Hello Steller Families!
Time sure flies when you’re having fun! We have already finished up our third week of school! Thank you for your continued support of our school and compliance with the COVID-19 Mitigation plan.
However, due to the rise of COVID-19 cases within our community and the rising concern associated with that, we will be canceling the Back to School and All Community Meeting on September 9th and moving to a new Zoom format for the foreseeable future. This will ensure that we will be doing our part to limit the number of in-person meetings, as well as providing you with pertinent information for the school year. You will be able to find more information on our website.
Thank you for your continued patience and support during these times.
Have a great Labor Day and enjoy the long weekend!
Steller Office

During the first part of the night students and parents & guardians will have the chance to meet each of their teachers and advisor to learn about the classes they are taking and ask questions.
The second half of the evening will be a renewal of the All Community Meeting Tradition and will be jointly hosted by the Steller Parent Group and Steller.
The three pillars of our community –
Student, Staff, Parents & Guardians
– are all invited to join.
Here is a brief outline of the agenda:
- Icebreaker Game and Snacks in the Lobby
- Staff Introductions
- Welcome from Steller Parent Group & How You Can Get Involved in the School
- OpGroup Introductions
- Draw for Steller Spirit Wear T-Shirt and Clean-Up
We look forward to reconnecting and making new friends and hope to see you there!
Kirsten Tschofen
Chair, Steller Parent Group