Category Archives: Intensives

Oceanography Intensive

In May we are having an Oceanography Intensive.  Our students will be staying at Steller for the first week of the intensive and then the second week will be in Cordova.  During this first week the students will be engaged in activities related to Marine Science and I hope to be able to use some great activities that I have applied for using a grant (check it out at:  We also hope to begin a partnership with the Prince William Sound Science Center where we travel to Cordova every second year in August (beginning this coming August) to involve our students in a two week experience. If we are able to gain support for the grant the products obtained will help in coming years as more of our students are able to experience a uniquely Alaskan experience.  Cheers Shannon

Galapagos meeting Re-Schedule!!

Interested in December 2010 Galapagos trip?
We had a meeting planned for March 5th at 6:30pm but with consideration for those leaving on Spring Break trips we are going to re-schedule the meeting to coincide with the All Community Meeting on the 19th March.  The new meeting will be in Jean’s room at 6:30pm on the Thursday of 19th March.   See you there!

Galapagos Intensive

Shannon is planning an intensive to the Galapagos Islands for the school year of 2010-2011 (August/December/May). Jean will be the lead teacher for this trip.  This will need parent help for fundraising and planning.  There is a meeting at school for interested students in Jean’s room this Wednesday 28th January at 12pm – please have your student attend to get more info about this possibility.

Oceanography Intensive – May

Is your student interested in Marine Science?
We have the opportunity to spend a week here and a week in Cordova looking closely at this topic during the May intensives 2009. Please let Shannon know if you (your child) would be interested in helping get this off the ground – we already have two students working on grants for this and there may be other things we can do if I know I have the student/parent interest.

Hand Quilting Intensive

Michelle’s hand-quilting intensive class is in need of donations.  We will graciously accept fabrics (particularly holiday colors), threads, sewing needles, thimbles, and batting.  Also, if anyone has quilting frames or hoops that we could borrow we would greatly appreciate it.

I am trying to keep the cost down for students.

Thanks so much.

Mammoth Ski/Snowboard Intensive

Steller Presents:

By Popular Demand

Mammoth Ski/Snowboard Intensive

Sign-Up Meeting Tuesday, October 21 at Noon

Natalie’s Room

Come join us at the Mammoth Resort in Sierras for the Winter Intensive and enjoy shreddin’ the biggest winter resort in California.  All the details will be available at the meeting.  Act now because we need to make reservations very soon.  Bring your friends and hear what awaits in the deep powder of the High Sierras!

Intensive Presentation Day

Tuesday, May 20th, 8:30-11:30am
Fashion Show Performance Art Video Production
Walkabout and see what other Intensives have been up to these past two weeks. …Sharing and demonstrating new skills, new travels, new learning…. Parents welcome