Category Archives: Parent Group

Lottery Application for New Students 7-12 for 2022-2023 School Year Opens February 1

We need your help spreading the word to your friends and family about Steller.

Here are some important dates: 

  1. The Lottery Application Opens this week on Tuesday, February 1. 
  2. Steller Open House (via Zoom) is Wedensday, February 16 or Thursday, February 17th 6:00 to 7:30pm.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 923 5371 5611
Passcode: 812072 

3, Lottery Application closes on Thursday, March 17, and runs on Friday, March 18th. 

4. Families will be notified on Friday, March 25th and have 48 hours to accept to decline (more details on the exact policies for this on the District website). 

You can help by:

Following our Facebook page and sharing the posts on your own Facebook Page. 

Sharing our poster and flyers electronically or printed wherever in your community you think people might be interested (you can pick up printed posters and flyers in the office starting late next week). 

Joining the Open House – it is wonderful to have a strong turnout of students, staff and families to help answer questions for new families, and show how strong our community is. Mark your calendars! 

2022 Welcome to Steller Flyer for Printing (1)


Help Needed for Steller Open House

Hello Steller Families and Students!

SPG, along with the school, has started planning new student recruitment for the 2022-2023 school year, and we could use your help! 

1. Co-host for Zoom Open House on Wednesday, February 16 and Thursday, February 17 from 6:00 to 7:30. The script and slide show are ready, we just need someone to act as back up host to introduce people on the 17th.

2. Students were invited to volunteer to speak during the Zoom presentation during the advisory, but I wanted to make sure everyone has the opportunity.  If you are interested please contact me. 

3. It’s great when we have attendance from the current community at our Zoom session to welcome new families, and answer questions based on their experiences, so please mark your calendars! 

Please feel free to share this Poster and Flyer within your own communities and encourage people to attend our Open House. 

2022 Welcome to Steller Flyer for Printing (1)

Finally, if you could please like, comment and repost our Social Media posts (once the campaign gets started) on the Steller Facebook Page that would be great! 

We could use help with a few more things, so if you are interested or have ideas please feel free to contact me at

Kirsten Tschofen




New Chair for Steller Parent Group Needed!

Dear Steller Students, Staff and Families,

I am deeply sad to share with you that due to personal health problems I will be stepping down from my position as Chair as soon as possible. 

I believe Steller Parent Group is  well positioned at this time, with our budget passed, and many procedures in place, and so now would be a great time for someone with new ideas and fresh energy to step into the position of Steller Parent Group Chair. 

Our Secretary Dee Dee will be running the February SPG meeting on by behalf, but I would like to officially take my name off of the organization at the SPG Meeting on Tuesday, March 16th, and have a new Chair in place at that time.

If there is no one in place as Chair at that time SPG can continue to hold informational meetings. However, as a 501(c)3 non-profit, and according to our own By-Laws, we need a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary to make financial decisions and actions – including writing cheques or making budget decisions. So there is some urgency for someone from the community to step in.  As soon as someone steps in, then all functions of Steller Parent Group can resume immediately. 

It has been my pleasure to serve as Chair of Steller Parent Group since January of 2020. I believe strongly that the work we do is important, and have worked hard these last few years to maintain and grow the voice of SPG in the school, respect old traditions and grow new ones – despite my tenure being almost entirely during Covid. 

This year I was pleased we were able to recruit both a new Treasurer (Claudia Liebsch) and Secretary (Dee Dee Zobian) and would like to extend a formal thanks to Brandon Brooks and Angie Southwould for their years of service to the Steller Community. 

When I took on the role, some goals for the organization were handed down to me, and I had a few of my own. I am pleased that despite obvious barriers we have met many of these goals – including cleaning up some technical things around banking, following best practice for transparency and fiducial responsibility as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and continuing to reach out to all members of our community and invite them to have their voice heard. 

I know it’s a difficult time, and many people will feel reluctant to take on a new role because they haven’t been involved in SPG before.  I’d like to reassure you that we have well established systems for much of the work, Claudia and Dee Dee are familiar with things, and I am happy to help anyone as much or as little as they need. Maria and Antionette are also wonderful to work with. 

If you think you might be interested in becoming Chair of Steller Parent Group please reach out and I am happy to tell you more about what is involved so you can make an informed decision. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 


Steller Parent Group


Join the Steller Parent Group Now!

Dear Steller Community,

This is the 2nd of three letters we will be sharing with you about Steller Parent Group. 

Over the last several years, the SPG has worked hard to create guidelines and procedures to promote transparency, be inviting to everyone in our community, and support equity.  We welcome your participation, however you are able. 

The mission of the Steller Parent Group is to promote involvement in school activities, to solicit address, and make recommendations regarding issues and policies facing the Steller Community, and to support fundraising activities and facilitate the disbursement of those funds. To learn more about our by-laws, budget and mission visit our website here. 

Steller Parent Group meets the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.  Watch for the announcements on the Steller Flash (email announcements).  You can find meeting agendas and minutes on this website. 

Volunteer Opportunities for Students, Parents & Guardians

Of course SPG couldn’t meet our mission without the dedicated help of volunteers.  There are many opportunities to fit your skills, interests and time commitments – check them out here.

Steller Parent Group is an important avenue for Steller Families to help build Steller into the school we want. We welcome ideas and suggestions from any member of the community: at SPG meetings, or by contacting

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen


Steller Parent Group


Welcome from Steller Parent Group!

Welcome from SPG

A Welcome Message from the Steller Parent Group

Dear Steller Families,

On behalf of the Steller Parent Group we want to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning Steller families and wish you all a happy New Year.

The Steller Parent Group is an integral part of the Steller Community, and all parents/guardians, staff and students are automatically part of SPG.  We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm on Zoom, and in person (when schools are open).  Every member of the Steller Community is welcome to attend, ask questions and share their ideas. 

The purpose of the SPG is to enrich the lives of Steller students through the financial support and leadership from all active parents and guardians. We strive to promote parent and guardian involvement in school activities. Traditionally we host events during the school year, raise funds to support school initiatives through the Steller Auction, and coordinate volunteers. Although we continue to face uncertainty due to Covid 19, the central mission of SPG remains the same, and I believe it must take on even more importance in the effort to create a strong learning community for our children in this time. 

 SPG wants to make sure that we are reaching as many members of our community with up to date and relevant information as possible.  We have four ways we communicate with you:

  1. Website/Steller Flash updates appear on the SPG website or parents, students and staff can SUBSCRIBE to receive updates directly in your inbox.  Please consult the SPG website for Meeting dates, agendas and minutes, Bylaws, and anything else pertaining to SPG. 
  2. Steller Secondary Parent Group is a closed Facebook Group created to promote communication between current parents, teachers and staff for organizing school activities, announcements, questions, and keeping up with everything that is going on. Feel free to jump in with questions or posts.
  3. Steller Secondary Page is an open page visible to the public. If you are a Steller Alumni and want to stay informed about special activities, fundraisers and student highlights we encourage you to follow our page. 
  4. Student Directory is a new online directory for parents, students and staff to be able to contact each other directly. You must create an account and add your information using the access code CGYJAU when prompted. Add the information for each student and then download the app to be able to access contact information from anywhere. 

We also encourage all community members to follow OpGroup’s Instagram account at  

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen

Chair, Steller Parent Group

*Please note the SPG website/Flash is meant to complement the district website  For official communication from the school and district please visit Q to update your contact information and settings to receive their communications via email, text or call. 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen

Thank You for Your Generosity

Last week Steller Outreach Group students, with the support of Steller Parent Group, launched our fundraising campaign “Steller Cups for Kids” and it was a great success! 

Despite the cold weather we had almost a dozen student and parent volunteers before and after school each day, passing out coffee/cocoa along the pickup/drop off line, and sharing with parents how they can donate to our check-writing campaign.

If you would like to learn more about how Steller Parent Group uses the funds we raise please see here. 

We are grateful for the generous donations we have already received and will be running “Cups for Kids” until December 15th (although we happily accept donations at any time throughout the year!). 

There are three easy ways to donate:

  1. Write a check to Steller Parent Group and drop off or mail to the office.
  2. Use this QR Code
  3. Visit the Steller Website

Cups for Kids Fundraising Campaign

Dear Steller Community,

Tomorrow is the first day of the Steller Cups for Kids Fundraising Campaign!

Students will be handing out coffee/cocoa before and after school all week, sharing their stories of how Steller Parent Group funds have affected their experiences at Steller, and collecting donations.

You can  make a donation in person or from the comfort of your own home.

To make sure traffic flow is smooth and safe parents are welcome to:

1.Park in the main parking lot or along the road, and join us for a little visit in front of the school. 

2. If you prefer we can bring a coffee/cocoa right to your car in the drop off/pick up line.

During these three days please make sure you are extra careful as you drive through the drop off/pick up line and help keep our students safe. 

The Fundraising Campaign will be happy to collect donations until December 15!

For more information about Cups for Kites please see our post on the Steller Parent Group Website, and while you are there, don’t forget to subscribe to Flash so you can stay up-to-date on Steller Parent Group events, volunteer opportunities and more. 

Use this QR Code and donate now! 

Warm regards,

SPG Fundraising Committee and Steller Student Outreach



Write-a-Check Fundraiser “Steller Cups for Kids”

Steller Parent Group and the Steller Student Outreach Group are planning our first “Write-a-Check” Fundraising Campaign from November 22 to December 14. 

Your support is critical. As you may know, SPG has not been able to do any fundraising since January of 2020 due to COVID. We hope to take the pressure off of parents and students to organize, buy and sell things or attend events, and simply to ask you to donate what you can. ($25 to $50 per family is suggested and would help us meet our goal of $6000). 

———- Three Easy Ways to Donate ————-

  • Write a Check to “Steller Parent Group” and drop off between the 22  and 24, or leave in the SPG mailbox before December 14. 

  • Steller Parent Group Website 

  • In person (using Square)between November 22 and 24 

Steller Students will be handing out coffee/cocoa along the drop off/pick up line outside and sharing their stories of how Steller Parent Group funding has positively impacted their experiences at school on the following dates:

Monday November 22 Tuesday November 23 Wednesday November 24
8:10 to 8:30 8:10 to 8:30 8:10 to 8:30
2:15 to 2:40 2:15 to 2:40 2:15 to 2:40

Other ways to Donate

Your everyday purchases can also generate donations to our school and support SPG!  See here for more information about Fred Meyer and Amazon community donations. 


With your generous donations and support, Steller Parent Group will be able to continue providing the following kinds of things for Steller Students, Staff, and Families (these are just examples, actual expenses are requested and approved throughout the year):

SPG Operational Expenses
  • Insurance
  • Website/Flash
  • Fundraising expenses
SPG Hosted Expenses
  • Back to School BBQ 2022
  • Staff appreciation Fall and Spring
  • Ice cream social
School Hosted Expenses
  • Senior Breakfast 
  • Activity Day
  • Steller Olympics
  • Intensives
  • Travel intensives
  • Program support (ie travel expenses for Band, books, and art supplies)

If you would like to volunteer to help before or after school please see the form here.

We thank you for your generous support!

Students from Steller Outreach Group and Leigh Anne

SPG Fundraising Committee – Amy Dummann and Dee Dee Zobian


100% of your donations benefit the Steller Community, and are eligible for tax deduction (Tax ID 06-1760342). If you would like a receipt please contact

Update on Warmth And Welcome Committee

Dear Steller Community,

Some parents have asked for help: They have to drop their children off at school considerably before the doors open, and as it gets colder, this becomes more difficult for students. Under normal circumstances  students have been welcomed into the school and trusted to remain in the lobby following the school Philosophy of Responsible Freedom. However, district COVID protocols and general safety, make this not possible this year. SPG has been working with Steller Staff to see if we can find some sort of resolution to this difficulty and support our students.

Over the last month we ran a sign up sheet for the Warmth & Welcome committee. Parent and guardian volunteers were invited to sign up to be present in the student lounge at the front of the school to help build and support out Steller community,  while respecting COVID safety practices.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to Amy D. who has volunteered for several morning shifts.

Now that it has turned very cold we would like to continue the Warmth and Welcome Committee, and grow it to have a large number of volunteers.

We see Warmth and Welcome as an opportunity to:

  • help out families that are struggling with transportation issues,
  • maintain COVID safety,
  • for parents to have access to the school and to get to know each other and the students,  

And we hope this can be a positive community building option during difficult circumstances.

Parents are also welcome to sign up to be present during the lunch hour to help promote safe mask wearing.  Again, we believe this is a great opportunity for parents to see and participate in the positive energy the school has during the day. 

If you are interested in volunteering please:

  1. Sign up using Sign up Genius Here
  2. Sign the ASD Volunteer Form
  3. Attend a brief Orientation with Maria

Once we have a few volunteers we can talk about how to deal with absence etc.

Steller Parent Group thanks you on behalf of the lager parent body and Steller Staff. 

For questions please contact Kirsten at or Maria

We have many volunteer opportunities! Please check the volunteer page of the SPG website regularly for updates! 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen

Warmth and Welcome Volunteer Sign Up

Dear Steller Community,

Some parents have expressed concerns that have to drop their children off at school considerably before the doors open, and as it gets colder, this may be more difficult.  

SPG is working with Steller Staff to see if we can find some sort of resolution to this difficulty.

Over the next month we will be offering a sign up sheet for the Warmth & Welcome committee. Parent and guardian volunteers are invited to sign up to be present in the student lounge at the front of the school to supervise students in the time between 7:30 at 8:10.  Staff will always available to help if needed.

Parents are also welcome to sign up to be present during the lunch hour to help promote safe mask wearing and positive social behaviours.

If you are interested in volunteering you must:

1) Sign the ASD Volunteer Form (found in the office)

2) Attend a brief Orientation with Maria

3) Change on the sign up form as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend, or by 6:00 am at latest the day of your shift. 

If you are a parent that needs to drop your child off early, we encourage you to check out the link to see if anyone has signed up so the doors will be open. Unfortunately, if there isn’t a volunteer, or they need to cancel for unforeseen circumstances, we will not be able to open the doors.

Steller Parent Group thanks you on behalf of the lager parent body and Steller Staff. 

For questions please contact Kirsten at or Maria