State Band.  

Bjorn is a junior and earned a regular chair. This is his 2nd year in a row with All-State Band. Sarah is a senior and this will be her first time.  

“I am delighted to see these highly accomplished students go through such a competitive audition process,” said Mr. Toba, band director. “Participation for All-State is the pinnacle for high school musicians in Alaska.  I am so proud of our All-Staters.”

The All-State Gala Concert will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at West High School, starting at 6 p.m.  Admission will be $10 for adults and $5 for students.  The public is invited.


SPG Meeting: Tuesday, November 8th

Come one, come all!

Click here for the Agenda


Join the Steller Parent Group!

Open Positions for SPG. Co-treasurer, Secretary, Fundraising Committee, Member at Large

Thank you to Dee Dee Zobian who has moved from her position as Secretary to be a Co-Chair with Amy Dummann! 

This now leaves a vacant position for Secretary! It’s an easy way to join with main time commitment being taking notes during SPG meetings, and attending leadership meetings. Experience with Google Drive is an asset, but we can teach you too!

Thank you to Lea McKenna who has stepped up to lead the Fundraising Committee. She has been joined by XXX to plan our main fundraiser this year – Cups for Kids. 

Steller Parent Group is excited to launch our Cups for Kids Fundraiser!

Click here to have your donation over and done! 🙂

Parent volunteers are needed to make this fundraiser a success.  Help make coffee, collect donations, and much more.  Click here to VOLUNTEER.

More info:

SPG is hoping to meet our fundraising goal for 2022-2023 of $30,000.  (Currently our draft budget has expenses of $17,000.)

In order to allocate more funding to intensives, additional student programs, and to make travel intensives accessible for all families, regardless of ability to pay, SPG needs more than $17,000 to increase our budget.  Help us make these exciting programs a reality!

Thank you, Steller Community, for your continued support of our amazing students!

P.S. don’t forget that many companies match donations.  Does yours?

Support Steller Parent Group While You Shop!


Support Steller While You Shop

Steller Parent Group has teamed up with Fred Meyer and Amazon,  for corporate rewards, and your purchases generate corporate donations from these companies to our school.  Here is how you connect your shopping to the rewards:

Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Steller Secondary Parent Group every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you will find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization when you go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device to do your shopping.

3 Easy Steps

1.  Bookmark and Shop using this link –
2.  Sign in to your Amazon account
3.  Select a charity by searching for ‘steller parent group’

Learn more about how your shopping at supports our school.  

Support Steller Secondary Parent Group (80690) just by linking your rewards card to our group and do your shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card. The more supporters who link their card to Steller Secondary Parent Group, the more we earn.   Sign up now!  The process is very simple.

3 Easy Steps

1.  Click to sign in or sign up with a Fred Meyer’s account first
2.  Associate your Rewards Card with your account
3.  Click here to enroll in Community Rewards and search for ‘Steller’.

Does this program affect my personal rebates or fuel points?  No, this is a corporate donation and does not affect your personal rewards.
Issues? contact the FredMeyer community reward team at

More info about Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Simply make a purchase at Office Depot or Office Max online or in-store using our school ID at checkout and Steller will receive 5% back in credits

Steller School ID:   70000032

3 Easy Steps

1.  Shop Online –
2.  At the last checkout page, enter “BTS 70000032” in the Additional Order Information section.  Just type it in the comments box.
3.  For a more permanent association with Office Depot, create an account, and have customer service associate Steller School with your account.  They will ask for State, Zip and School Name. This way you can set it and forget it.

Steller Auction Committee Needs You!

Steller Parent Group is very excited to be planning our first major fundraising event since January of 2020!

We have been operating on funds raised at that event since then, and our account is in need of replenishing! The tentative plan is to host an evening event with drinks and appetizers, and featuring a silent and live auction of items donated from Anchorage businesses and the Steller community.  

We need a strong group of dedicated members of our community to help with the following:

  • Co-chair or chair (we have one person willing to lead who would like a co-chair)
  • Treasurer
  • Graphics and Communication
  • Donation Procurement 
  • Auction Software Expert
  • Basket Creation 
  • Decorations 
  • Volunteer Coordinator 

If you have experience in any of these, or want to learn, we would love to hear from you! Planning an event like this is lots of hard work, but is also lots of fun, and so rewarding. Email Kirsten at .

Funds raised from the Auction are used by SPG to pay for the following:

  • Grants (Intensives, Travel Intensives, Program Support, Student and Staff requests)
  • School hosted events (like Aurora music festival and sophomore breakfast)
  • SPG hosted events (like Steller BBQ and All Community Meetings)
  • SPG operational costs (insurance, website domain etc)

Submitted by Kirsten (Communications)

Back to School Night and All Community Meeting

On behalf of Steller Parent Group and Steller Staff we would like to invite all members of the Steller Community (Students, Parents & Guardians, Staff) to join our first All Community Meeting and Back to School Night of 2022.

We are excited to be bringing back this Steller tradition after the last few years of on-line learning. 

Agenda will be as follows:

Welcome and staff introduction.

Welcome and introduction from SPG:

  • What does Steller Parent Group do?
  • Fundraising needs
  • How you can get involved – we are looking for co-chairs for all positions! If you are interested please stop by the lounge and have a chat or contact Amy at 

Meet each of your student’s teachers in their classroom! 

Light refreshments will be served as well. 

Save the date:

SPG General Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:00 to 7:30

  • Principal Report
  • Staff Report
  • OpGroup Report
  • Steller Treasurer Report
  • Steller Chair Report
  • Volunteer Sign Up


Welcome Message from Steller Parent Group

August 25, 2022

Dear Steller Families,

Steller Parent Group wants to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning Steller families. 

The Steller Parent Group is an integral part of the Steller Community.  We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in person and on Zoom.  Every member of the Steller Community – Staff, Students and Parents/Guardians are automatically part of SPG and welcome to attend, ask questions and share their ideas.  We would love to see you at our first meeting on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:00pm. We hope to have both an in person option and Zoom.

Steller Parent Group is one of the three Pillars of our school: Staff – Students –  Parents/Guardians. The purpose of the SPG is to enrich the lives of Steller students through the financial support and leadership of active parents and guardians. We strive to promote parent and guardian involvement in school activities. Traditionally we host events during the school year, raise funds to support school initiatives through the Steller Auction, and coordinate volunteers. 

All of this takes the hard work and dedication of our community members and we want to invite you to get involved by taking on a formal position in the board, or simply actively attending our meetings. We are currently recruiting for a variety of positions. 

Participating in the SPG has many benefits, including the opportunity to make connections with other parents and staff, and the opportunity to effectively make positive change. We all want the very best education and experiences for our children, and when we work together we can make it happen. 

If you are interested in learning more about SPG positions please let us know, and as always, we welcome your thoughts and ideas about how Steller Parent Group can serve you. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen

Communication, Steller Parent Group 

Save the Date:

  • Meet the Teachers/All Community Meeting – Thursday, September 8, 6:00 to 7:30
  • First SPG meeting – Tuesday, September 13, 6:00 to 7:30