Category Archives: Parent Group

Join us tonight for Parent Group Meeting

Tuesday Jan 8th 6:00-7:30– Join Parent Group to hear updates from Principal Reed Whitmore, as well as student reports from Op Group, news from teachers, and upcoming opportunities for families and students. Parent group is a great way to learn more about making the most of Steller, navigating middle school and high school, and helping to support student travel opportunities and other non-traditional learning at Steller. Newcomers and new ideas are always welcome! Parent Group meets the first Tuesday of every month
at 6:00 pm in Ken’s room.
If you have any items for the agenda, please email them to:

Join the Steller Directory!

Each year the Steller Parent Group maintains a directory of parents, students, and Steller staff to help aid in communication, event coordination, and planning of Steller activities.   This is an opt-in directory, and we highly encourage you to join.    Returning parents will only need to confirm their information once at the beginning of each school year, saving time from re-entry.   Follow the link below to join or confirm your information for this year.    Your information is safe with us, and is only used for Steller related purposes.  Tip: when it asks for your students’ teacher or homeroom, choose their advisor.  Thank you!

Join or Confirm Your Directory Information Here

If you have questions, you can email The directory volunteers this year are Juliana Shields and Kevin Hedin.