The countdown to our Community Event Addams Family Values is on, and you can buy your tickets now! Help us fill the theatre by getting the word out to friends and family!
Sunday, April 23, 1pm
@Bear Tooth Theatre Pub
The countdown to our Community Event Addams Family Values is on, and you can buy your tickets now! Help us fill the theatre by getting the word out to friends and family!
Sunday, April 23, 1pm
@Bear Tooth Theatre Pub
There is lots happening at Steller this month, and Steller Parent Group has a busy agenda for our meeting on Tuesday, March 21 from 6:00 to 7:20. We will meet in Joe’s room.
Join us to hear updates about our Addams Family Values Community Movie event on Sunday, April 23. Steller is pleased to be co-hosting the Aurora Music Festival this year, and we will need many volunteers to help make this event successful! Finally, it’s that time of year again, and we are looking to recruit for all positions on the SPG board for next year. The great news is that our current board members will be staying on, so you have someone to help you learn the ropes, and share the responsibilities. If you are interested please reach out to our co-chairs Dee Dee or Amy at
You can see all our Meeting Minutes on our website here , and do take a few minutes to read the draft meeting minutes from February here.
Warm regards,
April 23rd, 1pm @ Bear Tooth Theatrepub
Tickets for sale starting March 21st.
In addition to being a great opportunity for Steller Families to get together, Steller Parent Group gets a percentage of the box office revenue and we use that money to fund great community events like the Start of the Year BBQ, student intensives, school equipment and more! The theatre has a 400 people capacity and we want to fill the place up, so
Ticket sales soon through Bear Tooth Theatrepub ticketbooth
Dear Steller Students, Parents and Guardians,
Steller Parent Group is planning a fun community event on Sunday, April 23, 2023 at Bear Tooth Theatrepub. All members of the Steller Community are invited to attend the matinee showing of Addams Family Values. SPG will receive a portion of the ticket sales.
The Fundraising Committee is also considering hosting a small online auction of maybe 5-8 big ticket items and/or Advisory Baskets. This would be open to both members of our community, and the general public.
Big ticket items would be a minimum value of about $400. We are thinking of things like cabin stays and other tourism related activities, custom artwork, and more. Another popular idea would be to share a special skill – for example if you are a great cook you could offer to cook a dinner party for the first 8 people that bid the minimum (your house or theirs), or perhaps a cookie decorating party or similar. Think opportunities to get to know each other and build community. We’d be thrilled to work with you to work out details if you have a starting idea.
Advisory Baskets usually involve choosing a theme and collecting the items. We would need one student volunteer per advisory to put the basket together.
This information will help us decide if this is something our community wants to do, and helps us plan how best to spend our time as volunteers.
And, as always, if you would like to help, we’d love to have you!
Sarah Bernhardt and Kirsten Tschofen
All community members – students, staff and parents/guardians are invited to attend, share their ideas, and share their talents! Many hands makes a light load!
Join Zoom Meeting
Questions? contact Karen at
Since July 2022 ASD had had a new application process for anyone who volunteers in ASD Schools.
“All volunteers (includes chaperones, drivers, and partner organizations) must complete a
volunteer application and sign a liability waiver each school year. This requirement ensures
that the District has the most up-to-date information on those volunteering. The application
and waiver can be found on the website for online submission or printing.” (Read more here)
The process is not complicated and can be done online or on paper (printed copies are available through the school office). In order to ensure that you can volunteer when you are needed we are asking all parents and guardians to complete the application now. SPG will have a number of opportunities where we will need volunteers in the next few months:
Visit the district website here to complete your application now!
Following our very successful fundraiser this fall Cups for Kids, SPG is planning a community oriented fundraiser for the spring.
Parents and guardians, students and staff are all invited to attend this meeting and share their ideas! For questions please contact Karen or Lea at
For more info or to help in any of these ways, email
Thank you to Dee Dee Zobian who has moved from her position as Secretary to be a Co-Chair with Amy Dummann!
This now leaves a vacant position for Secretary! It’s an easy way to join with main time commitment being taking notes during SPG meetings, and attending leadership meetings. Experience with Google Drive is an asset, but we can teach you too!
Thank you to Lea McKenna who has stepped up to lead the Fundraising Committee. She has been joined by XXX to plan our main fundraiser this year – Cups for Kids.
Click here to have your donation over and done! 🙂
Parent volunteers are needed to make this fundraiser a success. Help make coffee, collect donations, and much more. Click here to VOLUNTEER.
More info:
SPG is hoping to meet our fundraising goal for 2022-2023 of $30,000. (Currently our draft budget has expenses of $17,000.)
In order to allocate more funding to intensives, additional student programs, and to make travel intensives accessible for all families, regardless of ability to pay, SPG needs more than $17,000 to increase our budget. Help us make these exciting programs a reality!
Thank you, Steller Community, for your continued support of our amazing students!
P.S. don’t forget that many companies match donations. Does yours?