Category Archives: Donations
A Steller Community Event: Beartooth Movie/Silent Auction
The Hunger Games
3/30/25 at 4pm
Get your tickets now at
A SPG Silent Auction at the movie event
Steller Families, Do you have a cabin or excursion to share? Please consider donating to SPG’s small silent auction (email
Looking forward to a fun evening with our Steller community!
Please check out the latest news from Steller Parent Group
1. Cups for Kids
At the recent SPG meeting, a random drawing was held of all those who donated to Cups for Kids. Three winners will be notified shortly and will receive prizes including SteamDot coffee, a handmade mug from Leigh Ann, and more.
Big thanks to SteamDot, Leigh Ann, and Carly (for organizing the prizes)
2. FashionPact
Please remember that bins for gently used clothes or home items are being collected at Steller until 11/27/24. Please bring your donations to school until then. After that, bring items to either of the 2 FashionPact locations, and mention SPG!
3. “Student Technology” Ad Hoc Committee
Please join this SPG ad hoc committee. The committee is also looking for a Chair or Co-Chair. We will consider cell phone and social media issues that directly impact students. The 1st meeting is: Monday, 12/2/24 at 6pm. Please contact for the address (or for more info).
4. Fundraising Meeting
SPG’s next fundraising meeting is Monday 12/16/24, 6-7pm
* please note date change!
Contact for the address or attend via zoom
5. November Meeting Minutes
The draft minutes from SPG’s recent meeting have been posted to the website. Lots of good info, including the Principal Report and Funding Approvals, so please check it out.
6. Chaperones Needed
“Steller Night In” is coming soon – on 11/23/24. Parents of juniors and seniors please sign up!!!
Thank you!
SPG Meeting (Tuesday), social gathering, & FashionPact
SPG is holding the monthly board meeting Tuesday (today) 6-7:30 pm at school and via Zoom
After the meeting, please join us at Matanuska Brewing Co. for a no-host gathering. We’d love a chance to get to know each other better, meet new friends, and have some fun.
Looking forward to seeing you!
And…please find bins near the office for donations of clothing and home items to FashionPact
SPG receives 30% of the proceeds!
Donate to Fashion Pact & Choose SPG
Cups for Kids – Let’s make our goal!
Huge thanks to everyone who has volunteered for and donated to SPG’s annual fundraiser!
So far, the campaign has brought in over $11,000!
If you have not yet donated to Cups for Kids, it’s not too late!
Donate now to support Steller’s amazing students and staff. Here’s a look at some of SPG’s recent funding approvals:
- $5000 – for December Travel Intensive
- $5,830 – to reduce the cost of other December Intensives (making many FREE to students)
- $350 – to the Weight Room
- $1200 – for Steller’s Back to School BBQ
- $400 – for Souper Steller
. . . with much more to come as the school year continues (including at least $7250 for Spring Intensives).
Many thanks!
Cups for Kids Fundraiser – UPDATE
Thank you so much to all who have donated to this year’s annual fundraiser!
We’re off to a good start, with over $2500 in donations!
For 2 more days, students & SPG will be delivering coffee and cocoa to your car during drop-off & pick-up. Please take a flyer home and consider donating the suggested amount of $120/student in order for SPG to make our goal of $16,000.
As an example of how your donated funds are put to work, at last night’s SPG meeting, nearly $6000 in funding requests were approved by Members in order to reduce the costs of Intensives this December (many becoming FREE) and toward special student-led projects (like the Weight Room).
Prizes! – If you donate online or by check (or, if you give us your name when you donate cash), you’ll be entered into a random drawing for a special bag of amazing goodies.
Big thank you to Steam Dot for supplying cups, coffee, and for adding to the prize bags!
NOTE: If you’ve already donated, you’re not interested in coffee/cocoa, and you prefer not to be bothered, put your flyer on your dashboard and we’ll pass you by.
Donations needed – Exercise Equipment
Contact to donate