Category Archives: Intensives

Winter Intensives

Winter is coming…and it is time to register for Winter Intensives. Winter Intensives are happening from December 12th to 22nd. Attached are the descriptions for the Intensives being offered. Students should read through them and pick their first, second, and third choice by Monday. Students will be entering their choices during Advisory on October 10th. If students are traveling with family during Intensives, they should talk to their Advisor this week and make arrangements to do an Independent Study Intensive. Also remember there is money for fee waivers for those with a financial need. Students should talk to the office, their Advisor, or the teacher they are interested in taking an Intensive to pick up an Intensive Fee Waiver form.

Winter Intensives course descriptions

Here is a direct link to the descriptions:

Intensives Registration and Monday Schedule

Intensives registration is this Monday during AG! CHOOSE WISELY, YOU MUST!

Please note that there is a correction on Ken’s Intensive: FREAKONOMICS – is open to grades 9-12 only.

Next week is a 4-Day Week schedule since Friday is an Inservice Day for staff.

Please be advised of the following schedule for Monday March 7, 2016, to ensure that all Steller students have an equal opportunity to register for Intensives:

Period 1 8:30-8:55
Period 2 9:00-9:25
Period 4 9:30-10:15
ADVISORY (Intensives Registration) 10:20-11:45
Period 5 12:40-2:05

Informational Meeting Re Spring 2017 Trip to Dominican Republic Mon. Feb 29, noon

There is an informational meeting about the spring 2017 trip to the Dominican Republic on Monday, February 29th at noon in Ashley’s room. Please come if you are interested in learning more about this amazing opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and language while on a service-learning trip.  See High School Team Fact Sheet HERE

Intensive Trip to the Florida Keys: December 2016

imgres-1There will be a parent meeting for students  interested in going  to the Florida Keys to study Marine Biology in December 2016. We will spend our intensive  in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary where daily activities will include snorkeling coral reefs,  daily field trips in boats, lab sessions ,  as well as visiting different marine habitats including the Everglades National Park.  The meeting will held March 8th, at 6:30 in Mikes room. The cost of the trip  is $2900.

Visiting artist needed for Spring Art Intensive

stained glassJean is looking for a visiting artist to share his/her expertise during the Spring Art Intensive. Her plan is to have students rotate between each 3-day workshops. She would like to make Stained Glass one of them, but doesn’t have expertise in this area. If you know someone who would be willing to share his/her talents, please email

P.S.  Not asking for free labor – compensation will be arranged.

May 2017 Intensive Travel Opportunity – The Dominican Republic!

  • Are you interested in traveling to the Dominican Republic?

  • Do you want to immerse yourself in another culture?

  • Do you want to learn and practice Spanish in an immersion setting?

  • Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, come to a meeting on Monday at noon in Ashley’s room. You can find out just how you can make these wishes come true! This will be an informative meeting about a travel and service-learning opportunity to the Dominican Republic with the non-profit, Outreach 360.

We will be traveling during Spring 2017 intensives. Attached is some information about Outreach 360 and their volunteer program for high schoolers HERE.

Please email or visit Ashley if you have questions or are interested but are unable to attend the meeting.