Category Archives: Nurse’s Notes

Emergency Supplies Donation Request **with Gift Matching thru Nov. 21**

Steller staff, students and parents,
This school year, I want to make certain our students have the supplies to help keep them safe in the event of a major disaster.  As a result, I’ve created an emergency supplies project request on a 501(c)3 charity website called

I’m asking for any donations possible for our students – no matter the size, it will help. This week only, any donation made (up to $100) to our “Emergency Supplies in Earthquake Alaska” project will be doubled! If you know people who are passionate about safety issues, please pass this along. Your tax-deductible donation can have a direct impact on all 270 students at Steller.

To have donations matched dollar for dollar, enter the promo code INSPIRE on the payment screen on This wonderful match offer only lasts through November 21, 2013, so please consider making a contribution. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Nurse Anne

Request for Cup O Noodles or other lunch donations, please

We’re getting low on Cup of Noodles. Many students are unprepared for lunch and take from the supply fairly frequently. We cannot always depend on Souper Steller every Friday so try to make certain your adolescents have money or their lunch every day. I immensely appreciate those parents who have donated items for students who do not bring a cup o noodleslunch. The Cup of Noodles seem to be the easiest to store, dispense and for the students to heat. I would appreciate more contributions the next time you are at Sams or Costco.

Thank you for thinking of those students who do not have lunch. Thank you for all that you do for the staff as well. The luncheon last month was wonderful!
Nurse Anne

Steller Student Flu Clinic Reminder

Reminder: Next Monday, September 16th, students who have a consent form on file will receive the flu mist vaccination here at Steller. A parent volunteer will help with the paperwork while I administer the nasal spray. A few students who cannot take the mist will instead receive the injection. If you have time, I would appreciate additional help. The more assistance I have, the less time students will be away from their classrooms.

If your adolescent received the vaccination elsewhere this season, please call and let me know. There is no need to waste resources. If you did not fill out a consent during registration and want your adolescent to receive the vaccination, either come by and fill one out a consent or call and I can fax one to you.

If you have reservations about the vaccination, please review the reputable, informative Mayo Clinic website.

Thank you for your attentiveness.
Nurse Anne

Anne M. McCarron, R.N. NBCSN
Steller Secondary
2508 Blueberry Rd.
Anchorage Alaska 99503
Main office (907) 742-4950
Nurse’s office (907) 742-4963
Fax (907) 742-4966

INSPIRE Souper Steller Donations!

Parents and Students,
I posted a request on DonorsChoose for funds to support our “Souper Steller” project. Unfortunately, to actually procure money or gift cards for food purchase was a HUGE ordeal. I will ask later when I figure all this out; however, for now, I simply requested funding for soup bowls and spoons. Below  is a very important email with a February 2nd deadline. If you spread the word or have your friends spread the word on Facebook, it will certainly help our cause. Make certain people donate by Saturday, February 2, 2013 and use the match code INSPIRE during checkout to DOUBLE their donations to our Souper Soup Project! (DonorsChoose advised that we not use the name of the school.) If we have all the supplies needed for serving, we can use the funds we currently have for food.

Please, please, please spread the word today! All the details are below. FYI, Alyse Galvin supplied the great picture for DonorsChoose of our kids eating soup.
Anne McCarron, Steller Nurse


Hi Anne,

Good news! Souper Soup Project In Anchorage Alaska(950962)<> is live and ready to receive donations.

Even better: our Board of Directors wants to kick start your project! For the next 7 days, when someone donates to your project and enters the code INSPIRE, we’ll match their donation dollar for dollar.

We bet you have friends and family who care about what you’re doing in your classroom. Give them an easy way to help:

1) Tell your network! Email and post on Facebook. Not sure how to ask? Use our sample language<> and your personalized Teacher Page:<>

2) Make sure people donate by February 2, 2013 and use the match code INSPIRE during checkout to double their donations to your project.

Questions? Read the full details about this offer.<>

Thanks for the hard work we know you do every day.

The Team

Cup of Noodles Needed!



I sent a notice out before the holidays requesting more Cup of Noodles for the nurse’s offices, but it didn’t make it to the Flash. If you could please help out, that would be great. The kids love the Cup of Noodles and although each cup has 1,190 mg of sodium and 6 g of saturated fat, there are far worse foods.  It is convenient and at least gets rid of the hunger pains. If there is anything else “relatively healthy” that you might want to drop off, that would be great too. Just bring it in to the Nurse’s Office.


Thanks for your help with keeping our students from being hungry. FYI, I have encouraged the students who come in frequently to make their lunch the night before. I always hear, “I didn’t have time to make my lunch this morning.” If they make lunch the night before and have it all packaged up, all they have to do is grab it!  For some reason, this never occurred to many of them!  : )


Thank you again,


Nurse Anne

Steller Secondary School Nurse

Nurse’s direct line – 742-4963


Important Vaccination Information from Nurse Anne


Starting in January, vaccines will no longer be supplied by the State of ALaska, except in children who are either Native Alaskan/American Indian, are covered by Medicaid or Denali Kid Care, or have no health insurance. Every provider who uses state supplied vaccines must abide by this new policy. This includes the pediatricians and all community based clinics.

If students are not in one of the above categories, they can still receive the vaccines at the pediatricians/practitioner’s office for a fee from their privately purchased stock. I contacted a primary care clinic and was informed that they charge $65 for the serum plus an administration fee of $45. That amounts to a total cost of  $110 for the tetanus injection.

If a student is underinsured, meaning they have health insurance but vaccines are not covered in part or in whole, the only providers that can administer them free of cost are Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center (257-4600) or the Municipal Health Dept. (343-4799).

If your adolescent needs a tetanus vaccination, now is the time to have it done if you want to avoid paying a fee. The muni has a walk in clinic Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1-5:30 and Friday 8-4:30 for anyone 18 and under. Help me get the word out about this.


Nurse Anne

Steller School Nurse

Direct line 907-742-4963

Fax 907- 742-4966

FluMist Vaccinations Oct. 5, No Shot Required


We were told that we would likely receive only a limited number of free flu vaccinations for students this year. They have already been offered to us and I have arranged for October 5th to be the day that I administer them. The flu vaccinations are free to any Steller students. Only the flu mist will be administered at school (no injections). I have requested 20 dosages, but can probably ask for a few more. Please complete the consent form in the attachment and fax to me (742-4966) or bring it in. If I have a consent on file, I will make certain your adolescent receives the flu mist.

Also,the blood bank is coming to Steller October 24th from 12:30 pm until 5:30 pm. This is the first day of parent-teacher conferences. In the past this has proven to be a good time for the blood drive. The consent for students is in the attachment as well. I just wanted to give a heads up for those parents/students who donate frequently. I would appreciate it if you can please wait and donate at Steller. Adolescents who are 16 or older can donate with parental consent if they weight at least 113 pounds. Call me to schedule a time for the blood donation if you or your adolescent is interested.

Last, but not least, Red Ribbon week is also the week of parent-teacher conferences. Since it is a short school week, I’m planning for speakers to come out and answer student’s questions the week before. The presentation is planned for after school Wednesday, October, 17th at 2:10. Please encourage your adolescent to attend.

If you have any questions about anything, don’t hesitate to call me at 742-4963. Thank you for all you do for Steller.

Anne McCarron, RN

Steller School Nurse

Flu Mist Consent         Parental Consent Form

Flue Shot Clinic – Friday, September 21st

Parents and Students,

Patients First Medical Clinic is coming to Steller September 21st (Friday)
to administer flu vaccinations and several other specific vaccinations (see the
attachment). The flu vaccination is $20. They will be here from 7:30 to
8:30 and will administer the vaccinations in the nurse’s office. If you
are interested in receiving any of the vaccinations listed, please let me
know. The second attachment has an article about the importance of receiving
flu vaccinations especially for those people with neurological disorders and
neurodevelopmental disorders. The flu vaccination is also safe for pregnant women.
Time Magazine has an interesting article that addresses the effects of the 1918
flu epidemic seen decades later. That link is below.,8599,1929814-2,00.html

ASD is not going to be giving free flu vaccinations this year except in a
very limited amount to specific schools, so please take advantage of this opportunity.

Anne Mccarron
School Nurse
Steller Secondary School

Patient’s First Available Shots

Influenza article

From the Nurse

Attached is a document written by Dr. Jeffrey Demain, a prominent allergy and immunologist in Anchorage.  It was taken from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Alaska chapter newsletter. The document discusses how to deal with seasonal allergy symptoms. It has some great information even for those may not have been diagnosed with chronic allergies, but have intermittent symptoms.  Studies say that 20% of the population suffers from seasonal allergies, however, from my experience, I would say that number is greater in Alaska. Please read the information, especially if you suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms. The information is very thorough. Included is the link for up-to-date pollen information for Alaska which is at

Thank you for the Cup of Noodles, other food contributions and the many great things you do for this wonderful school. There have been many hungry Steller students who made it through the remainder of the school day  thanks to your generosity.  Have a great summer and be safe!


Anne McCarron


Return of Spring and Summer
10 tips to ease your allergy symptoms
Jeffrey G Demain, MD, FAAAAI, FAAP

Millions of Americans are keeping their tissue boxes close by in preparation for the peak of the spring allergy season. The budding trees and blooming flowers associated with the return of spring mark an increase in itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and other allergy symptoms.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis, or “hay fever,” affects more than 20% of the people living in the United States, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Allergies are triggered by substances called allergens, such as pollen or mold spores. Many trees, grasses and weeds contain small and light pollens that are easily carried by the wind, causing allergy symptoms to flare up in the spring.  Tree pollens, especially birch have broken all records in the last few years.  High tree pollen levels are considered >90 grain/m cubed.  We had record tree pollen levels in May 2010 with over 3900 grains/m³

One of the best ways to help prevent allergy attacks is to start taking medication prescribed by your allergist about a week before peak allergy season in your area begins. With continued use of medication and avoidance of potential triggers, allergic symptoms can be minimized.

In addition to timing medication, the AAAAI offers the following tips to help allergy sufferers find some relief this spring:

  • Do a thorough spring cleaning – windows, book shelves and air conditioning vents collect dust and mold throughout the winter that can provoke allergy symptoms.
  • Minimize outdoor activity when pollen counts are high. Peak pollen times are usually between 10 am and 4 pm. Get up-to-date pollen information for Alaska at
  • Take medications at least 30 minutes prior to outdoor activity. Consult with an allergist/immunologist to ensure medications are helping you and notify an allergist/immunologist when reactions to medications occur.
  • Shut windows in your house on days pollen counts are high. Avoid using windows or fans that may draw pollen inside.
  • Wash bedding weekly in hot water.
  • Dry laundry indoors. Sheets hanging on an outside line are an easy target for blowing pollen.
  • Shower and wash your hair before bed – pollen can collect on your hair and skin.
  • Keep pets off of furniture and out of the bedroom. Pollen can cling to the dog or cat after being outside.
  • Keep car windows closed during peak season. Use air conditioning and point vents away from face.
  • When mowing lawn or doing gardening, wear a filter mask.

Seek proper treatment prior to and during your peak allergy season:
If you are an allergy sufferer, consult with an allergist/immunologist to discuss treatment and environmental control options. An allergist/immunologist is the best-qualified medical professional trained to manage the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergies and asthma

From the Nurse


If you are going through clothes this summer, please set aside nice looking sweats, tops and socks that can be used by students at Steller who get rips, have inappropriate attire, etc. We also need cups of noodles and other food items for those students who forget their lunch.  Thank you so much for your donations.  The students and I both appreciate your generosity.

I sent immunization notices home for those students who will need vaccinations before registration in August. Please take care of this.  The muni (343-4799), Prov. (212-4824) and Regional (276-1131) have free immunization clinics.

If you chose, you can download registration forms from the ASD website. Having them filled out beforehand can save you a great deal of time at registration.  Go to the ASD homepage and under parents/students click on forms. To the right you will see Back-to-School forms page.  Nothing is there now, however, as the beginning of next school year approaches, there will be.  You can also go under Department (on the homepage), click on Nursing/Health Svc. and then on the left side of the screen click on Health Forms.  From there you can access the Health Services forms you will need.

I need a care plan for next year for certain health conditions.  ASD requires an up-to-date one every year.  No student should have an asthma inhaler at school without a care plan authorizing one.  Faxing is the easiest way to make certain I receive the plan (907 7424170).  These are the conditions that necessitate a health care plan:

Asthma                           Allergy/anaphylaxis (including insect bites/stings)

Diabetes                         Seizures

Any individualized health concern that requires more than routine care

Students who may need an inhaler, epi pen, glucagon or diastat MUST have a care plan.  A teacher can administer epinephrine on a field trip ONLY if I there is a care plan on file with me.  Documentation in Zangle determines which schools receive a nurse if I am out of the building or if a nurse is needed on a field trip.  Please complete the forms, obtain the health care provider’s signature and fax or bring them to registration.  Students new to the district and all 7th graders need the PPD form as well.

Thank you for your attention to these issues.  Have a wonderful summer! I look forward to seeing you in August.


Nurse Anne (742-4963)