Come one, come all to this end-of-the-year event!
Help your school in 3 ways:
Come and celebrate Steller!
Volunteer to make this event run. Please click here to sign up.
Help raise funds for Steller by bringing a dessert for the Bake Sale.
The Steller Community consists of three pillars: Students, Staff and Parents/Guardians. Steller Parent Group is an important way for parents and guardians to learn about what is happening at school, have a voice in future decisions, and help create a culture that reflects the communities values.
All students, staff, and parents/guardians are automatically members, and anyone who attends a meeting has the right to vote on issues. If you have ideas for how we can continue to grow our community, we would love to hear from you.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 10, from 6:00 to 7:00pm on Zoom.
In addition to the usual updates, we will continue planning our upcoming All Community Meeting: Celebrate Steller! It will be a fun event for our entire Steller community.
As always, if you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to reach out. Email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 9143 6576
Passcode: 975378
The Steller Community consists of three pillars: Students, Staff and Parents/Guardians. Steller Parent Group is an important way for parents and guardians to learn about what is happening at school, have a voice in future decisions, and help create a culture that reflects the communities values.
All students, staff, and parents/guardians are automatically members, and anyone who attends a meeting has the right to vote on issues. If you have ideas for how we can continue to grow our community, we would love to hear from you.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 12, from 6:00 to 7:00pm, on Zoom.
In addition to the usual updates we will also discuss the upcoming All Community Meeting: Celebrate Steller! It will be a fun event for our entire Steller community.
As always, if you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to reach out. Email:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 9143 6576
Passcode: 975378
Help recruit new students to Steller!
We all have our own reasons for attending Steller, and things that we appreciate about our school. Help us share those reasons by heading over the the Steller Page and commenting on the posts with what you think is the best things about Steller, and why you think students should apply!
On Tuesday, March 1st Steller is hosting an in person Open House. Prospective students and their families are invited to drop by the school, and will be able to visit classrooms and teachers in small groups on a first come first serve basis.
We would like a few parent volunteers to greet our guests outside, and serve hot chocolate, answer questions, and help manage the groups.
If you can help any time from 6:00 to 7:30 please sign up on the doodle poll below:…
Kirsten Tschofen
I will be stepping down as Chair of Steller Parent Group effective March 15, 2022. In order to ensure SPG is able to fulfill our commitments and continue to effectively support the Steller Community we need someone to step in as soon as possible!
As of yet, we haven’t had anyone indicate interest in the position, so I thought I’d share the description of the position from the by-laws:
An election of Parent Group Officers and Representatives will take place at the September
meeting. Any vacancies that develop will be filled by an interim election conducted at a Parent
Group meeting. No member may hold more than one office.
Chair- the Chair/Vice-Chair is a two (2)-year term
Ideally this work should be shared between a chair and a vice chair – so if we could find TWO people willing to step up that would be even better.
If we do not identify a new chair before the March 15th meeting SPG and all it’s financial functions will be temporarily suspended until we have a full board of chair, treasurer and secretary.
As always, I am happy to speak with anyone interested, or feel free to reach out to Dee Dee (secretary) or Claudia (treasurer) for more information about what is involved.
Warm regards,
Kirsten Tschofen
We need your help spreading the word to your friends and family about Steller.
Here are some important dates:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 923 5371 5611
Passcode: 812072
3, Lottery Application closes on Thursday, March 17, and runs on Friday, March 18th.
4. Families will be notified on Friday, March 25th and have 48 hours to accept to decline (more details on the exact policies for this on the District website).
Following our Facebook page and sharing the posts on your own Facebook Page.
Sharing our poster and flyers electronically or printed wherever in your community you think people might be interested (you can pick up printed posters and flyers in the office starting late next week).
Joining the Open House – it is wonderful to have a strong turnout of students, staff and families to help answer questions for new families, and show how strong our community is. Mark your calendars!
2022 Welcome to Steller Flyer for Printing (1)
Hello Steller Families and Students!
SPG, along with the school, has started planning new student recruitment for the 2022-2023 school year, and we could use your help!
1. Co-host for Zoom Open House on Wednesday, February 16 and Thursday, February 17 from 6:00 to 7:30. The script and slide show are ready, we just need someone to act as back up host to introduce people on the 17th.
2. Students were invited to volunteer to speak during the Zoom presentation during the advisory, but I wanted to make sure everyone has the opportunity. If you are interested please contact me.
3. It’s great when we have attendance from the current community at our Zoom session to welcome new families, and answer questions based on their experiences, so please mark your calendars!
Please feel free to share this Poster and Flyer within your own communities and encourage people to attend our Open House.
2022 Welcome to Steller Flyer for Printing (1)
Finally, if you could please like, comment and repost our Social Media posts (once the campaign gets started) on the Steller Facebook Page that would be great!
We could use help with a few more things, so if you are interested or have ideas please feel free to contact me at
Kirsten Tschofen
Dear Steller Students, Staff and Families,
I am deeply sad to share with you that due to personal health problems I will be stepping down from my position as Chair as soon as possible.
I believe Steller Parent Group is well positioned at this time, with our budget passed, and many procedures in place, and so now would be a great time for someone with new ideas and fresh energy to step into the position of Steller Parent Group Chair.
Our Secretary Dee Dee will be running the February SPG meeting on by behalf, but I would like to officially take my name off of the organization at the SPG Meeting on Tuesday, March 16th, and have a new Chair in place at that time.
If there is no one in place as Chair at that time SPG can continue to hold informational meetings. However, as a 501(c)3 non-profit, and according to our own By-Laws, we need a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary to make financial decisions and actions – including writing cheques or making budget decisions. So there is some urgency for someone from the community to step in. As soon as someone steps in, then all functions of Steller Parent Group can resume immediately.
It has been my pleasure to serve as Chair of Steller Parent Group since January of 2020. I believe strongly that the work we do is important, and have worked hard these last few years to maintain and grow the voice of SPG in the school, respect old traditions and grow new ones – despite my tenure being almost entirely during Covid.
This year I was pleased we were able to recruit both a new Treasurer (Claudia Liebsch) and Secretary (Dee Dee Zobian) and would like to extend a formal thanks to Brandon Brooks and Angie Southwould for their years of service to the Steller Community.
When I took on the role, some goals for the organization were handed down to me, and I had a few of my own. I am pleased that despite obvious barriers we have met many of these goals – including cleaning up some technical things around banking, following best practice for transparency and fiducial responsibility as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and continuing to reach out to all members of our community and invite them to have their voice heard.
I know it’s a difficult time, and many people will feel reluctant to take on a new role because they haven’t been involved in SPG before. I’d like to reassure you that we have well established systems for much of the work, Claudia and Dee Dee are familiar with things, and I am happy to help anyone as much or as little as they need. Maria and Antionette are also wonderful to work with.
If you think you might be interested in becoming Chair of Steller Parent Group please reach out and I am happy to tell you more about what is involved so you can make an informed decision.
Warm regards,
Kirsten Tschofen
Steller Parent Group