Category Archives: Nurse’s Notes

Volunteers Needed

I requested reflectors from the Alaska Injury Prevention Center. They have been sent to me and I am ready to apply them to backpacks and jackets. I need volunteers who are willing to assist me during lunchtime (11:45 am until 12:40 p.m.) and immediately after school (2:05 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.). It was highly recommended that volunteers apply the reflectors. If they are sent home, they are unlikely to be used. The reflectors simply stick on the item and can be easily attached in a matter of seconds.  If you and/or your adolescent are interested in assisting me, let me know which day will work best for you. I would prefer to do this on one single day.  It may be that students will even allow us keep their backpack or jacket and apply the reflectors when they are back in class after lunch.  If that is the case, we may not even need the extra time after school. If you are interested in assisting me, please let me know which day works best for you. The day that works best for most people is the one that we will plan on. Remember, October 28th is an inservice day, so no students will be in the building.  My direct line is 742-4963 and my email is

The Alaska Injury Prevention Center suggests that the reflectors be adhered to both the front and back of backpacks and/or winter coats. It may be cut into shapes to add flair and individuality. Perhaps the end of October would best best for this activity since we should have snow by then and hopefully,  all students will be wearing their winter jacket to school.

This may seen like a project that is important only for elementary school aged children, yet, we know that it is often difficult to see anyone when the sun is down. Alaska is a state where there is the  the greatest need for reflectors. I did a preliminary survey and only found four students who had them. They were reflectors on backpacks that looked like they were there when the backpack was purchased.  After a date is decided on to apply the reflectors, I will send an educational brochure home to encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity.  I appreciate your help.

Anne M. McCarron, R.N. NBCSN
Steller Secondary
2508 Blueberry Rd.
Anchorage Alaska 99503
Main office (907) 742-4950
Nurse’s office (907) 742-4963
Fax (907) 742-4966

PPD Testing

I am beginning PPD testing for all 7th graders and those new to ASD (who have not have a PPD in the last 6 months). This is a little prick just underneath the skin on the lower arm. It is to determine if your adolescent has been exposed to tuberculosis. If you want  to be with your child for the PPD, please come by anytime and I can do it with you in attendance. You signed a form at registration giving me permission to administer it.  I administer the test and check it two days later to see if there is a reaction. The PPD is a state requirement to remain in school, however, if you prefer to have it given elsewhere that is an option. The municipality (“L Street Clinic”) does them for free.

Also, I want to remind you that the flu vaccination, B12 injection, super B, tetanus or pneumonia vaccination, they will be available this Friday (9/23/11) at 7:30 for a moderate cost. The flu vaccination price is $20. Consent forms are in the front office in an orange folder on the counter.  The clinic would like you to have them filled out ahead of time, if possible.

Finally, if a parent is interested in helping me with screenings (height, weight, vision and hearing), please contact me and let me know what days you are available. My direct line is 742-4963. This is a good way for nurses who are not working to keep their license up-to-date. I am happy to have any assistance. Volunteers do not need to be health care professionals.
Thank you for all you do for Steller.
Nurse Anne

Two Important Upcoming Events

There are two upcoming events I want to inform you about.  Patient’s First will administer onsite Flu vaccinations ($20), Vitamin B12 ($15), Super B ($30), includes B12, pneumocoaal ($60) and T-Dap ($50), the tetanus vaccination which even adults should have every 10 years. Click here for more information.  I have left consent forms for the vaccinations on the counter in the main office. The clinic would like you to fill the consent form out ahead of time. This opportunity is open to parents, staff and students. It will take place in the MPR from 7:30 until 8:30, Friday morning, September 23rd.  If you are interested or are interested in having your child or adolescent receive any of the above, please let me know so that I can give the clinic a heads up on the approximate number. If you can go ahead and fill out the consent, then give it to me, that would probably be the best way to keep track of numbers.  I have been told that Patient’s First does not currently have the flu mist, but they will let me know if their supply arrives before our clinic.  I will pass the word on when I hear something.

The second item I want to discuss is Camp Erin. Camp Erin is part of Hospice of Alaska. It is a three day camp (Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon) for children and adolescents who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. The camp is entirely free and is full of wonderful activities for those who participate. I was a volunteer last year and will be a part of the program again this year. If you have a child or adolescent or if you know of one who has experienced a recent loss, this could be an excellent opportunity for them. The camp is in Birchwood at the Boy Scout Camp and will take place the weekend of October 7th. We will sleep in cabins, do lots of indoor and outdoor activities, have great meals. and lots of fun. I have the registration forms for Camp Erin in my office and I can leave a few with flu consents in the main office as well. Please feel free to call me about either of these two events or anything else I can assist you with.

Anne M. McCarron, R.N. NBCSN
Steller Secondary

Lunch and Breakfast Stash in the Nurse’s Office

It has been brought to my attention that I can request food donations from you for students who forget their lunch, don’t have money etc. I have a small stash left from last year, but will be happy to accept more.  I am receptive to anything that is healthy (fairly low in fat, sugar and sodium), that the students will eat, is in individual packets, will not take up a lot of space and does not have to be refrigerated.  Parents and  students have informed me that the items below have been supplied in the past.

Cup of Noodles
Cans of soup (with the tabs to open the can)
Chef Boyardee Beefaroni, lasagna, etc. in individual plastic containers
Individual packets of oatmeal
Fruit roll ups
Boxes of fruit juice
Granola bars
Gold Fish cracker packets

Some of the items on this list are boarderline healthy, however they are far better than soda, chips, candy, cookies, etc. If you can come up with other items that are reasonably healthy and fit the other criteria listed, then I am receptive. This is a great service for students.  We are all distracted at times and forget important things like our lunch. As we all know, students cannot concentrate if their stomach is empty. Please inform your adolescent about the service if they are new to Steller this year. Thank you for your assistance. Nurse Anne

Dispose of Unused Prescription Medications Responsibly

National Prescription Drug Take-back Day: Saturday, April 30, 2011 10am – 2pm
This event aimed at reducing water and ground contamination and increasing safety within the home by removing unused and expired medications and disposing of them safely.

Bring your unused and expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs.  Be sure to black out any personal information on containers or put medications in other containers.

No chemotherapy drugs, no liquids (unless in original container and tightly capped), and no needles.  No illegal drugs!

Saturday, April 30, 2011 10am – 2pm
Anchorage Locations: Fred Meyer, 7701 Debarr Road
Fred Meyer, 2300 Abbot Road

For more information:  call 800-882-9539or visit or

Nurse’s Notes – April 2011

Spring Intensives & Travel

If your student is participating in travel or an overnight intensive, the health office will need updated medical and medication information.  Please check with your student as he/she should have paperwork for you to review and return to the health office prior to intensives.


Student Medication

Medications cannot be left in the nurse’s office over the summer.  It must either be returned to the parent or discarded.  PLEASE PICK UP MEDICATION IN THE NURSE’S OFFICE BY 11:00am, Wednesday, May 18, 2010.  Per ASD policy, any medication not picked up will be turned into ASD Health Services and destroyed.


Prom and Graduation Parties

Prom night and graduation are soon approaching.  We want this to be a time of fond memories and not a reminder of a tragic event.  Please take the time to remind your sons and daughters about the safety issues and consequences of drug and alcohol use.  Remind them that it impairs judgment, lowers inhibitions, and can cause alcohol poisoning/overdose, all of which increase the risk for motor vehicle accidents.  Lets work together to keep our students safe.


Immunizations Due

Many students will need immunization boosters before the end of school and over the summer.  The immunization must be received and documentation provided to the school prior to attending classes.  The State of Alaska has a strict “NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL” policy.  Reminder letters are mailed out monthly and several months prior to your students immunization due date.  Letters for immunizations due over the summer will be mailed in May.  Free immunizations are available at a variety of locations; please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Nurse Wendy



Sophomore Day Reminder

Dear Sophomore Parents,

Each year, Steller conducts a health education program with a focus on healthy relationships, STI’s/HIV/AIDS education, human sexuality/teen relationship issues, and safety.  This program is presented to the sophomore class as a full-day workshop, which features community guest speakers.  All of our presenters focus on safe and healthy choices as well as encourage communication with one’s family/parents.

All 10th grade students will need to pick up and take home a permission slip (they have been posted in the hall outside of the office) for parental review and signature.  Student’s who do not have a signed permission slip will attend regular classes for the day.  Attendance in either Sophomore Day or the regular class day is required for attendance in Activity Night.  Permission slips need to be returned to Nurse Wendy by Tuesday, April 12th, 2010.

Sophomore Day will be on Friday,  4/15/2011; ASD buses will transport all students.  We will depart promptly at 8:45am and will return to Steller at ~2:15pm.

If your student does not bring home a permission slip, please download it here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Sophomore Day or any of the speakers, please feel free for contact me at 742-4963.

Dear Sophomore Parents,

Each year, Steller conducts a health education program with a focus on healthy relationships, STI’s/HIV/AIDS education, human sexuality/teen relationship issues, and safety.  This program is presented to the sophomore class as a full-day workshop, which features community guest speakers.  All of our presenters focus on safe and healthy choices as well as encourage communication with one’s family/parents.

All 10th grade students will need to pick up and take home a permission slip (they have been posted in the hall outside of the office) for parental review and signature.  Student’s who do not have a signed permission slip will attend regular classes for the day.  Attendance in either Sophomore Day or the regular class day is required for attendance in Activity Night.  Permission slips need to be returned to Nurse Wendy by Tuesday, April 12th, 2010.

Sophomore Day will be on Friday,  4/15/2011; ASD buses will transport all students.  We will depart promptly at 8:45am and will return to Steller at ~2:15pm.

If your student does not bring home a permission slip, please download it here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Sophomore Day or any of the speakers, please feel free for contact me at 742-4963.

Nurse Wendy

Free Dental Services

The University of Alaska Anchorage Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene programs are planning a free dental services day on April 9, 2011.

This event is possible because many different groups are working together to provide services, these groups include: First National Bank, Alaska Dental Society, Alaska Dental Hygiene Association, UAA’s Dental Hygiene Students, UAA’s Dental Assisting Students and the faculty and staff of the Dental Program at UAA.

The event will target low to middle income individuals that do not have dental insurance and UAA students.  The possible services that will be provided to adults include:  fillings, x-rays, exams and dental cleanings. The possible services that will be provided to children include: sealants, x-rays, exams and dental cleanings.  All of the provided services will be free to the participants.  It is estimated that the event will be able to serve 100-125 people. The clinic will start at 9am and end at 3:30 pm.

Please download a medical/dental history first to fill out at home.

The building is called The Allied Health Science Building- located at the corner of Seawolf and Providence in the dental clinic. (There will be signs posted.)  The best parking will be at UAA’s Sports Complex.

For more information visit the UAA Dental Clinic website at