Category Archives: Fundraising & Auction

Support Steller Parent Group While You Shop!


Support Steller While You Shop

Steller Parent Group has teamed up with Fred Meyer and Amazon,  for corporate rewards, and your purchases generate corporate donations from these companies to our school.  Here is how you connect your shopping to the rewards:

Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Steller Secondary Parent Group every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you will find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization when you go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device to do your shopping.

3 Easy Steps

1.  Bookmark and Shop using this link –
2.  Sign in to your Amazon account
3.  Select a charity by searching for ‘steller parent group’

Learn more about how your shopping at supports our school.  

Support Steller Secondary Parent Group (80690) just by linking your rewards card to our group and do your shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card. The more supporters who link their card to Steller Secondary Parent Group, the more we earn.   Sign up now!  The process is very simple.

3 Easy Steps

1.  Click to sign in or sign up with a Fred Meyer’s account first
2.  Associate your Rewards Card with your account
3.  Click here to enroll in Community Rewards and search for ‘Steller’.

Does this program affect my personal rebates or fuel points?  No, this is a corporate donation and does not affect your personal rewards.
Issues? contact the FredMeyer community reward team at

More info about Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Simply make a purchase at Office Depot or Office Max online or in-store using our school ID at checkout and Steller will receive 5% back in credits

Steller School ID:   70000032

3 Easy Steps

1.  Shop Online –
2.  At the last checkout page, enter “BTS 70000032” in the Additional Order Information section.  Just type it in the comments box.
3.  For a more permanent association with Office Depot, create an account, and have customer service associate Steller School with your account.  They will ask for State, Zip and School Name. This way you can set it and forget it.

Steller Auction Committee Needs You!

Steller Parent Group is very excited to be planning our first major fundraising event since January of 2020!

We have been operating on funds raised at that event since then, and our account is in need of replenishing! The tentative plan is to host an evening event with drinks and appetizers, and featuring a silent and live auction of items donated from Anchorage businesses and the Steller community.  

We need a strong group of dedicated members of our community to help with the following:

  • Co-chair or chair (we have one person willing to lead who would like a co-chair)
  • Treasurer
  • Graphics and Communication
  • Donation Procurement 
  • Auction Software Expert
  • Basket Creation 
  • Decorations 
  • Volunteer Coordinator 

If you have experience in any of these, or want to learn, we would love to hear from you! Planning an event like this is lots of hard work, but is also lots of fun, and so rewarding. Email Kirsten at .

Funds raised from the Auction are used by SPG to pay for the following:

  • Grants (Intensives, Travel Intensives, Program Support, Student and Staff requests)
  • School hosted events (like Aurora music festival and sophomore breakfast)
  • SPG hosted events (like Steller BBQ and All Community Meetings)
  • SPG operational costs (insurance, website domain etc)

Submitted by Kirsten (Communications)

Thank You for Your Generosity

Last week Steller Outreach Group students, with the support of Steller Parent Group, launched our fundraising campaign “Steller Cups for Kids” and it was a great success! 

Despite the cold weather we had almost a dozen student and parent volunteers before and after school each day, passing out coffee/cocoa along the pickup/drop off line, and sharing with parents how they can donate to our check-writing campaign.

If you would like to learn more about how Steller Parent Group uses the funds we raise please see here. 

We are grateful for the generous donations we have already received and will be running “Cups for Kids” until December 15th (although we happily accept donations at any time throughout the year!). 

There are three easy ways to donate:

  1. Write a check to Steller Parent Group and drop off or mail to the office.
  2. Use this QR Code
  3. Visit the Steller Website

Cups for Kids Fundraising Campaign

Dear Steller Community,

Tomorrow is the first day of the Steller Cups for Kids Fundraising Campaign!

Students will be handing out coffee/cocoa before and after school all week, sharing their stories of how Steller Parent Group funds have affected their experiences at Steller, and collecting donations.

You can  make a donation in person or from the comfort of your own home.

To make sure traffic flow is smooth and safe parents are welcome to:

1.Park in the main parking lot or along the road, and join us for a little visit in front of the school. 

2. If you prefer we can bring a coffee/cocoa right to your car in the drop off/pick up line.

During these three days please make sure you are extra careful as you drive through the drop off/pick up line and help keep our students safe. 

The Fundraising Campaign will be happy to collect donations until December 15!

For more information about Cups for Kites please see our post on the Steller Parent Group Website, and while you are there, don’t forget to subscribe to Flash so you can stay up-to-date on Steller Parent Group events, volunteer opportunities and more. 

Use this QR Code and donate now! 

Warm regards,

SPG Fundraising Committee and Steller Student Outreach



Write-a-Check Fundraiser “Steller Cups for Kids”

Steller Parent Group and the Steller Student Outreach Group are planning our first “Write-a-Check” Fundraising Campaign from November 22 to December 14. 

Your support is critical. As you may know, SPG has not been able to do any fundraising since January of 2020 due to COVID. We hope to take the pressure off of parents and students to organize, buy and sell things or attend events, and simply to ask you to donate what you can. ($25 to $50 per family is suggested and would help us meet our goal of $6000). 

———- Three Easy Ways to Donate ————-

  • Write a Check to “Steller Parent Group” and drop off between the 22  and 24, or leave in the SPG mailbox before December 14. 

  • Steller Parent Group Website 

  • In person (using Square)between November 22 and 24 

Steller Students will be handing out coffee/cocoa along the drop off/pick up line outside and sharing their stories of how Steller Parent Group funding has positively impacted their experiences at school on the following dates:

Monday November 22 Tuesday November 23 Wednesday November 24
8:10 to 8:30 8:10 to 8:30 8:10 to 8:30
2:15 to 2:40 2:15 to 2:40 2:15 to 2:40

Other ways to Donate

Your everyday purchases can also generate donations to our school and support SPG!  See here for more information about Fred Meyer and Amazon community donations. 


With your generous donations and support, Steller Parent Group will be able to continue providing the following kinds of things for Steller Students, Staff, and Families (these are just examples, actual expenses are requested and approved throughout the year):

SPG Operational Expenses
  • Insurance
  • Website/Flash
  • Fundraising expenses
SPG Hosted Expenses
  • Back to School BBQ 2022
  • Staff appreciation Fall and Spring
  • Ice cream social
School Hosted Expenses
  • Senior Breakfast 
  • Activity Day
  • Steller Olympics
  • Intensives
  • Travel intensives
  • Program support (ie travel expenses for Band, books, and art supplies)

If you would like to volunteer to help before or after school please see the form here.

We thank you for your generous support!

Students from Steller Outreach Group and Leigh Anne

SPG Fundraising Committee – Amy Dummann and Dee Dee Zobian


100% of your donations benefit the Steller Community, and are eligible for tax deduction (Tax ID 06-1760342). If you would like a receipt please contact

2021-2022 Steller Parent Group Budget Passed

October 25, 2021

Dear Steller Community,

At the start of the 2021 school year SPG established a Finance Committee that includes:

  • SPG Chair, SPG Treasurer, SPG Treasurer Elect, Member at Large, and a Teacher. 

The Committee presented the budget at the Steller Parent Group meeting on October 14, and shared it to the wider community by email October 18 (Vote for Steller Parent Group Budget 2021-2022).  All members of the community were invited to vote on the Draft Budget, which contained the provision that we will revisit the Budget in January or February in light of new budget needs (particularly Travel Intensives) and fundraising plans. 

A total of 44 people voted, with 38 votes for and 6 against thereby passing the budget as presented. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the process, and for the feedback we have received. 

Since the SPG Meeting a group of students as well as one parent have stepped forward to help plan fundraising activities, and we have received a few suggestions from the community as well. 

We are working hard to figure out how to meet our fundraising needs and especially support Travel Intensives, which we believe are at the heart of Steller values, while respecting the fact that many in our community feel overextended and time constrained in their own personal lives. It is our hope to plan a few smaller, easier events so that time commitments might be more reasonable for volunteers, and so that the financial ask of our community is not burdensome as well. 

We hope to share our plans with you shortly and welcome anyone who would like to join us. Particularly if you have experience with running auctions, which we would still like to consider as a possibility. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out at 

Warm regards,


Vote for Steller Parent Group Budget Now!


In 2021 the Steller Finance Committee (Chair, Treasurer, Member at large) created a DRAFT BUDGET.

In a typical year most money raised through Parent Group goes to four areas:

  • SPG Operational expenses
  • Steller Parent Group expenses (Welcome BBQ, Staff Appreciation etc)
  • School expenses ( Souper Steller, Ice Cream Social, Steller Olympics etc.)
  • Grants:
    • Steller Travel Intensives 
    • Intensives 
    • Program Support (Band trips, art supplies etc)
    • Passages & Special Projects

The DRAFT budget for 2021-2022 was presented at the SPG meeting on October 14.  You can read the Meeting Minutes Here.

The letter accompanying the DRAFT budget for 2021-2022 explains more about the circumstances for the budget. Please read it carefully. 

All members of the community are invited to review the attached Budget, and then vote “Yay” to
accept the budget as presented *with the provision we will revisit it in January or February* in
light of new budget needs and fundraising plans. Or “nay”. If you vote nay you will be provided
an opportunity to make suggestions – given the funds we currently have on hand. The vote
closes at 10 pm on Wednesday, October 20. The budget will be passed with a simple majority of
total votes.

Steller Parent Group is a charitable 501(c)3 organization to which contributions are tax-deductible. To learn more about how to support SPG please see here

Warm regards, 

Kirsten Tschofen

Join the Quiz Night Planning Team!

Steller Parent Group hasn’t been able to fundraise since January 2020, and our funds are running low.

We want to be able to continue to support all the great programs and opportunities we have in the past, so are planning our first fundraiser/community building event some sometime before the winter holidays.

All grade 7 to 12 students are invited to lead the planning for this awesome night. We need students with a variety of talents:

  • Organizational
  • Talking to adults
  • Decorating/set up
  • Artistic
  • Trivia
  • Quiz Master(s)
  • And so much more! 

Meet in Leigh Ann’s class 12:00 pm Wednesday, October 13.

(Parents are invited to come along and support as well! Please let Kirsten know if you will attend at

Join an SPG Committee!


Thank you to everyone – students & adults –  who have used the Sign Up Genius to indicate their interest in volunteering this year. We are excited at how many people have already stepped up!

We are still looking to fill a few committees. Indicating interest in these three groups doesn’t mean you are committing to a leadership position, and you can chose to only help out for one event or activity. 

We especially need a few people – students and adults – with ideas for the Fundraising Committee so that we can create our budget this year.  If we don’t raise any funds we will be limited in how much support we can offer for things like intensives and events and activities. If you are interested please email 

